ANyone in Nampa Idaho Area?

I am looking for fellow weight loss buddies here.Hopefully to be a workout/support person(s)
We moved here over 2 years ago but have not made any friends.I am very determined to lose 50lbs to start with.But goal of at least 129lbs.I have 7 children.2 that are home with me all the time.

Walking around the park or working out at my home with the kids playing in playroom or outside.I need that one person or persons who will stick by me and be a motivator and someone who will be there to kick my but when needed lol.


  • calequestrian
    calequestrian Posts: 39 Member
    I live in Caldwell and work in Meridian. I have been up here almost 5 years this October. I have about another 20 pounds to lose. Add me to your friends and let's visit.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I'm in the Nampa/Caldwell area. I'd love to help you stay motivated. You can add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • calequestrian
    calequestrian Posts: 39 Member
    Options if you want to send a friend invite.