Help with Athletic Goals

Cassafrass727 Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I have lost 20 lbs now and am already noticing a change in my athletic abilities. I'm all about goals, and this morning I was thinking about what would be a good athletic goal for me to push for. Since I still have a long ways to go, running isn’t really an option right now. Since it is finally getting nice out again I am trying to come up with something I can do outside. I was hoping that I could maybe get some good ideas from you guys. Right now all I have is walk/jogging 5k, seeing how long it takes me now, setting a goal to do it in half the time. So please tell about good goals you have, maybe ones you’ve used in the past or heard someone use.


  • bhsnow
    bhsnow Posts: 3
    When I first started exercising - almost 2 years ago now - I signed up for a 5k race. Knowing tons of people walk it made it not intimidating. Trying to get to get as ready as possible really motivated me to push myself. Ultimately, doing the "race" was so much fun I did more of them. In the last six months I totally gave up all exercise due to other stresses in my life and I am just now starting all over. The 5k was really fun, and I will probably try to find another when I am feeling ready.
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    Doing 5 full length push ups
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You can bike, rollerblade, jump rope, set up a course - think wood planks (or sticks, whatever you have) sprinting to them, hopping to them, etc.
  • sweetie89207
    sweetie89207 Posts: 361
    yea i just did my first 5k and i walk/jogged it and i hope to beat myself by like 5 minutes next time i race one...maybe a few months down the line
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    See if you can increase your jogging time and decrease your walking time...or try something new! You can cross train with biking or swimming. Or you can try yoga, pilates, kick-boxing, Adding in new exercises will increase your metabolism, too! :-)
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I'm running a 5K with a twist :) It has some obstacles (running through a river). I'm going with a team-- it's called "Warrior Dash". It looks like a lot of fun. Do they have it where you are?


  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Well if you're lifting weights there always bench press xx lbs or squat so much.

    Cardio goals could be hiking a mountain in your area, or pick the tallest building downtown and running the stairs to the top.

    Or a combination of carrying a 25 lbs pack and running to the top of the tallest building :-)
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    You can bike, rollerblade, jump rope, set up a course - think wood planks (or sticks, whatever you have) sprinting to them, hopping to them, etc.

    I like the idea of a home made obstacle course a lot, that sounds very interesting. So far there are a lot of good posts/ideas in here.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When I started exercising outdoors last year, I started out with plain old walking. At first I could only do a mile or two at a slow pace comfortably. But I slowly challenged myself by walking a bit faster and a bit farther and by the end of the summer, I could do 5 or 6 miles pretty easily even started adding in little spurts of jogging. When I started running indoors on the treadmill this past winter, I found my pace for jogging was only about 4.3 mph but I slowly built myself up to 5pm and can do about 12 minutes straight at that pace now. Just start trying new things and challenge yourself a little bit every week or two.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My only real goal has been reducing my 10k time from 64 mins when I started running (I threw myself in the deep end, none of this C25k!). I am now at 52 mins, which I am reasonably happy with, but ideally I'd like to get into the 40s. My next goal is a half marathon, but I start feeling sick with fear when I think about it. I will do it. I know I have to, I am just terrified of it.
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    I think goals should be very personal and mean something of significance to you.

    That said, I've been athletic most of my life. And, like you, I'm all about goals. So when it came time for me to set a goal this year, instead of focusing on my usual strengths, I choose to focus on my greatest weakness bent and determined to make it strong.

    What is my greatest weakness?


    I can quite easily bust a move on the dance floor, but when it comes to step class - I SUCK!!

    My feet and arms don't respond very well to the dictates of my brain.

    Thus, this year's goal was simple. Master BASIC step. After that, master Intermediate, and then advance. This way my goal is not only challenging, but progressive, something to keep me going for a very long time.

    And to make sure I kept to my athletic standards, I picked one of the greatest step masters of all time - almost everything she does is super advanced! A little bit intimidating I know, but I need that. Otherwise, I give up too soon and don't grow.

    How am I doing since I first set my goal three months ago? Not too bad!! I've almost mastered basic step and feel a whole lot of confidence as a result - yeah for me!!!

    My advice, if any, is think of something that means a lot to you and then find something that supports it in an athletic and challenging way. Don't make it too difficult but don't make it something that you'll master in no time at all either. You want something that will continue to challenge and grow with you as you grow.

    Good luck, all the best, and let us know what you finally decide upon! I'm eager to know!!
  • I'm compiling a list now of several different goals: Triatholon, obstacle course, 5k, rock climbing, and doing stairs. My plan is to set my starting point this weekend and try at least my own 5k to set my goal for what to work towards.
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