"How are you doing it?" - What's your answer?

When people see me & notice my weight loss (by the way, it took me losing 21 pounds before anyone ever said a word), they ask "So, what program are you using?" or "How are you doing it?" Then they look at me weird when I tell them I'm exercising, making better food choices and exercising. Is that so hard to believe? Just wondering what others tell folks when they ask...

And another question - do you get agitated when people you know are just not committed to doing it? A friend of mine quit MFP b/c people were questioning her eating out 8 times over a 4 day period & she couldn't understand why she gained 6 pounds. Another friend is using her neighbor's illegal weight loss pills... A 3rd friend said she can't drink as much water as MFP recommends b/c she doesn't want to have to pee so much through the day...... really,..... really???? REALLY???

Sorry, I guess it's a day for me to rant...


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Just pick a quick and easy part to answer with. No one wants a seminar on weight loss when they ask that question. I just tell people I am training for a half marathon and so running 3 times a week.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I say it's not rocket science. Eat right and excercise. I get dumbfounded looks often. LOL. I'm like what? Magic Pills? No such thing.
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    When people see me & notice my weight loss (by the way, it took me losing 21 pounds before anyone ever said a word),

    That is what I found to be true 20lbs before anyone really noticed. It really makes me feel great to have people notice and say something.

    Alway find people who don't think they can do it. I found it is more about a lack of commitment than anything, as the real reason they don't do anything.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    When people see me & notice my weight loss (by the way, it took me losing 21 pounds before anyone ever said a word), they ask "So, what program are you using?" or "How are you doing it?" Then they look at me weird when I tell them I'm exercising, making better food choices and exercising. Is that so hard to believe? Just wondering what others tell folks when they ask...

    And another question - do you get agitated when people you know are just not committed to doing it? A friend of mine quit MFP b/c people were questioning her eating out 8 times over a 4 day period & she couldn't understand why she gained 6 pounds. Another friend is using her neighbor's illegal weight loss pills... A 3rd friend said she can't drink as much water as MFP recommends b/c she doesn't want to have to pee so much through the day...... really,..... really???? REALLY???

    Sorry, I guess it's a day for me to rant...
    Eh, I do not get irritated with people that don't do it, because I have been that person. Many many times. Making excuses is a way to avoid doing something that is very very very hard.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I tell them I joined a gym and found a great app that lets me track what I eat and when I workout. The ones that want to know more will ask. I guess I can remember how many times I asked people that question before I was ready to make a change in my life. I know what you mean though, if they aren't interested in making a real change, I don't want to hear about how bad they feel or how unhealthy they are.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I just tell people I am keeping track of my food and calorie intake. If they ask I tell them about MFP. As far as if people are committed - I don't get upset. I have tried 1,000s of diets - I have lost, I have gained, I have good experiences and bad experiences. I have been the one saying "I need to lose weight" but not committed so I just tell everyone if it doesn't work - try something else.:tongue:
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    It took 30 pounds before people really noticed with me (but then again, I refused to buy clothes that actually fit me until then too :laugh: )
    Anyway, I tell them I watch my portion sizes, watch my carbs (keep it to 15 "carbs" or less a day, and 1 carb is 15 grams of carboyhdrates), and walked my butt off. A friend of mine, shortly before he died from Swine Flu, turned me around and whispered in my ear, "Literally." LOL One of my fondest memories of him.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    When people see me & notice my weight loss (by the way, it took me losing 21 pounds before anyone ever said a word),

    Umm, I lost 40 pounds before a single person said a word to me. And it was my best friend who said 'Hey your butt is looking smaller!' I think people are just uncomfortable mentioning weight (whether it's a loss or a gain) to people because they're not sure how other people will react.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I tell people they have to dance outside naked under a full moon with a rubber chicken glued to their forehead screaming UNGA BUNGA
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Funny that you ask this question and I for one am curious to hear what others have to say too.

    My ex-husband lost 50 pounds over six months (from 250 to 200 lbs).


    Then he came to me and our daughter. We put him on a healthy yet restricted eating plan. He lost 25 pounds in one month.


    Their first reaction was to ask him if he was ill.

    The funny thing is, he started losing weight because he was diagnosed with diabetes. As a result of diet & exercise, he's no longer diabetic and is in the best health & fitness of his life!

    When he verified he didn't have cancer or aids (the two usual suspects), they then asked if he had surgery (you know the one where they bypass the stomach - I forget what it's called). When he said no, they were baffled. They then asked if he used diet pills. Again he told them no.

    Ruling out these three very popular choices for losing weight (can you believe sickness is a popular way to lose weight {what the heck????}), they simply refused to believe there was any other way and suspected he was lying.

    Can you believe that????

    The following month my ex began working out on the stationary bike and treadmill. He lost another 15 pounds in one month. Now people are CONVINCED he's sick and dying lol!

    What ever happened to good old fashioned hard work & clean eating as a means to lose weight?
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    lol yes that answer gets a lot of WHA faces lol I think plp dont wanna believe that it is that easy because there are so many, lose weight the quick way, the cookie diet, the drink chocolate all day or take a pill.
    I also get agitated too but it passed fast because they are LAZY!! I have some friends and my hubby who starve themslves and dont provide the propper nutrition as they work out then wonder why they are gaining or not losing or whatever their thing is. I was even on a plateau for a month and didnt give up.
    I try not to compare myself to others it is a waste of time but I totally get it :smile:
    Great job on your weight loss and remember JUST DO YOU!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I tell people now, "Thank you. You know, I'm just so lucky - I can eat whatever I want, consume 5000 calories a day, eat out all the time, don't exercise, and the weight is just falling off. Amazing, huh?"
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    When people say to me "Have you lost weight?" I say, "I just look smaller because you've gotten bigger!"

    Just joking! That is what I wish I could say to some people. I just say I'm eating better, and exercising. Btw, no one ever commented on my weight loss until 50lbs down.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I tell people they have to dance outside naked under a full moon with a rubber chicken glued to their forehead screaming UNGA BUNGA

    BAHAHHAH LOVE IT!! I am totally stealing that answer :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • roberbro
    roberbro Posts: 13 Member
    It took me losing 30 pounds before anyone notice my weight loss as well. And I get the same question of "What diet are you using?" all the time. When I reply that I'm simply eating healthier, maintaining a calorie deficit and exercising, they look at me like I just said I murdered three people on the way to work. The truth is, people only want to hear about unrealistic miracle products and exotic diet schemes.
  • cangel81603
    cangel81603 Posts: 64 Member
    I tell them I count calories by using MFP, drink lots of water and I exercise 6 days a week. They usually don't believe me or they look me up and down and say some smart *kitten* comment. A few girls from my work came over to workout with me. I do Insanity .. only one came back..lol. Now everyone at work knows I'm not telling any stories..lol
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    haven't gotten that question yet, but i imagine when i do, i'll prolly tell people that i contracted some kind of intestinal parasite on my trip to south Africa.

    and then, of course, i'll have to explain how i've lived below the poverty line literally my whole life and still managed a trip to south Africa. but whatever BS i make up will probably be just as believable as the truth - hard work.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I say "I eat right, exercise and drink lots of water"
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    I tell them the truth - I watch my portions/calorie intake and I exercise an hour per day, 4 - 5 days a week.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    When people trick themselves into believing they are doing the "right" things, but won't fess up to what they are really doing. I just feel sorry for them. I've been there, done that. We are the lucky ones... the ones willing to do it the right way, count calories and exercise. Any other way is doomed to fail... even gastric bypass patients gain it back if they don't track what they are eating! Crazy, huh? We are blessed to have found MFP and have the opportunity to learn from one another.