fitbit flex

I just got my fit flex today. I would love to have friends.


  • leannezink
    I got the misfit a few weeks ago.I really like it.
  • Sidneysider
    Sidneysider Posts: 27 Member
    I got Fitbit today. Please help me use it. I don't go for walks or jogging. I do hula hooping, Jillian Michael 30 ds, slim in 6 and such things. Will it track the calories? The main reason I got it is to track my calories almost accurately. Today as soon as I activated it, there was 161 steps even before I wore it. Later it says 3 km walked which is impossible, I only walked ,probably, 0.5 km. what is going on? Also it doesn't sync with my Samsung galaxy. Of course it syncs well with iPad and laptops
  • Vcnett
    Vcnett Posts: 3 Member
    Im new to mine did the same let me know if you get the answer add me as a friend