Hot yoga

I'm excited to try it this weekend, I have never been, I know I need lots of water before so I do t pass out. Any good advice to fully enjoy it?


  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    Hot yoga is awesome! I'd love to teach it (I teach vinyasa yoga) but there's no facility around me to do it with. Make sure you bring a towel and lightweight, comfortable clothes. You will be sweating...a lot. Also, don't forget to cool your body down a little before stepping outside if you are in a wintery area. You can shock your body going from super hot to super cold.

    Good luck and have lots of fun!
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you so much for your help, I am so excited! I wish I didn't have to wait til the weekend!
  • Aresende90
    Aresende90 Posts: 70 Member
    edited February 2015
    I did Bikram Yoga for about a year. I can't go now because I moved and the studio location (40mins away) makes it impossible to fit a 90 minute class into my schedule...its sucks. . . I loved it! It's so refreshing. Just remember it's ok to lie down. I'm a perfectionist so when I first started I pushed myself to do the whole glass even if I had a pounding headache (becasue of the heat) or felt dizzy. After a few months I learned to listen to my body and lie down when needed and in the end performed better for it. . and you will get better at it the more you go! Have fun and stay hydrated!
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited February 2015
    I did it and loved it, but the studio is really far from my house. Get a Yogitoes towel. I was slipping and sliding all over the place without it.

    Avoid gray pants: I looked like I peed myself when I was done.
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Aresende90 wrote: »
    Just remember it's ok to lie down. I'm a perfectionist so when I first started I pushed myself to do the whole glass even if I had a pounding headache (becasue of the heat) or felt dizzy. After a few months I learned to listen to my body and lie down when needed and in the end performed better for it. . and you will get better at it the more you go! Have fun and stay hydrated!
    Yes- this! Though its relaxing, it is challenging (but in a fun way! :smile: ) Do not push yourself too hard- childs pose may be your friend the first couple rounds; and make sure your form is correct- otherwise you can hurt yourself. The instructors (at least the ones that I have had throughout the years) are very good at adjusting when needed.
    -I <3 LOVE hot yoga. If it weren't so damn expensive, I would go everyday!
  • redheadedyogi
    redheadedyogi Posts: 5 Member
    Echoing what the ladies above said, my advice to newbies is first and foremost "listen to your body." We're all built differently, and every day varies from the last. Your main goal in your first hot yoga class is just to stay in the room the entire time. Even if you're just sitting, lying, or standing still, letting your body to adjust to the heat is a major challenge. Hope you have a great time!
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Not much more to add except get in the room early to adjust to the heat. And especially if you're in a cold climate, bring a full set of dry clothes to change into and a 2nd dry towel. I was covered in sweat.

    And, yes, rest if needed - 90 minutes is a long class!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited February 2015
    Take some electrolytes before class. Very light clothing. Iced water bottles. Don't compare yourself to others. Be in the zone with yourself :)

    Hot yoga keeps me humbler. It never fails to remind me what I need to improve (yes, hip mobility. ouch!)
  • Deedee1111111
    Deedee1111111 Posts: 66 Member
    Hydrate for sure! And take breaks to sip on your water during class as well if you need to. I've been going 5-6 times/week for about 5 weeks now and I absolutely love it (combined with eating healthy, I've already lost 5 pounds!). My favourite part about it is that there is no competition. Everyone's body is different, and even your body is different every day - so you just do your best every single time you go, and that is good enough.

    Watch for over-stretching your knees. The heat makes everything a little more pliable, which can be dangerous if you push yourself too hard too fast.

    Good luck, and enjoy! Let us know how it goes.
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    great suggestions above. I like to wear a headband/sweatband to help keep the sweat from dripping into my eyes. I use 2 towels, one to wipe sweat and one on top of mat for cool down. drink plenty of fluids before and after, sip during it also. I hope you enjoy it! let us know how you did!
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    Hot yoga was amazing!!! Thanks you all! I will definitely be going back very soon!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    did it for about a year. too expensive for me, but miss it dearly. i always had two water bottles. one filled about 3/4 of the way and frozen solid, then filled with cold water. one frozen about a quarter of the way, then filled with cold water. i would drink the quarter ice one first, then when that was gone, i would drink the 3/4 frozen bottle, which was now melted and a becoming less and less ice, but still super cold water. our instructor would always open the door that lead outside, so i liked to be near that so i could feel the ten seconds of outdoor air.

    two towels, as many have mentioned. change of clothes, or additional towel to protect seats in car. listen to your body, don't be afraid to sit a pose out if you are unsure what to do. drink a lot of water the day before and the day after. eat something before you go, i used to go in the morning, so i needed something to eat since i hadn't eaten since the night before. depending on when you go, adjust your meals accordingly.

    as mentioned, listen to your body. relax and have fun.