When did you first feel as though you were successful in losing weight?

I have been on MFP since October and am closing in on the 30 lb mark. This week I have finally dropped down into the next clothing size. Shirts that were tight on me not too long ago are now much looser. Today was the first time I stopped and thought, "I'm doing it!" I know I still have a long way to go until I get to my goal, but I am feeling really positive and successful.

How about you? What was your moment?


  • mariluc321
    Good for you!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    The first week...When I lost at the rate MFP was set to.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    The first week...When I lost at the rate MFP was set to.

    Bam! ^^This (sort of). I was using a lame-o calorie counting app before I found MFP, and was struggling to feel empowered (it had a terribly small database, mostly cup/spoon measurements, nothing matched nutrition labels, etc.). I found MFP and the heavens parted and the angels sang, o:)<3 . I knew I *was* going to succeed. And I did. And I continue to succeed in maintenance using this tool and all the collective wisdom and experience of the MFP community.

    For me, it's not 80/20 or 50/50 or whatever diet and exercise that contributes to success in fitness; it's 100% mind set, 100% education and support, and 100% dietary and fitness planning that is the recipe for our successes!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    The first hole I had to punch in the belt. I've punched 10 new ones now.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    When my once tight gym shirt became so loose you could see the roll any more!
  • jumblejups
    jumblejups Posts: 150 Member
    This past week. I have lost 11lb since I started 9 weeks ago, which is great and all, but it's actually seeing on Trendweight that I am consistently losing at around 1lb per week that has made me feel like I'm now successful - being able to see an established, steady, and sustainable rate of loss over some time shows that I am gradually heading towards my goal, it's not just a hope or a possibility.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited February 2015
    When my once tight gym shirt became so loose you could see the roll
    I know, right? Who knew I was a medium?

    The XL to (not)hide the gut wasn't fooling anyone - least of all myself. What was I thinking?

  • ek0513
    ek0513 Posts: 147 Member
    For me it's when I saw I had a 365 day logging streak on mfp. Before then I would obviously have the small victories of things like losing 35 lbs, or seeing comparison photos.. But when I actually reached a year of logging that's when I knew how awesome I am for being able to be consistent for an entire year. I never imagined that I would make it more than a month, because that's how my dieting has always been in the past. I am just so proud of myself for actually sticking with it!
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    when I started getting the "I can see a difference" comments. (around 13lbs)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    About a month in.
  • AHeartbeatBehind
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    About a month in.

    Thank you for saying this. I am feeling very discouraged lately. I started about 35 days ago at 150 lbs. I have not lost one pound since I started still at 150 lbs! I also have been keeping tape measurements and I have lost an inch here and there. I am feeling good but just kinda sad no weight has fallen off yet. I'll keep at it and hopefully the scale will start to reflect my efforts.
  • brandy__d_o
    brandy__d_o Posts: 7 Member
    When the black suit I've worn for years through weight ups and downs, was so big I couldn't wear it anymore. That was a few weeks ago and I've been feeling frustrated at the scale not moving lately when someone I hadn't seen in a few months gave me a big hug telling me how great I look and how impressed she was at my progress. When she asked what I was doing, it was great to tell her, eating right, minding my calories and exercising. She is a Physical Therapist. Hearing her positive feedback and comment that I was doing it the best way and setting myself up for long term success was encouraging.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    When my smallest pair of jeans fit again. BUT... 21 pounds and 10% of my starting weight down, I have days (today is one of them), I still feel like I haven't made any progress at all because I still have so far to go.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    edited February 2015
    Honestly, it never happened. The first time I lost weight (age 20) I lost 80 lbs through diet and exercise, FAST. As an undergrad university student I thought it totally reasonable to go to the school gym for 2 1.5 hour sessions per day, six days per week, and so I lost 80 lbs in about 6 months. Lowest weight was 170 but after "normalizing" from my deficit I evened out around 180. I NEVER felt like I was 180 lbs. I felt like I was 250 lbs and that everyone else was just being polite when they told me otherwise. Even after YEARS of <200 lb weight, in my head I was a 250 lb person.

    Eventually I re-gained a bunch of weight. This time around I have a better understanding of health and nutrition and lifestyle changes, and it also helps that I'm 30 and not 20 - my nights are 15 beers and post-bar pizza are behind me, for the most part, so I anticipate keeping it off this time. I've gone from 258.4 to 224.6 so far - in my head, I'm still pushing 260.

    I know that this kind of thought process might sound like a body image issue and, let's be honest, it probably is. But my goal is not and will never be 120 lbs, I LIVE to eat and would never want to restrict myself from the stuff I love, and as a silver lining, I think that this mentality will help motivate me to keep it off this time around.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    When I reached my first goal of losing 10 lbs. And when I continued and lost a total of about 25 lbs, changed my lifestyle for the better and have kept the healthy habits and weight off for 3+ years. :star:
  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    About a month in.

    Thank you for saying this. I am feeling very discouraged lately. I started about 35 days ago at 150 lbs. I have not lost one pound since I started still at 150 lbs! I also have been keeping tape measurements and I have lost an inch here and there. I am feeling good but just kinda sad no weight has fallen off yet. I'll keep at it and hopefully the scale will start to reflect my efforts.

    don't feel discouraged hun , for ages my weight went up and up then remained at 155lbs for ages, however I was losing so much from my waist, thighs and hips! Don't give up xx

  • wgw866
    When the belt that was too tight before on the last hole is now comfortable on the second last hole.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Not for a hundred pounds, when one day I was walking along and caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and went hey, skinny person!

    But I felt successful at fitness and health goals within the first two weeks. When my walks extended past 20 minutes, when I started to jog a little bit, when I noticed I wasn't dragging myself up and down stairs holding onto the rail. Many little things that added up.
  • melodyesch
    melodyesch Posts: 49 Member
    Honestly, it's just been this week. I am almost 4 weeks in and have lost a little less than 10 pounds. I've tried and failed so many times because I had it in my mind that I couldn't eat any carbs or that I had to keep it under 1200 calories (even if MFP said differently). I would go off track and then not get back on because I blew it.

    But after reading all of the success stories and advice on here, it finally hit me over the head that I was making it way too complicated and hard. So my goal was not to lose "x" pounds per week or whatever. My goal has been to just stay within the calorie goal that MFP set for me for one month. And I've done that and it's SO much easier.

    Yes, I can have potatoes. Yes, I can eat out. Yes, I can have an occasional drink. I can even have the occasional donut. I have done all of these things this month and have still lost weight. Why? Because I weighed and counted every single thing that went into my mouth and planned ahead for when I wanted something high in calories.

    I know I'm still in a honeymoon phase, but I tell ya, I think I got this!