new determined first time user.

First time using this app. Im very determined to keep it up. I have set myself 2 stone loss initially and see how it goes from there. Feel free to follow


  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Bit more about me. 35 years old. Married Dad of 3. Let myself go over the last 18 months. Putting over 2.5 stones on...not good!!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Hey! Welcome!!!

    I love MyFitnessPal and I hope you will too. Its has helped me lose over a 100lbs and keep it off and I hope the same success for you!
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi thanks for the positive words, and well done on your massive loss!! Im was up to 16 stone on my first weigh in. Ideally looking to get around the 13.5 mark. I WILL DO IT ha ha
  • ElizabethGoGoGo
    ElizabethGoGoGo Posts: 83 Member
    I want to lose 12 kilos too! I gained them in 3 years after moving to the USA...yeah...I know :) I guess I let myself go too and the eating habits I acquired here don't help and we just drive everywhere! Whereas in Chile I used to walked like 1 or 2 hours per day. Welcome! Let's be mfp friends and motivate each other. I'm married and a parent too.
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, thanks and good luck with yourweight loss too. This app and community seem great ways to easily monitor and track your eating habbits, hopefully seeing the daily totals adding up will be a good motivator.
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    5 days in by the way. Dont know why but all seems to be easier this time. Nust need to stay focused
  • swechter
    swechter Posts: 2 Member
    This app is fabulous. I have been focused for 11 days now and have lost 5.5 pounds. Don't expect to keep up that kind of pace, but i'm off to a good start!
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Yes definately helps keep focused. I use the fitbit app and flex wristband too. Prob not very accurate but still seems to motivateme so all is good.