Running/jogs @5:30 in the morning!



  • GME66
    GME66 Posts: 2 Member
    I run at 5:30 before work. I wear a clip-on light on a visor so I can see and have a little hand-strap pepper spray. I feel fine usually, but I had to quit watching Dexter.
  • KitkatcuteNYC
    KitkatcuteNYC Posts: 150 Member
    I want to be that person! Question- what do you guys eat/drink that early before you run? If anything

    I just drink a few cups of water and sometimes while I am getting ready, I will boil water and make myself a cup of herbal tea before I head out the door.
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    I like to do a early morning run as well. I tend to leave my house between 5.45am and 6am. I go to my local park where there is a mile running track so there are other crazy people there as well. For me the best feeling is going to work knowing you have already accomplished something and you can happily leave work and enjoy the rest of the evening without trying to fit in a run or a workout somewhere. Every now and again I will go to the gym in the evening as a bit of a extra. But that isn't an occurrence that happens often!

    Food and drink wise I just have a bottle of water before I start and a banana then get home have a shower and have a good breakfast. Usually eggs. This morning was scrambled eggs and avocado. Might start having the coffee before I leave the house though :)