Weight loss after 40 is possible



  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    Totally possible TOTALLY!
    queenliz99 wrote: »

    Queenie posted these links to me when I first came here. Good Stuff! What I did as a Guide is figure out what my calorie intake would be at my perfect weight. That was my start. Then I took what I figured my perfect workouts would be a day. Now I add about 200-300 calories every 6-8 weeks. I figure it will take 14 months to get where I want to be. This is just a guide I used. You know yourself and comfort level. If you have questions ask them, if you need support ask folks to be your friend. GOOD LUCK!

    PS : I only ever look at that flipping scale once every ten days.No later , no sooner. If you stay within you limits, you will lose weight. There is no magic here, basic math.
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    Hi all, as of today and nearly 90 days in, I've lost 15.6 pounds! I'm also exercising about 6 times a week. I'm really enjoying kickboxing and learning to tolerate pushups and planks. I'm at the lightest I've been since 2006 and probably in the best physical shape of my life. Even getting my very sedentary brother to exercise with me once in a while. And I am actually looking forward to going to the pool or the beach this summer. We CAN do this ladies and gents!
  • bgoodsmile
    bgoodsmile Posts: 68 Member
    I am 42 & I have lost 20 pounds to date - I would like to lose 8 - 15 pounds more. I do think it has been harder for me since I turned 40 - but I also attribute that to the fact that I have Premature Ovarian Failure (which is a fancy term for early menopause.) I have had to step up my work-outs & recently added weight training 3X a week. But looking & feeling good is a goal worth working hard for so I am all in!!
  • wgw866
    Hi ladies, I am 48 and I had gained another 15 lbs in less than a year (the menopause she is a *kitten*, that much is true). I started thinking how I wanted to live my NEXT 50 years of my life. Working out is key for me and my fitness pal makes the food thing Sooo much easier I am down 22lbs and want to lose another 20, but more importantly I want to be able to hike up those hills and (here is the dream goal) portage my own canoe. I am doing dance cardio, Bodypump (which some people say is only cardio, but I am building muscles that people can see and lifting greater weights so I must be getting stronger too) I do a yoga style class to help a bad back. I also suggest seeing a physiotherapist if some part of your body starts giving you grief (I have had two knee surgeries, a badly broken arm that healed wonky and a fall that damaged my wrist last year) and unlike my doctor, she helped me find ways to keep being active. In some ways losing weight after 40 is harder, but is some ways it is easier. The biggest one is time. All three of my children are in university now, and my parents who were ill for years have passed away. My working mother guilt has lifted from my shoulders and it is much easier to carve the time I need to make it happen. PS. I would friend people if I knew how. I only found the community option this week. (New technology, another thing that is a little bit harder but not impossible after 40)