Women who lift.....

What is your exercise routine? How many calories/protein do you eat per day?


  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    I have four different lifting routines.

    Quad Day: Squats, Lunges, Leg Press, Leg Extension

    Back/Shoulders: Military Press, Lat Pulldowns, Rows upon rows (different kinds), Standard back cable machine, more presses, t-ups (not sure what you call these), Clean and Press, etc. etc.

    Hamstring/Glute Day: Sumo Deadlifts, Straight Leg Dead Lifts, Hyper Extension, Good Mornings, Cable Kickbacks, Glute Bridges

    Chest/Tricep: Bench Press, Dips, Pushups, Flys, DB Press, Tricep Rope Pulldowns, Skull Crushers, Tricep Extension

    The days can vary based on time and what's available, but that's the jist of it. I usually have one rest day a week, but I go in this order for all my lifting days. Sometimes I'll throw in a bicep/abs/calves day since I don't really train those.

    I generally eat at least 1700 calories a day but it depends on how much cardio I do that day too. I definitely fall off and cheat a lot though. Tracking is hard because I travel for work but I mostly stay on track. I'm about 183lbs and 5'4, for reference. And I lift heavy.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    edited February 2015
    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I train ~3-4 times/week, for about 3-4 hours at a time.

    Sometimes, I throw some weight lifting in there, but I find it insanely dull, so I never keep with it. But when I do, it's the main lifts: Dead lift, bench press, squats, and then pullups/chinups for good measure. Hammer curls if I'm feeling vain ;)

    I've been at maintenance for a few years now, so I pretty much leave MFP's calorie goals as if I were cutting, but then eat whatever I want. I know to slow down once I've hit the "goal", and will allow myself to cheat, which typically brings me up to maintenance. Some days, I go crazy, other days, I don't cheat at all, so I stay at equilibrium.

    Other than that, I just try to eat 40/30/30 (carbs, fats, protein), and everything's been ok for about 2 years now. Steady body composition, steady weight, and my training has been going great!

    Edit: Oh dammit, I didn't notice it was specifically for women. Can I delete this? Sorry, ladies of MFP! :sweat_smile:
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Haha, no problem, Rand! Good information, anyway!

    I am 5'7" and 141 pounds. I just started strength training 3 weeks ago with kettlebells. I love them! I do 2 days of lower body, 2 days of upper body, and 2 days of core work.

    I also lift as heavy as I can, which isn't a lot right now, since I just started.

    I eat around 1400 calories a day, but am wondering if I need to up it. I eat about 100 grams of protein, but I'm thinking I could eat more...?
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Right now I have a back day, bi day, chest/tri day, and a shoulder day. I usually lift on Tues, Thurs and Friday and just hit all the body parts and start over. Sometime I will combine back/bi but I like to get in and out of the gym so usually not. I do a lot of plyos for my lower body and weights but in a group setting along with sprint, stair work.My calories are set at about 1650 in MFP so I try to stay around there. My protein varies. I've been slacking in that area. Looking back at my diary it's varied from 80 to 130.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Exercise is 3x a week, Mon/Wed/Fri. I follow Sheiko for squats + bench, and Coan/Phillipi for deadlifts. So, squat+bench on Monday and Friday, deadlifts+bench on Wednesday. Plus accessories. It usually takes me around 2-2.5 hours depending on how heavy I go, how difficult it is and how many sets I'm doing that day.

    My calories are usually around 2600-2800 to maintain (although I'm not logging right now), around 23/2400 to lose, and 3000ish if I want to gain. Protein, is 100g minimum, averaging 130-140ish. I don't really focus a lot on it, especially as I'm not logging half the time, but that's what it ends up when I do. I eat a decent amount of meat, every day. So despite not having supplements for it, protein isn't really something I worry about too much.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited February 2015
    I alternate between two full body routines three days a week and then do an extra lower body on Saturday. I also walk on the treadmill 4x/wk.

