Too big to leave the house and exercise

Hello all,

Do anyone else feel self conscious when out in public? Although I am well aware that most people are concerned with what's going on in their own lives I can't help but wonder if they look at me and think "what a cow". Same goes for the gym. I am there most days and am by far the biggest one there!


  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I wrote a blog about this...I was afraid to ride my bike because I didn't want people going by and thinking about how fat I am. I got.over that then was afraid to go to the gym. Lol

    I really don't care anymore. Most people do NOT notice you. If they do you're forgotten soon.
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    I totally know where you are coming from. The fear of working out in front of others is real. It has actually reduced me to tears. But I'm pretty sure we are projecting when we think they are thinking ill of us when they see us working out. More likely they are thinking, "good for her for giving it a go." And if they are thinking terrible things, shame on them. Their lives must be pretty boring if they need to spend time making fun of those who are less fit than them. Bottom line. We can't let what we believe others are thinking defeat us. Run your own race. Go at your own pace. The tortoise won :-) Friend me if you would like. I am new to MFP. A few folks have been nice enough to friend me. I don't know how a couple of them found my name, but is nice to have friends along for this ride.
  • goofydee30
    goofydee30 Posts: 61 Member
    I totally know where you are coming from. The fear of working out in front of others is real. It has actually reduced me to tears. But I'm pretty sure we are projecting when we think they are thinking ill of us when they see us working out. More likely they are thinking, "good for her for giving it a go." And if they are thinking terrible things, shame on them. Their lives must be pretty boring if they need to spend time making fun of those who are less fit than them. Bottom line. We can't let what we believe others are thinking defeat us. Run your own race. Go at your own pace. The tortoise won :-) Friend me if you would like. I am new to MFP. A few folks have been nice enough to friend me. I don't know how a couple of them found my name, but is nice to have friends along for this ride.

    Wow this really hit me in the
  • goofydee30
    goofydee30 Posts: 61 Member
    Don't feel bad their are many of us out there that are afraid too exercise out in the open, that's one big reason why i won't join a gym not to mention why pay when i can go outside & get my workout for free.:-)The main thing is knowing that you decided to make a difference in your life & no one should be able to dictate how you live! Life is way too short to keep thinking what others might be saying behind our back our beneath their breath. Enjoy every moment of your life & live it too the fullest! Your more than welcome to add me as a friend we can support each other on this big journey!! :)
  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    I don't work out in a gym, I work out at home, but I can understand feeling self conscious. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Focus on you and why you're there. Truth is...most people who are in the gym are there to get fit, so if you are overweight and there, I would think these people could be your biggest motivators. Yes, there will be idiots who may stare at you or give you looks, but screw them! Don't let them intimidate you out of meeting your goals. Whenever I see someone venturing out in public who is exercising, I always say to myself, "Way to go!" Or "good for them!" Whether they are overweight or not. And if you need any support, feel free to friend me! Best wishes on your fitness journey!
  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2015
  • Lindsay_the_great
    Lindsay_the_great Posts: 209 Member
    It doesn't matter one lick what anyone else thinks. Their thoughts are theirs and don't affect you. If they're going to be thinking negative things about you then they are probably pretty miserable people, going around having negative thoughts. But who cares? You don't have a window into their thoughts anyway, so think instead about how you want yourself to think. Go get moving. And pat yourself on the back and say, "good for you, self! You're getting healthy!" Project that don't-give-a-flip attitude and people will treat you with respect.
  • reginastiffler
    reginastiffler Posts: 75 Member
    There have been too many times that I have been out walking and someone has yelled things out their car window at me... "Why are you out walking when you should be in my bed?" "Whale" "Go home fatass." These are complete strangers yelling this stuff to me. It really hurts... So yes, this fear is alive and well in me. Fortunately, since we've moved to a better area, no one has said anything... but the fear is still there. I walk after dark now only.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I used to. Not anymore
  • Level1Vegan
    Level1Vegan Posts: 43 Member
    I work out at home now cos I can't afford the gym anymore. But... I was a real gym bunny. And I'm not big...
    I used to see newbies on their inductions and working out. And the ones that started to go regularly were MY motivation!
    Yup... I'd think... OMG she's big and all hot and sweaty. She's really working out. Good for her. I need to step it up.
    I always had a big smile for everyone.

