I decided to try supplements

Personally, I had always felt those pills you take with each meal (or whatever schedule) to help curb your appetite and lose weight was a bunch of hooey. My theory being that they were just gimicks. All your nutritional and weightloss needs could be met with food, dedication and willpower. There were no miracles in a bottle.

Then I read this article on one of the fitness sites (wish I could find the link) , in essence stated, "in the olden days, most supplements were snake oil concoctions. However, nowadays version general come backed by real scientific study. Altho you can get most vitamins from your food, there are some combinations (super vitamins) you just can't easily get on your own. They are to be use in conjunction with diet and exercise to help maximize your benefits". Then he gave examples.

A few years back I had lost 60 lbs and had managed to keep it off. Then I switched my meds and was hungry all the time. I could not keep my hunger under control. Needless to say I have gained a good portion of that back. After signing up with a trainer, I decided to take his advice and go to the health shop and get some supplements. What could it hurt, right?

Wow,, for the first time in i do not know how long, my hunger was not out of control. In fact, I'm rarely hungry. Not only that but I started feeling more energetic after a couple of days of taking them. Best surprise of all was I had actually lost 2 lbs when I weighed myself on my weekly weigh in. I'm curious to see how my fat ratios go on the next check in also.

For myself, I will continue to use them along with my diet and excercise. If someone states they are snake oil and a person does not need them, it may depend on each persons situation.