    Routine A: bench press/barbell hip thrust superset, row/front squat superset, Romanian deadlifts, lying side abductions

    Routine B: overhead press/barbell glute bridge superset, lat pulldown (or assisted pull-ups if I'm at home)/goblet squat superset, sumo deadlifts, lying side abductions

    Lower body - generally 3 sets of hip thrusts or glute bridges, squats or step ups, pushups, and chin ups. It's kind of my make it up as I go along day and a day to try new exercises.

    My maintenance calories are around 2200 and I'm currently averaging 1870. I try to average at least 120 grams of protein per day. I'm 148 pounds.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    Aliciaaah wrote: »
    I have four different lifting routines.

    Quad Day: Squats, Lunges, Leg Press, Leg Extension

    Back/Shoulders: Military Press, Lat Pulldowns, Rows upon rows (different kinds), Standard back cable machine, more presses, t-ups (not sure what you call these), Clean and Press, etc. etc.

    Hamstring/Glute Day: Sumo Deadlifts, Straight Leg Dead Lifts, Hyper Extension, Good Mornings, Cable Kickbacks, Glute Bridges

    Chest/Tricep: Bench Press, Dips, Pushups, Flys, DB Press, Tricep Rope Pulldowns, Skull Crushers, Tricep Extension

    The days can vary based on time and what's available, but that's the jist of it. I usually have one rest day a week, but I go in this order for all my lifting days. Sometimes I'll throw in a bicep/abs/calves day since I don't really train those.

    I generally eat at least 1700 calories a day but it depends on how much cardio I do that day too. I definitely fall off and cheat a lot though. Tracking is hard because I travel for work but I mostly stay on track. I'm about 183lbs and 5'4, for reference. And I lift heavy.

    I pretty much have the exact same split, except I pop biceps in on back day instead of shoulders.

    I've started this only recently: I eat at my maintenance calories (1710 or so) but don't track my exercise, since it's mostly lifting. If I do cardio, I just consider it a bonus deficit. I try to get between 25-30% protein and let the rest fall where it may. I do notice that eating primarily veggies as my carbs instead of breads, rice, etc allow me to lean out quicker.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I do StrongLifts 5x5 Tues, Thurs, Sat.
    I also play roller derby and practice 5-8 hrs a week (usually 5).
    I eat about 1670 calories a day, and that is an approx 20% deficit. I aim for over 100 g of protein a day, and let the rest fall where it may. Some days are higher on carbs, some are higher on fats. I eat a pretty good variety of foods, so it all evens out in the end. I still eat white rice and pasta, just smaller portions than I used to.

    I am 5'0" and 134 lbs.
  • nicoleromine
    nicoleromine Posts: 92 Member
    I lift three times a week, alternating between 2 different routines.

    A Routine - Squat, bench, pushups, planks
    B Routine - Pullups, deadlift, push press, leg lunges, leg raises.

    I'm sort of unhappy with my programming right now, so I'm researching and reading up on different ones (I'm strongly leaning towards Wendler 531). I also do a 15 to 60 minute yoga routine 6 days a week. I'm only doing a short HIIT cardio session once a week.

    Currently I'm on a bulk, and I'm eating at 2650 calories a day. I maintain on 2400 calories. (For context I'm 5'9" and 150 pounds). No matter what I try to hit 100 grams of protein, but realistically I'm closer to 130 grams a day currently.
  • kellyj0729
    kellyj0729 Posts: 44 Member
    I just started with a trainer recently so I am new to lifting. Have been doing a variety of upper body (pull ups, rows, pushups, some things I don't know the name for!) and lower body (deadlifts, back squats with barbell, pushing weighted sled). Anyway, she says no complex carbs for awhile (bread, pasta, rice) and to aim for 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight. I am 5'3'' and 130 lbs right now. MFP has me at 1,510 calories a day. I also do cardio 2x week and Bikram yoga 3x week.