trying to broaden my horizon... Cottage Cheese and Greek Yog



  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I top Triscuits with cottage cheese -yum!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie is the best way to eat cottage cheese and it's under 150 cals as well.
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    i dont usually eat cottage cheese unless its the one with the pineapple in it, or for savory i add radish scallion black pepper garlic and cucumbers to it and add lettuce and it tastes like a greek salad give it a try you might like it
  • swim018
    swim018 Posts: 15
    The only cottage cheese that I like is the 1%...I don't like 4%, non-fat, or even 2%. I think it's a texture thing for me, too. So maybe mix it up to see if there's one that you prefer. I don't particularly care for those Breakstone fruit ones...probably because they are not 1%. But maybe I'm just picky...

    If I'm feeling in the sweet mood, I add peaches or applesauce. I don't mix it with the cottage cheese, but just eat them side by side. If I'm in the savory mood, I add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Delicious.
  • enailou
    enailou Posts: 1
    I LOVE cottage cheese and just started eating Greek yogurt, too!

    If you find cottage cheese too salty, Friendship makes a "no salt added" kind that is 1%. I like to add granola, banana, and honey... or just some fruit preserves.

    The only greek yogurt I've tried is Stoneyfield Farm's Oikos - if I get the plain, I have to add honey or agave nectar and some fruit. But the vanilla and fruit flavors are good by themselves!

    Both are a great source of protein alone - cottage cheese = 16 grams and greek yogurt = 15 grams.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I'm like a 5 year old when it comes to trying new foods. I say I don't like it before I even try it. So thats why I can't just give up on it already.

    I am getting used to Chobani with the fruits mixed in my favorites are Strawberry and Peach. Haven't tried it plain or subsituted it for anything. Still pretty thick nothing like Yoplait light and fit yogurt but it's going down and I love the fact that its uber packed with protein. Last night I needed a snack and it did the trick for me.

    As for cottage cheese i'm not going to throw the towel in yet. It's a great source of protein and its pretty filling too. I think what messes me up is the curds thats why i just swallow it. But the splenda packet helped too.

    I'm just trying to be more open minded about trying new things. My friends laugh at me all the time. They kind of make it goal to have me try new stuff.
  • mondayschildeats
    mondayschildeats Posts: 20 Member
    Personally can't stand cottage cheese so I sympathise. With Greek yogurt I use honey and add it to granola. I also use cucumber, mint and make it into a raita. Can also add curry powder and corriander for a different taste would probably put these on some kind of crackers or ryvita.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I actually just use plain (nonfat) Greek Yogurt as a replacement item. I.E. I'll use it as a replacement for sour cream or mayonnaise in recipees, stuff like that. I've never actually tried eating it as a 'dish', but I suppose it would work pretty well with some fresh fruit mixed in or even as a fruit dip type thing. Other than that, I eat some of the flavored greek yogurt occasionally but I actually like the taste of just plain yogurt better, and the calorie difference is negligible.

    Cottage cheese...I'm right there with you on that one, because I dont understand that stuff AT ALL. Makes me want to gag.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I really think its the curds in cottage cheese that gets to me. I will say the small servings that I have had keep me full, so I will continue to choke them down. I much rather prefer greek yogurt (flavored with fruit) over cottage cheese but I have it in my house so I might as well eat it. 1 Splenda packet makes a world of difference though.
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    I mix mine with Splenda+Cocoa Powder (2 Tbsp), and then sprinkle it with PB2 (2-4Tbsp). Tastes like a Reese peanut butter cup :-). Same goes for both cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • monky13grl
    monky13grl Posts: 55 Member
    Greek Yougurt is my new favorite indulgance. I put natural, unsweetened frozen berries (usually strawberries- but cherries are a real treat) in it and cut them up. It gets really cold and thickens, almost like ice cream :)
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    Greek Yougurt is my new favorite indulgance. I put natural, unsweetened frozen berries (usually strawberries- but cherries are a real treat) in it and cut them up. It gets really cold and thickens, almost like ice cream :)

    I just discovered it recently as well. Can't believe how much protein the stuff has! And it's oooooh so creamy and delish :-). Especially when it's chocolatey....*Homer drool*
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