Would be good to talk to others

Hi there I'm a 41 mum of three 19 year old girl a 9 year old boy and a 8 year old boy plus I have a three year old grandchild .... I suffer with a chronic pain problem after several surgeries over the last eight years which makes it difficult to exercise. However I'm determined to get the rest of this weight off me I've already lost 7 stone after putting on an enormous amount with steroids etc after surgeries ... We've all heard the saying the spirit is will but the body is weak.... Its a literal thing in my case lol..... I'm looking for a diet buddies and people to motivate me as I can them.... I'm happy and upbeat so I'm determine therefore will encourage you I really need to loose this weight for health reasons ... Plus just gone through a break and have to get my life back on track!!!! ...... Happy weightloss to all xxxx


  • GatesOfDelirium
    Good morning to you! Sorry to hear of your pain and hope that can be alleviated. The 7 stone is one hell of an achievement so a 'high five' to that....do people still high five or am I no longer down wiv da kids? I got your back....
  • traceynsophie
    traceynsophie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm sure people still high five lol.. Thanks so much for your support x
  • noramills
    Hi!! I'm new in this... but I want to meet people that can motivate me to be healthy.
  • lots2live4
    lots2live4 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi to you too. I have three daughters, 20, 14, and 12 and a 1 year old grandson, whom I absolutely adore. I am also looking for more MFP friends, as a lot of my current ones don't log in anymore. Please feel free to add me. Congrats on your previous weight loss!
  • traceynsophie
    traceynsophie Posts: 10 Member
    That would be great thanks the more support the better x
  • Kellykiwi76
    Wow 7 stone, that is amazing! Keep it up :)
  • traceynsophie
    traceynsophie Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Hun .... But it's seems so much harder to carry on now :\ need much more motivation x