Feeling Positive

Hello everyone, I am very excited to have found this website. A co-worker of mine had told me to check it out and it was just the thing that I needed to get myself back on the wagon.

Last year I was working hard towards my weight loss goals, and I had them within reach, but then something happened. We went on a vacation to Las Vegas in late October and the holiday season was right after that. By the time February came around I had seen all of my hard work from the year before disappear.

Just in the past two weeks I have been getting my motivation to get back into shape again and thanks to this website I feel like I have someone to answer to if I start to slip. Now if I could just get my wife to change from her other website to myfitnesspal. Wish me luck!


  • RLB178
    RLB178 Posts: 8
    Good luck man, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    a friend told me about this sight too .i tryed other diets and never stuck with it.but theres something different with this one .i been on here since jaunary 1 and doing awsome.so good luck and stick with it .
  • congresta77
    congresta77 Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck!! This site has helped me tremendously and I am sure it will help you too!! :wink: Jami

    Feel free to add me if you need some motivation buddies.