Two Weeks Post Bariatric Surgery and Ready to Go

I had my gastric bypass surgery on Nov. 11. I'm just now starting to add soft foods to my diet and do a little exercise. Right now I'm concentrating on walking a little more each day until I can walk the "loop" of my neighborhood which would be about 1.4 miles.
Feeling pretty good overall, but still getting used to how little I want to eat.
Are there any other recent WLS people out there?


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hi. I have a friend that is preparing for gastric bypass surgery. In fact after spending a few days with her and seeing how she ate and logged every bite, I was inspired to start on my journey of getting back in shape. I am so impressed with this website and have lost 17 pounds in the first month. That's great at 67 years old and as long as I've been overweight. I have no advise for you and what you will have to get used to, only encouragement and to wish you the best of luck. That is a real lifestyle change.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
  • FNPsamantha
    FNPsamantha Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am in the process of trying to get approved for WLS (gastric sleeve). I am new and would love a friend who has gone through the process. Feel free to add me!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I had lap band surgery in May 2012. It's different from the other two, as you know, but I'd be happy to chat with you about my experiences. For the first several months after my surgery I attended a support group that was really helpful -- do you have something like that to tap into?
  • ugenaric1
    ugenaric1 Posts: 33 Member
    I am also in the process of getting approved for gastric sleeve. I have one more nutrition class. FNPsamantha may I add you as a friend? debemm31please add me!
  • shellycornell
    Hi. I had the vertical sleeve on September 9th 2014 Ive lost 57lbs and 6 inches off my waist. I have about 60 more pounds to go. I started the surgery process 2 years ago. I was 320 pounds. So all told Ive lost 100 pounds. The best advice is its not a race, you will gain and lose, you will plateau. Its about changing your life. And your life will change I guarantee it. Dont cheat!! Always remember fat is eliminated by your water intake. The more water you drink the more consistent your fat loss.
  • mfpdevotee
    Hi! I had sleeve surgery on Dec 16.. looking to connect with fellow sleevers through this journey and new to mfp! thanks!

    female, 5.10
    starting weight 265
    current weight 235
    goal weight 170
  • stmike1182
    I just want to say congratulations and good luck to everyone!

  • Dymo150
    5 days post-op
    l just had the gastric sleeve sugery this past Monday on Feb 9, 2015. I am very committed to changing my life for the better, however, I am feeling just miserable. Any advice to help me get through the next few days would be very welcome.
    Thank you
  • trentsmomma08
    trentsmomma08 Posts: 11 Member
    First...congrats on your rebirth. I just celebrated 10 yrs post op. Even to this day, its a struggle but take it one day at a time. Feel free to add me and I'm more than willing to share my experience and answer any questions you have. I lost a total of 130lbs in just over 1 year. Between pregnancy and meds, I regained 30 so here I am. Also, finally pulling the trigger on my body lift on 09.09.15. Beyond excited. One thing I can recommend, because I failed to do it, was exercise once you have approval. It will help tremendously with sagging skin. Food for thought.
  • bubbly1506
    Im due to have my sleeve next month! My age matches my weight! Any advice? Does it come off fast after surgery