Breast cancer survivor

Doing all clean eating now - any suggestions for a casseroles recipe so it will go all week? Any survivors out there battling weight due to Tamoxifen? Suggestions?


  • StacyMMo
    StacyMMo Posts: 17 Member
    Just wanted to say congratulations on surviving cancer! I am an 8 year survivor myself. Sorry I don't have an answer to your question. Cheers!
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    1) Congrats on surviving cancer! My mom has been cancer-free for 7 years (knock on wood). It was a long road to get her back...

    2) The only advice I have is from what I've heard from her. She's not on Tamoxifen, but an other version of med like it (I think she had an allergic reaction awhile back) that makes it hard to lose weight. She had to clean up her diet and walk 45 minutes a day just to lose the "Chemo" weight (which I think was about 40lbs). She's pretty close to goal now, but she notices when she slips up (eats more, bad, doesn't workout) the weight comes back. It is possible if you are diligent in logging your food, keeping near your calorie rang and working out. And she's 61 in a few days!
  • grady123
    grady123 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats, I just celebrated my 10 year mark cancer free, I to put on weight from Tamoxifen, and I am still trying to loss, but the way I look at it, I may be a few pounds heavier, but I am healthy and alive. So don't put to much worry into lossing, it will come off just keep eating right and exercise.
  • rosina0015
    rosina0015 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats survivor! I've been cancer free for almost two years!

    I didn't have to take Tamoxifen but I the pre-chemo steroids made me gain so much weight. Oh boy was I round.

    Anyway, to your question - are you eating meat? If so I have a really good healthy casserole recipe. It may not be totally "clean" but you can sub out some of the ingredients.

    Ground Turkey, One can each of - Black Beans (drained & rinsed), Corn, Green Chile, Kidney Beans, diced tomatoes, Chili Powder, Cumin, S&P, corn tortillas, and cheese.

    Basically I mix all of the ingredients together - except the tortillas. Then heat up the corn tortillas to get them soft. And layer - kind of like a lasagna. I wish I had measurement ingredients for you but my family loves this and it's good for you too, it goes a long way. I really don't use a lot of cheese in it.
  • sgfoster110
    sgfoster110 Posts: 57 Member
    My wife had breast cancer. She had chemo. She is a 3 year survivor. She refused Tamoxifin and is doing well. Tamoxifin messes with your homones. She went to a Bio-dentical doctor and he has got her back to her normal self and desires. It takes work, but you have to be your own advocate.
  • kittenpickles
    kittenpickles Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a 12 year survivor! Congrats and yes I recall the gain with meds, I ended up doing a big herbal cleanse and went with whole foods and no processed sugars/carbs, which helped me los excess. Ended up conceiving twins though, so that put a big ixnay on my lower cals...I found lots of info online, I think there's a PDF book I can send you about the cleanse :) much luck and happy to see other survivors on here