Muscle fatigue?

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here, but I hit kind of a situation unique to me, so I thought i'd ask everyone for advice.

I have been doing bodyweight and cardio exercises for almost 3 years now, and I thought i'd try to mix it up a little bit by adding weight. So I have been lifting weights along with doing cardio for the past 1 year.

I again decided to up the ante by wearing a 20 pound vest while doing my exercises. I work out with a group of people every couple weeks and we take turns coming up with the workouts. About a week and a half ago we did something kinda extreme with what I was wearing. Along with everything else we did, we did many and I mean MANY pull ups (it got to the point where I had to be pushed up so I could do negatives).

The next day as well as the next week (I just started feeling better a few days ago) I was so sore that I could not extend my arms nor lift my arms over my head and participating in daily life (like going to work) make me feel feverish and was very painful to do anything.

Now that I feel better and am no longer sore, I tried doing light workouts to get back into the swing of things. Running feels heavy but its doable, I can work out my abs just fine; but when it comes to pushups, I get tired around 25 -30 (my arms do, not me really) and I just attemped to do pull ups and it hurt like hell in my arm to even try to pull myself up, so I can't even do one right now.

Should I be worried? Do I need more rest? Or is this more serious?


  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    Sounds like you just way overdid it. If you still feel weird in a week it might be something.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    My guess is your arms are tired now because you haven't really used them for a week or so when they were all jacked up. Get back into it slowly.

    On the other hand, you may have hyperextended some of the muscles in your rotator cuff, which is why you couldn't put your hands over your head for a week. It's possible to seriously damage this area by doing exactly what you were doing.

    Just my own opinion, but I think weighted vests are sports injuries waiting to happen. You're far better off lifting weights and going through a circuit if you want that cardio/strength training combo.
  • lbrown120
    I think you're right gotolam. I certaintly did learn the lesson the hard way if its an injury, but I hope its not.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    Try to scratch your back. If you can't reach as far back as you used to be able to, you probably injured your rotator cuff. Don't do what I did and ignore it. Rotator cuff problems eventually lead to permanent limits on your range of motion. Trust me on this one.
  • lbrown120
    Well thankfully I have full range of motion. Now I can reach behind my back and above my head like I used to, with no pain.

    I just can't do any pull ups for some reason.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If I did this, I would go talk to a sports medicine doctor. If you need treatment, then it might not be good to wait too long for it.
  • lbrown120
    To update. The pain feels like its coming from the middle of my arm just before the biceps. I feel the same pain when trying to lift boxes at wwork.
  • TheSurge0n
    TheSurge0n Posts: 113 Member
    It might be a minor muscle injury, give it a rest consumer high protein diet. Skip biceps workout.
    You would be okay in a week, but do some movement.
    If not okay by a week, do consult a physician or GP nearby.
  • lbrown120
    Sounds good. A coworker of mine basically said the same thing. Give it a week and skip pull ups and weights