    Oh... and still do when I'm out running.
    I cross paths with another runner and manage a smile - especially if they're all huffing and puffing. I think BRAVO!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    kitkat940 wrote: »
    Hello all,

    Do anyone else feel self conscious when out in public? Although I am well aware that most people are concerned with what's going on in their own lives I can't help but wonder if they look at me and think "what a cow". Same goes for the gym. I am there most days and am by far the biggest one there!

    There was an interesting survey recently which revealed many women regarded the gym as a place to go when you are fit but men tended to regard it as a place to go when you need to get fit.

    I am in the gym most days and am frequently the oldest one there - I never wonder if people are thinking "silly old fart". And honestly wouldn't care if they did.
    As Nike would say - just do it.
  • minionman
    minionman Posts: 308 Member
    kitkat940 wrote: »
    Hello all,

    Do anyone else feel self conscious when out in public? Although I am well aware that most people are concerned with what's going on in their own lives I can't help but wonder if they look at me and think "what a cow". Same goes for the gym. I am there most days and am by far the biggest one there!

    The hardest step is always the first step tell you the truth from my perspective, I don't think anyone thinks that, everyone started from somewhere you just gotta get that train going. Goodluck
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    People are more interested in themselves and what they are doing. Dont let paranoia prevent you from reaching your own goals and becoming an obstacle/ excuse. It gets easier the more you do it. All the more incentive to make progress and not let such thinking stand in your way.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Anyone who makes an effort is brave, whether they are fat or thin, fit or flabby, old or young.

    No one pays attention to anyone else. We are all self-involved whether we are at the gym or on the road.

  • SiggeBjork
    SiggeBjork Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am a 266 pound woman and I recently joined the gym and started doing C25K. When I´m on the treadmill, believe me - I wobble! I was worried at first that people would be snickering and laughing but they aren´t. If anything, they are admiring the fact I´m doing it! It has now reached a point where I feel totally at ease there and if anyone was to look at snicker, I think of the brilliant #thisgirlcan campaign and I feel empowered. Check it out -
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    People at the gym will either a. not care, or b. applaud that you're trying to change your life. Didn't most of us start going there at a weight that embarrassed us?
  • apple173
    apple173 Posts: 140 Member
    Other people"s opinion shouldn't matter. You do what you do for yourself. I know I'm the oldest person in most of my classes. I use to be the biggest in those same classes. I don't look at people and they don't look at me. I saw this gorgeous young thing look at me at the gym once... i stared back and said yes i really did do 3 unassisted pull ups and I didn't pee my pants. She laughed and said you're so hardcore mum. Lol.
  • apple173
    apple173 Posts: 140 Member
    Other people"s opinion shouldn't matter. You do what you do for yourself. I know I'm the oldest person in most of my classes. I use to be the biggest in those same classes. I don't look at people and they don't look at me. I saw this gorgeous young thing look at me at the gym once... i stared back and said yes i really did do 3 unassisted pull ups and I didn't pee my pants. She laughed and said you're so hardcore mum. Lol.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    apple173 wrote: »
    Other people"s opinion shouldn't matter. You do what you do for yourself. I know I'm the oldest person in most of my classes. I use to be the biggest in those same classes. I don't look at people and they don't look at me. I saw this gorgeous young thing look at me at the gym once... i stared back and said yes i really did do 3 unassisted pull ups and I didn't pee my pants. She laughed and said you're so hardcore mum. Lol.

    Apple173 that's awesome!!!!
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    kitkat940 wrote: »
    Hello all,

    Do anyone else feel self conscious when out in public? Although I am well aware that most people are concerned with what's going on in their own lives I can't help but wonder if they look at me and think "what a cow". Same goes for the gym. I am there most days and am by far the biggest one there!

    Everyone starts somewhere. The simple fact is you are starting which is a huge step. It is easy to say to don't worry about what people think because we all naturally do at first. Just go. I've seen a few people at our gym who you could tell were self conscious starting out but have done well over time. Just go and try not to think about what others are thinking. This is for you, not them.