10,000 steps for office workers?

So wondering if folks out there who work full-time in office jobs are able to get their 10,000 steps in? Today is the first day since tracking steps that I logged 10,000 steps and it was a weekend day where I spent hours walking around the shops and then taking the dogs for a walk followed by randomly walking around my house until I hit the 10k mark. I just cant see how I could do this on a work day so wondering how folks hit the magic number every day or even if many office workers do?


  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    It's not easy for me to get to 10,000 unless I am doing a lot of errands after work. One of the ways I have been able to do it is to get to work 20 minutes early and walk around the building a couple of times (for 15-20 minutes). Another way is to walk during lunch or for 20 minutes before I leave. When the weather is nice I go outside to do this.
  • neenaw59
    neenaw59 Posts: 2 Member
    I find it pretty easy to get 10,000 steps in on a work day and I do a pretty sedentary job. It's 3000 steps getting to work (2000 from home to station, 1000 from station to work), another 3000 getting home, about 1000 moving around the building during the course of the shift, then I take a walk on my break and that gets me to the target.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    It is hard to get 10K in an office job. We recently just moved back into our building after a 1 1/2 yr renovation so I'm hoping it will be easier since this building is much bigger. I find myself taking the long way around to the restroom to get in a few extra steps, I visit co-workers instead of picking up the phone when I need to talk to them, I take the stairs as much as possible and a 15-20 minute walk during lunch. I haven't made it to 10K without going to the gym after work but I'm hoping to get there soon.
  • andy_geek
    andy_geek Posts: 85 Member
    I can do it, I take a 20-30 minute walk around the neighborhood before work, or arrive a little early at the office and take a quick walk around the buildings. I would also walk around the buildings outside during lunch and find reasons to walk through the hallways or up and down a few flights of stairs during the day.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    It is hard, especially on days when I have meetings for a few hours. I try to go for a walk 'round the block' every couple of hours at least (500 steps) but some days its just not possible. On those days I try and isometric exercises either at my desk or in the meetings and hope no one notices my 'restless legs'!!
  • jeanmacdermott
    jeanmacdermott Posts: 5 Member
    If I don't get in at least 35-40 minutes of "In Home Walking" with Leslie every morning, the 10,000 steps is definitely a struggle. I also put on music when I'm getting ready in the morning and dance like nobody is watching. The few extra steps here and there do add up.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I generally go for a 10Km run. Given the amount of phys I do an arbitrary step count isn't a big deal.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'll take walking breaks anywhere from as little as 10 mins to up to 40 mins when I can during work. I work nights so it's easier for me to get away from my desk and go walk. I am on the 3rd floor of the building I work in and I will take the stairs instead of the elevator. When I need to hit the restroom, I'll take the one on the 1st floor even though I could easily go to the one on the same floor as me. I have a water bottle I fill and drink my water from. It's a small bottle, 10 oz in size and I drink quite a bit, anywhere from 10-15 times through out my 8hr shift. I get up and walk to the water cooler multiple times to fill it.
  • tammyc226
    tammyc226 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for all the replies folks. Guess I should make more of an effort to walk at lunch time and see if that helps gets the step count up.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I dont come near it unless I would go for an extra walk or jog after work and I walk 3/4 of a mile to and from work. We have a guy who's notorious for wandering around and never being at his desk and he only gets 8-9K. It seems you have to make a very good effort with extra walks before work, during lunch or after work
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited February 2015
    There's no way for me. I work in the office of a manufacturer so even if I took 3 walks into the factory a day I only clock in at about 3500k steps. I can't take more as I need to be by the phone and on 2 computers. This is why I can only do 10k on weekends or at the gym after work.

    Eta: during lunch in spring and summer I have tried to work in steps during lunch as we are near a park. Hmmm. Might see if I can up my numbers a bit :)
  • rendash49221
    rendash49221 Posts: 39 Member
    It's not as difficult for me in the summer; I take a walk at lunch and take a nice, long walk after work. But, it's winter here in Michigan, so those are out of the question right now. I either walk on the treadmill at the gym or walk around Meijer and Walmart (not the most ideal, but the people watching can be entertaining ;) ). Walking around the perimeter of the store is about 1000 steps for me.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    You have to make it a habit. I've had my device for 2 years now. I'm on a 300 streak of 10 000 steps. I don't get much at work - I go for a walk after I get home. There is no way I go to bed until I have all my steps. It's a bit more difficult in the winter as it's -35degrees Celius -I dress up and get going. You can do it!
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    I haven't for the past week or so (out on site at client) but typically, yes, I hit 10+K steps every day. I walk during lunch and here and there after work.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    On days I do step based cardio, I hit 10k.

    On days i bike, swim, lift, or yoga, I don't.

    Then one of my *kitten* fitbit friends sends me a taunt because they strolled around thier neighborhood.

    Oh well. We'll see who gets to taunt when we do warrior dash together in a few months and he eats my dust!
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    I have a coworker whose fit bit is set to remind her to get up and take a walk around the building to get more steps in. I need to try that.
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    I would generally hit around 8-10,000 a day even excluding days I intentionally exercised when I was tracking steps for insurance. But I walk a fair amount at my office job and generally will walk to the other side of the building to talk to someone rather than call them. I am never at my desk more than 30-40 minutes solid.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Your best bet is to set aside time for dedicated exercise 5-6 days per week. Hit it and hit it hard. I've never worried about hitting these magical 10,000 steps...I just exercise.

    Beyond that, take the stairs...when you need to talk to a colleague walk over to them instead of buzzing them on the phone or shooting them an email...if you have a multi floor office, use the facilities and break rooms on a different floor than you work on...park further away from your office building...when you go shop or run errands, park further away from the store, etc. Just find ways to be more active in general.
  • ohi874
    ohi874 Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2015
    Do whatever you can to get exercise in during the day. Park farther away from your building, go to the bathroom on another floor, take the stairs, etc. I know it's easy for me to get 5k without trying by just making little changes to my routine. Each building and situation is different obviously so others my have a harder time.
  • jerzeegurl524
    jerzeegurl524 Posts: 1 Member
    I've only managed to get half way! Just wondering how many calories 10,000 steps will burn.