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"How are you doing it?" - What's your answer?



  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    When people see me & notice my weight loss (by the way, it took me losing 21 pounds before anyone ever said a word),

    Umm, I lost 40 pounds before a single person said a word to me. And it was my best friend who said 'Hey your butt is looking smaller!' I think people are just uncomfortable mentioning weight (whether it's a loss or a gain) to people because they're not sure how other people will react.

    I was super mad because no one said really anything to me but my husband. But i think you made a good valid point, people do feel odd mentioning weight
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    It started really becoming noticeable for me after about 20-30 pounds. And I do get asked "How are you doing it?" followed by a lot of really bad assumptions...like only eating salads, not eating at all, etc. When I tell people it is a rounded diet, exercise and portion control they have a hard time believing it I suppose...but it is really that simple.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    I'm OK with people asking. Most of the time it's just conversation. And I just say, "I'm just not eating as much." And then the conversation changes. Which is how it should be.

    Really, hearing someone talk about their diet is just below hearing someone talk about their vacation. You think they *REALLY* want to hear what you're putting in your mouth? They probably weren't interested in what you were doing to gain weight.

    Plus, I ran into someone (a woman) at a party recently, and I thought she was pregnant. But then I thought, oh, what if she isn't? (The scenes from "Dave" the movie ran through my head pretty quickly.) So I just said, "You're looking great," and she smiled, and that was that, and then later she mentioned she was expecting in 4 months, and that was fine. She talked a bit more about the baby, which is great, because I love talking about kids and families, but I felt good that I hadn't asked The Awkward Question.

    It's great to have people notice, but I'm pretty sure that most people don't stare at their friends too much to the point of recognizing subtle changes over time. Maybe if you meet someone you haven't seen in 4 months and you've lost 50 pounds they might notice.
  • GypsyWagon
    GypsyWagon Posts: 82 Member
    I think many people feel like saying "You've lost weight!" is tantamount to saying "You were so BIG before." :laugh:

    I just say, "You know...eat less...move more." I think most folks know deep down that that's what it takes. We just all hold out hope for an easy, quick fix. If they continue to want more info, then I go into MFP and the great deal I found at a local gym. But, most times the short answer suffices.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I tell people that I lost weight (80 lbs so far) "the old fashioned way ... diet and exercise." Some of them will immediately roll their eyes and disappear, and I know those people will not be losing any weight any time soon. Some of them will ask more specific questions about what kind of exercises I do, what kind of food I eat, etc., and I know those people might actually be able to do this.

    I don't get irritated when people don't commit. I understand that no one is successful at this until they get their wake-up call. All the good intentions and all the planning in the world won't help until you get that feeling in your gut that you are done being fat. I'm fortunate that I got that feeling at a pretty young age because I can already tell, in my late 20s, that it's a lot harder to do this as you get older. I can't imagine starting this process over at square one even right now, let alone 10 years from now when I'm knocking on 40.

    What does irritate me is when people complain all the time about how they aren't losing any weight, followed immediately by a story about how they spent the whole weekend getting drunk or lounging around the house, eating crap and watching Tivo. I will commiserate all day with someone who is really busting his/her tail, but I don't have the time or the sympathy to deal with people who are failing because of their own lack of self-control.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I usually say, "I actually have time to hit the gym these days," which is pretty much all it is for me. I haven't significantly changed my eating habits, and I've tracked calories before with other programs, without losing much weight, even while walking 5+ miles a day. Exercise is def. key for me, and so I let people know that. Then they usually say something like, "I was afraid that's what you were going to say." LOL.

    I'm not annoyed at people who aren't committed. But I AM annoyed at people who whine about not being able to lose weight, but never try to do it the right way.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I tell people they have to dance outside naked under a full moon with a rubber chicken glued to their forehead screaming UNGA BUNGA

    I love you...................you crack me up daily!

    I just always tell them the name of the site. MFP changed my life, and I'm always excited to tell anyone who wants to know
  • I started this change when I was 323 and currently am 292. Some guys at work have noticed and asked. I said that I gained weight so I can become a worlds strongest man LOL They laugh but they know how it's done. There is a guy around the corner that saw and asked. He is big too and I gave him what you all gave me a supportive answer and some encouragement. He is doing good .
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    The Every Damn Day Diet. You have to eat healthy food in reasonable amounts and move your *kitten*. Every Damn Day LOL! You are all right though, nobody wants to hear that and most are just hoping that you can give them the easy solution.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    The Every Damn Day Diet. You have to eat healthy food in reasonable amounts and move your *kitten*. Every Damn Day LOL!

