Not getting anywhere

I have been with in my calorie and nutritional goal. Doing cardio and strength training and have not lost anything. Been going for weeks. No idea what I am doing wrong.... Don't want to give up but


  • I totally understand man. I've been working out for a while too. and I've barely seen change. I don't want to give up but I just don't know what to do different now. But defiantly don't give up. If you do I promise you'll regret it later on bro!
  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    Don't step on the scale - look in the mirror. How are your pants fitting, shirts? Seeing some muscle where there wasn't any before? I got stuck on the scale readings too - and I still struggle with it. You know what - in 10 months of being back into hard core working out I've lost 6 pounds total - but almost 2 pants sizes and one shirt size!

    How do you feel? How do you look? That's more important that the number on the scale!
  • Hi
    Don't give up, don't stop!!! Keep up with the program.
    Our body react differently to the food intake and workout routine. Once in a while you can reach a flat.
    The body will catch up!!!
    Good luck.
    Motivation helps
    Stay In touch
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    What are your stats? Do you weigh/measure your food? How do you determine calories burned through exercise, and do you eat some/all of them back? If your diary isn't open, can you open it so others can look through and see what's going on? Most likely, you're eating more than you think and/or burning less than you think.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    What malibu said. If you actually want an answer then you have to give us information so we know what it is you are doing and can spot any areas which might indicate what you are doing wrong. We know nothing about you, so we can only guess.

    It would be helpful if you provided the following:

    Age, height, current weight, target weight.
    What's your calorie target?
    Please open your diary. Is it a complete record of what you are eating?
    Are you weighing your food and logging it all?
    Are you eating back exercise calories?
    How are you recording burns?
    What amount of exercise are you doing?
    How long have you been dieting and havent lost for?

    Apologies to malibu for repetition.
  • goofydee30
    goofydee30 Posts: 61 Member
    Someone once told me that it's better to be losing inches than actual weight. I'm pretty much @ the same weight as when i started but the clothes are feeling loose & i feel i have more energy to play with my kids!!! Don't give up just because the scale isn't moving give yourself some time be patient & eventually you'll see some results on the scale. Keep working @ it!!!! :)