Snacks at a desk job

I try to snack once before lunch and once after, to prevent being ravenously hungry for either meal. I'm struggling with thinking of a legit snack idea. I bought some granola bars but I don't want to fall back on those because they're expensive. I work at a desk job and I have access to hot water and a tiny fridge, if that helps at all. I do use a protein supplement shake but I drink one for breakfast and one after working out so I don't want to overdo it by using it for my snack too.


  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I don't snack.I think it's okay to be very hungry before a meal. That works for some and not for others.

    But if I did:

    Apples and cheese slices.
    Veggies and hummus
    Apples and peanut butter
    Firm fruit of other sorts (apples, banannas, etc.)
    A handful of nuts
    A bit of Gorp without the chocolate. (Nuts and dried fruit)

  • faburizu
    faburizu Posts: 32 Member
    I don't snack.I think it's okay to be very hungry before a meal. That works for some and not for others.

    But if I did:

    Apples and cheese slices.
    Veggies and hummus
    Apples and peanut butter
    Firm fruit of other sorts (apples, banannas, etc.)
    A handful of nuts
    A bit of Gorp without the chocolate. (Nuts and dried fruit)

    Thank you for the suggestions! The reason why I don't want to feel very hungry before a meal is that often when I am, the meal does not fill me up and I am still hungry afterward and I don't want to be tempted to binge later.

  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I used to eat granola a lot, before I found out it was a million calories every 10 grams. Now I eat Alpen bars (70 cals), Go Ahead breakfast biscuits (57 cals) and orange Club bars (116 cals) if I desperately want some chocolate. I sometimes have fruit but generally try to avoid perishables since I seem to spend all my time throwing out-of-date things away. Though I don't really know how affordable you'd consider those, I was only looking at the calories rather than the price when I bought them.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    i make salads - i make the same salad for 10am and for 3pm. Its lettuce, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes and a balsamic dressing. Each salad is only about 120 calories and it takes me ages to eat it so i feel like ive had a meal but its light enough that im ready for my lunch by 12.30 and my dinner at 6pm. Of course, I dont mind eating the same thing twice a day if i like the taste! I make both at home in the morning and pop them in the fridge at work until im ready for them
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    I keep a bowl of fruit on my desk, almonds-jerky-protein powder and canned chicken in a drawer in my desk, and other veggies in the fridge at work. THis way I am always prepared and I have no excuse to hit the free/unhealthy snacks my work provides.

    A guy I work with preps all his food -meals and snacks- at home on Sunday. Then each day he brings that days food. His snacks are usually veggies and tuna. He carries a large lunchbox to carry it all in and can put it in the fridge if there is room or leave it at his desk and it will stay cool with the ice packs.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I always have nuts, popcorn and fruit on hand at work. Also I carry a quest bar with me, in my bag.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    I keep a 18oz Barrel of Utz Pork Rinds in my draw.
  • annieo19732014
    annieo19732014 Posts: 56 Member
    I love Sugar Snap Peas, Only 37 calories for half a bag! x
  • jojooo714
    jojooo714 Posts: 5 Member
    I have snack bags that i fill during the weekends with portioned snacks. I usually take a portion of mixed nuts or fruit or berries for before lunch. I also will bring a protein shake for after lunch/pre-gym "snack".
  • andreamaym
    andreamaym Posts: 179 Member
    I literally snack all day long at my job, and also only have access to a kettle and small fridge. Here's what I enjoy:

    - protein bars
    - berries
    - greek yogurt
    - cheese string
    - goldfish crackers
    - peanut butter (I literally eat two spoonfulls right off the spoon)
    - oatmeal
    - tortillas and black bean dip

    Hope that helps!
  • mgtownsend71
    mgtownsend71 Posts: 49 Member
    faburizu wrote: »
    I try to snack once before lunch and once after, to prevent being ravenously hungry for either meal. I'm struggling with thinking of a legit snack idea. I bought some granola bars but I don't want to fall back on those because they're expensive. I work at a desk job and I have access to hot water and a tiny fridge, if that helps at all. I do use a protein supplement shake but I drink one for breakfast and one after working out so I don't want to overdo it by using it for my snack too.

