Hi all, medication query.

Hey there. I am not exactly brand new here but I haven't been doing too well so ok let's say I am new because I want to start fresh.
The reason I gained all this weight is because of this anti-depressant I have started taking, it wasn't subtle either. BAM my face bloated, my tummy expanded and my body just didn't feel like mine anymore, it was terrible. The thing is, I take the medicine for TERRIBLE migraines and they stopped when I was on the medicine....it was quite a pickle for someone who has had almost daily migraines for 10 or so years. I stopped the medication last night because I can't bloat out anymore, I don't want medication to mess with my body.

Now I am not blaming it ALL on the medicine, I am starting back my gym routine again today after about a month and eating healthy without any bad feelings because I HATE the way I look.

Did anyone have a similar problem with medication with the side effect of weight gain? I know there are a lot out there that can do this. I did not think it would be so fast and so drastic. Next headache medicine he puts me on, I am going to beg for a side effect of weight loss haha.

I just want to know if anyone has or is going through something similar and what you did?


  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    I was on Effexor for a year and gained 60 lbs, no changes to my diet or exercise (both pretty awful before then anyhow). It killed my metabolism.

    Even the medication I'm on now causes weight gain. I'm counting myself lucky at least to not have gone up. In the end it'll be better, because I won't have the awful mood swings that made me binge before.
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I've been on Lexapro for 2 1/2 years and it has killed my metabolism. I have just recently started MFP and in the past week and a half have lost 3 lbs. I know before i started Lexapro when i did weight watchers i was able to loose alot more in my first week. Just up the exercise and log everyting you eat or drink. Best of luck to you.
  • natashamier
    natashamier Posts: 6 Member
    This is my first post, but I thought I should jump in. I just got put on Topomax for my migraines, and one of the side effects is an average weight loss of about 20 lbs... just thought I'd throw that out there. But yes, in the past I too have been on meds that caused significant weight gain and a shutting down of my metabolism. Working on fixing that now!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I have never experianced this from that same kind of medicine but i get put on steroids alot for my UC and i gain tons on it. I was wondering though about your migrains. Did you consume lots of aspertame when you were having those. LIke diet soda or even chew lots of gum. Or eat lots of stuff that sais it is sugar free. Those all contain aspertame and can cause migrains real bad. People who experiance the migrains who drink the diet drinks will drink more thinking the caffine should make the headache go away but instead they are making matters worse. IF you do comsume lots of aspertame please watch SWEET MISERY. it is a documetary on aspertame and what it can do to you. If this is your issue then maybe just eliminating the aspertaime could help you to eliminate all meds for the migrains. Just a thought. I hope you get to feeling better.
  • princessctb
    I have migraines, depression and fibromyalgia and with all of the medication I take, I have gained a lot of weight. Some are worse than others and yes i take a lot of responsibility for not working out as i should and eating right. I think it's important to try different types of medication that may help you with your migraines because not all of them work the same on everyone and not all cause the same kinds of side effects. Topomax didn't work for me but the combo of antidepresants, blood pressure and Lyrica seem to have fixed the problem, but I have to really work hard to lose weight. I have to realize that it's worth it to feel better and to look better, it's a balance. Hope that helps :)
  • jamara28
    jamara28 Posts: 7 Member
    If the medication worked for you ask your doctor if there are any other meds in the same family that you could try. Out of curiosity what is the medication your on. Some are more apt then others to cause weight gain.

    And medication and side effects.....I could write a book on it!

    Sorry to hear about the migraines. I hope yours are getting better. I get hemiplegic migraines (one side of my body goes numb/weak or paralysis) it can be pretty scary.

  • MaryJ521
    MaryJ521 Posts: 2 Member
    I have had migraines since 1997 and I have been taking IMITREX since 2000. Every time I had taken them I had excessive hunger, but I could function for the first time, I still had the migraines, it felt like a rock had been lifted off my head; when you have migraines 24/7 and then down to only a 3-4 a day, it is a major difference.

    In 2005, 2006 & 2009 I found out about all my food allergies and the migraines were reduced to 2-5 a week.

    This is the first diet that I have lost weight on in 20+ years. I love it so much i saved for an I-phone so I can keep track of it where ever I am.

    Goal to lose 50 before my daughter gets married in Oct/2012.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I suffer form Bipolar disorder and take several medications that are notorious for weight gain. Its hard to keep in shape but I found that if I log everything I put into my mouth and work out vigorously on a regular basis and drink A TON of water then I don't gain any weight. I would say your best bet is to make it very clear to your dr. that you need a medication that does not cause weight gain and they may be able to put you on something different that causes less weight gain or none at all. If all else fails, drink WATER!!