Packed lunches!

fairweather2 Posts: 24 Member
I'm sure this has been a topic a million times before so forgive me but always looking for new inspiration :-)

I work the standard 9-5 office job and out of sheer laziness usually end up getting lunch out... and while so far I've managed to meet my goals doing this it's wreaking havoc on my bank account, as well as getting quite samey!

SO this weekend I'm going to make myself go out and buy 5 boxes and make some lovely lunches for the week! The main criteria being: around 400 cals, will keep in the fridge for the week, can survive a trip to work in my bag, the more protein the better and most importantly tastes of awesomeness. I do have a microwave at work to reheat if need be.

So lovely people please let me have your best pre-prepped packed lunch recipes and I'll repay you in love and gratitude!!


  • penquin53
    penquin53 Posts: 1 Member
    My favorite meal of the day is lunch! So it is highly upsetting for me when I have to go out and get something not so good for you (even if it is a fast food salad). I have done my best to get lunch time down to a science, and it's still hard.

    Most of the time, when I make dinner, I make enough servings for lunch the next day. But there are days when the dinner from the night before is not enough. I've taken a lot of inspiration for lunch from Japanese Bento boxes. Less about the recipes and more about the small portions of foods.

    I use different ingredients in my bentos. I include a lot of different things like boiled eggs, Starkist tuna pouches, sliced tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, cubed cheese, lettuce leaves, olives, hummus, carrots, etc. Mostly finger foods that I've prepared myself. When I started doing it, I never thought it would be very filling, but it fills me up quickly!

    If you need some ideas, search Pinterest or google. Here's a couple of pictures of my past lunches:



  • 9tailnaruto
    9tailnaruto Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    Fairweather2 - Are you specifically looking for hot lunches or will cold lunches do?

    I'm the same way where I just don't feel like making lunch, so I force myself to prep and pack when I'm making dinner the night before or on Sundays. I find salad to be the best and easiest thing to make. I do spinach, spring mix, and arugula...then I add shaved carrots, red and yellow peppers, diced onions, diced portobello mushrooms, chopped tomatoes, sometimes a boiled egg, sunflower seeds or shaved almonds, chow main for texture, craisins for a sweet element (not too many just a few), NO cheese (which makes me so sad, but it's for the greater good), and baked chicken...cooled and chopped. The dressing is that of your choice...I find a vinaigrette - light ranch mix to be perfect! And with your choices of vinaigrette you get variety in an otherwise mundane lunch.

    Now...I know you're reading this like - who is going through all that cutting everyday for salad? I do it all on Sunday - divide the salad into 5 air tight containers, and keep the containers far from the light in the refrigerator. Monday - Friday I just grab the salad and the dressing mixture of my choice and run for the train!

    Now if you're just fed up with salads, I do a few other things for lunch as well.

    Also, are you opposed to having Greek yogurt for lunch? Start with plain Greek yogurt...I'm a fan of Fage. Add granola, some shaved almonds, a bit of honey or fruit compote and - voila! Lunch! Protein packed and not too heavy. I normally have this when I'm going out to dinner after work. Just make sure not to drop it on you...Greek yogurt doesn't come out without a good wash.

    Also don't forget to snack - I take chopped carrots almost everyday...or broccoli...or cauliflower...and some type of fruit - grapes are easy and pair well with almonds. These are good for those post lunch, not quite 5 o'clock cravings. And, these are all things you can prep on Sunday that will last in the fridge for a week!!!

    Best of luck to you!

  • fairweather2
    fairweather2 Posts: 24 Member
    I knew you guys would have some awesome advice!! Thanks! :)

    @penquin53, those look delicious! I have played around with salads before but always end up putting in the same things and getting bored so those are some great ideas. Pinterest is a always good too but makes me hungry haha ;-)

    @9tailnaruto‌, either hold or cold works. I think pre-prepping on Sundays is the best idea, that's my plan for tomorrow! Just bought a few containers so I can make a few lunches for the week. I don't mind having the same thing for a few days if it's tasty! Never thought of adding craisins to a salad but might have to give that a go now!

    Fage Greek yoghurt is so good!!! I'm always having that just on its own ha... Adding stuff is a great idea though.
  • piggykitty76
    I am going to try and plan out my menu and execute it on Sunday to be prepared for next week. Fingers crossed that I actually get it done this time, lol!
  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    I second the idea of planned-overs and will pre-package them before bringing the rest of the meal to table to make sure we don't eat lunch by mistake. I like to skip a day so Saturday's salmon, potatoes and green beans dinner = Monday Lunch, Sunday's stew = Tuesday & Thursday lunch et c.

    The rest of the time lunch is salads, sandwiches, and soup that I've frozen in individual portions. Add a smaller salad or piece of fruit + a slice of bread or a few crackers with cheese or hard-boiled eggs or tuna and you are set.

    You might want to look up Mason Jar Salads. is one resource. They really do keep well. I'm too much of a clutz, and my lunch bag tends to fall over in the car so I don't pre-dress mine.

    On occasion we've made sandwich kits (All of the fillings pre-portioned into boxes) and the bread separately so it doesn't get soggy. For us (in part because of limited fridge space) making lunch has become part of cleaning up after dinner rather than something to do ahead on the weekend.

  • txrn123
    txrn123 Posts: 47 Member
    May not be what you are looking for but I've found the repackaged mini salads at Trader Joes or Whole Foods to be a good lunch. I try to pick out a variety so I have 3 or 4 in stock...all different kinds so I don't get bored. I'm a vegetarian so I stay away from any with meat. But they do have a flavorful not-really-chicken mixed with some kind of sauce that is good. I've also found regular egg salad to put on pita bread as well as spicy egg salad. Yeah, I could make them at home probably, but pre packaged, grab on the go is more convenient for me.
  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
    edited February 2015
    A fruit smoothie (frozen strawberries, blueberries, half a banna), baby carrots and some sort of dip, turkey sandwich with lettuce and mustard, a hard boiled egg.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I pack up all my lunches for the week on Sunday as well. I like to bring things like salads, roast vegetables with vinegrette on the side, baked fish, baked or grilled chicken, rice and beans, wraps, etc. I just bring the components for sandwiches/wraps and put it together when I'm ready to eat. Hope this helps.
  • ms_milo
    ms_milo Posts: 4 Member
    Making lunches stresses me out, so I stick to prepackaged options. I like to alternate between lean cuisine frozen meals and Progresso Light soups for the main entree. Some snacks I include could be: hard boiled eggs, frozen fruit/yogurt/Fiber One granola parfaits, string cheese, piece of fruit, veggies & hummus. I was packing Fiber One bars/brownies for awhile, but they make me gassy and turn on my sweet tooth for the rest of the day, so I'm going to stop buying them. Next grocery trip I'm buying sliced turkey breast and pickles as snack options.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    You could also do soup. Whenever you make soup freeze some extra portions (in single serving freezer/microwave safe containers). Take it out in the morning, toss in your bag/box and you don't even need an ice pack. This would also work for many things including leftovers especially if you like a lot of variety. I freeze cooked chicken, meatballs, baked egg dishes, burritos, etc...there are some pretty great freezer cooking sites if you google them.