    I have a handful of raw almonds (which is about 15) and if I need a snack before I work out at lunch I have a handful of almonds and a hard boiled egg, and I drink a full 24 oz of water with them. I have also had cut up red, orange or yellow bell peppers. I also work at a desk job
  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm the same, I need to have a small snack before lunch and one before dinner as well. I pack a small lunch box each morning with various items each day. Here's a list of a few snacks I've taken to work:

    Apple - plain
    Apple w/peanut butter
    Tuna and crackers - no salt
    Yoplait light yogurt
    Halo oranges
    Pretzel sticks
    Carrot sticks - no dip

    Once I did carry a bag of popcorn (light butter and sea salt) with me and shared it with the ladies I worked with.
  • unlikelyathlete
    unlikelyathlete Posts: 62 Member
    The people at work must think I'm crazy, because I bring in a HUGE bag of food on Mondays. I keep full meals and snacks that are healthy on hand all the time. I like having nuts and protein bars at my desk, and will also keep low fat cottage cheese cups, cheese sticks, snack sized bags of carrots, and containers of strawberries and blueberries in the fridge. Hot tea will also curb your appetite a little if you're just looking for something to tide you over to the next meal.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I have a car job...not totally unlike a desk job, but one where I want to snack often. I tend to pack my lunch (and sometimes breakfast) in things I can eat on the go. I track them all before I head out...

    apples sliced thin
    snap peas
    string cheese

    with or without "dips" hummus or peanut butter are my go to favorites...

    nonfat lattes are occasional splurges, not too high calorie (I don't add any syrup, maybe a splenda) and the protein actually does help curb hunger for me!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    faburizu wrote: »
    I try to snack once before lunch and once after, to prevent being ravenously hungry for either meal. I'm struggling with thinking of a legit snack idea. I bought some granola bars but I don't want to fall back on those because they're expensive. I work at a desk job and I have access to hot water and a tiny fridge, if that helps at all. I do use a protein supplement shake but I drink one for breakfast and one after working out so I don't want to overdo it by using it for my snack too.

    Have you tried eating breakfast, instead of drinking it? I find that days I drink a protein shake for breakfast (once or twice a month, if I'm in a hurry between the gym and work) I get hungry earlier.

    That said, I get a box of protein bars (Pure Protein from Wal-Mart is - around here, anyway - $6.27 for a box of six) and a 32 oz tub of vanilla Greek yogurt. It's under $5 and lasts four days. You might be able to make that tub last all five of the work week.
  • hellobirdie_xo
    hellobirdie_xo Posts: 31 Member
    I eat a lot of nuts / seeds (make sure you weigh them out rather than just tucking into the packet!), fruit rolls/fruit leather, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, apple & pb and popcorn.
    I drink a lot of water / tea as well which I think helps! I try keep a jar of low cal hot chocolate (i like the options one - dont know if you can get that anywhere outside of the UK!), which makes me feel like i've had a real treat for minimal calories if i crave chocolate! :)
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    faburizu wrote: »
    I try to snack once before lunch and once after, to prevent being ravenously hungry for either meal. I'm struggling with thinking of a legit snack idea. I bought some granola bars but I don't want to fall back on those because they're expensive. I work at a desk job and I have access to hot water and a tiny fridge, if that helps at all. I do use a protein supplement shake but I drink one for breakfast and one after working out so I don't want to overdo it by using it for my snack too.

    I also usually have two but sometimes I end up skipping one or having them both after lunch. I recommend snacking on something with protein it holds off hunger better for me.

    I eat a special K protein bar ( not as high cal as a lot of protein bars) Greek yogurt, fruit and on occasion peanut butter (I bring the jar and have a half a serving off a spoon).
  • rendash49221
    rendash49221 Posts: 39 Member
    I work a desk job and snack on things like apple slices and peanut butter, hummus and baby carrots, grapes and cheese, yogurt or cottage cheese. Right now, I've been eating Fiber One bars; I got a good deal on them at Costco. They fill me up and are not real high in calories.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I always need a mid morning snack and sometimes an afternoon depending upon what hours I'm working. This is what's in my desk drawer right now:
    Sweet and Spicy Tuna Packets
    Protein bars (Clif Builder bars and quest are my faves)
    Packet of instant oatmeal
    Dove dark chocolate (when a craving hits)
    Nuts occasionally
    I bring yogurts, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, and stuff like that for the fridge too.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Instant oatmeal packets. String cheese. baby carrots, apples, bananas