    I'm totally going to steal this one! I must say, I kind of relate to those that don't really wanna hear this, because I've been there, done that! I just turned 51, and it is so totally true, this is much, MUCH harder in this decade than when I lost nearly all my excess weight in my late 20's, then again in my 30's, then did it again in my mid-40's.

    Why did I have to do it again? Why am I here now? Because I failed to follow the Every Damn Day Diet! BUT I TELL YOU HERE AND NOW, NO MORE! I don't know why but this time around I am unbelievably determined, and I hope you all join in my success when I'm ready to post my BEFORE AND AFTER pics.

    This September I will celebrate being married to the man of my dreams for 22 years - he's the hunka-hunka-burnin'-love in my profile pic. I wanna be fit and healthy for him, and for me... for us, so we can have the active lifestyle we want... and I AM GOING TO GET THERE!

    Every Damn Day!!!


  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I get asked this question all the time, "what did or are you doing." There are those who believe it takes something more than just eating right and exercise to loose weight, this is also the best way to maintain the weight ones wants to be at.

    I had my Dr. prescribe me a "pill" to curb ones appitite, and it worked, I lost 20 lbs. in just under 2 months. I didn't feel like eating, and no exercise either, wow look at me go... Then the prescription ran out and my appitite came back (weird :ohwell: ) and got back on the prescription (after gaining 7 lbs back) and I started to get use to the medication, was not curbing my appitite anymore, even after I followed my Dr.s directions and stopped taking it for a day or two then again.

    When all said and done, I gained 16 lbs of the 20 lost (faster then it took me to loose it). The fix is as quick as the problem coming back.:grumble: :grumble:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    It took 30 pounds before people really noticed with me (but then again, I refused to buy clothes that actually fit me until then too :laugh: )
    Anyway, I tell them I watch my portion sizes, watch my carbs (keep it to 15 "carbs" or less a day, and 1 carb is 15 grams of carboyhdrates), and walked my butt off. A friend of mine, shortly before he died from Swine Flu, turned me around and whispered in my ear, "Literally." LOL One of my fondest memories of him.

    That's so cool! And what an awesome memory to have!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    They ask because they're hoping really hard that you'll give them some secret of weight loss, like "oh you know, if you breathe in real deep, you're too full of air to eat". Just tell them they've gotta get off their butt and put the fork down. That's the big secret.
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    i've lost 25lbs , anyone besides my grandparent and or my good friend who i have told and my mom are the only ones saying anything like come on !? how do you not noticde.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    When people comment on how much weight I lose..I answer 37 lbs by counting calories, eating the right foods and exercising. and yes they do give you the funny looks....I even get alot of women that ask "do you know of any good weight loss pills that work?" People just assume you "cheated" somehow...
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    The Every Damn Day Diet. You have to eat healthy food in reasonable amounts and move your *kitten*. Every Damn Day LOL! You are all right though, nobody wants to hear that and most are just hoping that you can give them the easy solution.

    I love it.
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    well for me im just eating right and working out . but not weekends .i buy a lot of 100 cal packs for snacks and i love chicken i could eat everyday.i love to walk at a park it has the mile markers on the ground so i do two miles a day i think walking is the best exicerise .
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    "I watch what I eat and work my butt off. Literally."

    If they press it further I just tell them it really is just diet and exercise. If they want to have details because they're really interested we go from there because I'm happy to help. But if they're not I just move on because I have better things to do than waste my time lecturing someone who just wants a quick fix. I did have someone say they wanted to lose weight a lot faster and needed ideas for that. I told them to cut off a leg. The scale would go down dramatically. i can't understand why they no longer ask me for advice? :devil:
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 92 Member
    I answer with the eating better moving more and get "that's all?" Like eating well and exercising isn't enough. I usually tell people "it's pretty amazing once you start."
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    i get you, i work with these 8 women for over 9 years and only a couple asked how much i weighed. i say the rest are jealous