Repeated Weight Loss Efforts Failed

Hi, my name is Geri. I'm a 45 year old married mother of a 10 year old son. I joke to people that I still have baby fat still on me.

It's just one of the many lies I tell myself which keeps me in denial.

What's true is I'm a chronic pain patient (Fibromyalgia, Lumbar Disc Disease, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and some emotional problems that I try and deal with.

I'm famous for starting and stopping My Fitness Pal. I love this app, that isn't the problem. I don't love me. I lack discipline.

When I was pregnant 10 years ago, I weighed 160. I desperately want to get there again.

I've allowed myself to rise to 216. Being 5'4" and a pear-shaped woman makes me so concerned about what others think when they see me now.

Some of my problem are a few medications that contributed to my weight gain I could go on.

I want to live with more positive thoughts. My desire is to lose 56 pounds. Seems insurmountable. I'll give it my best now.


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    You can do it! When I started out I thought it was impossible too. Now I am down 86 pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Hi Geri,

    Thank you for sharing. I also have been on and off here as well as deal with issues out of weight. My goal is similar too.

    This is a message of encouragement and comradere. We can do this.

  • Yes we can. Even when we mess up with food, my friend always says that's behind me now just keep moving forward
  • loriehager
    loriehager Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Geri, I just had my 40th birthday in July, thought I'd about die. Overweight and 40 seemed too much and was making me depressed. I'm the Queen of trying things full out for a while then dropping them. I've done WW, juice feasts, 80/10/10, fruit till 4... all of them and they did work if I would have been able to stick with them. I just never seem to be able to stay the long haul with them.
    Just after Christmas I stepped on the scale and was almost back up to the 200lb mark again. I was 209 three years ago, then lost 38lbs. But it's all coming back... I was a binge eater though and was not able to control the episodes of bingeing, they were all I could think of through out a day "when will I be alone so I can eat the way I want to?" was running through my head.
    I have since read the book by Kathryn Hansen, Brain over Binge. I tell you that my mind about eating has totally changed, I just flipped the switch and started eating like normal, active, healthy, thin people eat. I've been doing this now for a few weeks and in down 11lbs. I can't believe how simple it was. I am no longer in bondage to food. Yes, I still enjoy it but it never makes me feel guilty anymore. I just turned off or tuned out the part that tells me I'm going to die if I don't have a second helping or eat while I'm in bed watching Netflix. Lol
    I also have great incentive to rid myself of this extra 50lbs. My husband and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this August, we're having a carnival style party. Carnival tent, games, dancing the whole bit. I just can't see myself all dressed up in my rockabilly getup being overweight. Nope! Not an option.

    Weight loss is a challenge like I have never faced before and I truly hope that we all become successful on our journey.
    Ps I'd like to add you as a friend but I can't figure out how to add people. Lol

  • sheilahykes
    sheilahykes Posts: 3 Member
    Geri - I'm in the same boat too. I'll turn 41 next month and still have my "baby fat" even though my boys are almost 10 and 8. I thought the weight would fall off with having two boys but I just tend to overeat to make up for the running after them that I do. It also doesn't help that whenever I get stressed - I eat! I've been on MFP for a few years and can't seem to stick with it, but I hit the 220 mark this year and am fed up and do not want to buy bigger size pants! Please feel free to add me!

    Loriehager - thanks so much for your post!!! I come home from a 8 1/2 hour day at work and eat like crazy. Probably because I'm so so busy at work and stressed that I barely have time to eat! I'll have to read the book you posted. And would like friends to help out along the way either with motivation, support, or encouragement. Please add me as a friend!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroid & Hyperthyroid group:

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). For me, learning to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly was the key to weight loss (and now maintenance). I'm 46 & 5'2". Feel free to add me as a friend—that goes for anyone with thyroid disease.
  • I too tried the juicing. I bought the Juicers Bible and did pretty well making fruit drinks in the morning and vegetable drinks at night. Lunch would be something well balanced. I lost 20lbs pretty quickly but I couldn't maintain it
    loriehager wrote: »
    Hi Geri, I just had my 40th birthday in July, thought I'd about die. Overweight and 40 seemed too much and was making me depressed. I'm the Queen of trying things full out for a while then dropping them. I've done WW, juice feasts, 80/10/10, fruit till 4... all of them and they did work if I would have been able to stick with them. I just never seem to be able to stay the long haul with them.
    Just after Christmas I stepped on the scale and was almost back up to the 200lb mark again. I was 209 three years ago, then lost 38lbs. But it's all coming back... I was a binge eater though and was not able to control the episodes of bingeing, they were all I could think of through out a day "when will I be alone so I can eat the way I want to?" was running through my head.
    I have since read the book by Kathryn Hansen, Brain over Binge. I tell you that my mind about eating has totally changed, I just flipped the switch and started eating like normal, active, healthy, thin people eat. I've been doing this now for a few weeks and in down 11lbs. I can't believe how simple it was. I am no longer in bondage to food. Yes, I still enjoy it but it never makes me feel guilty anymore. I just turned off or tuned out the part that tells me I'm going to die if I don't have a second helping or eat while I'm in bed watching Netflix. Lol
    I also have great incentive to rid myself of this extra 50lbs. My husband and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this August, we're having a carnival style party. Carnival tent, games, dancing the whole bit. I just can't see myself all dressed up in my rockabilly getup being overweight. Nope! Not an option.

    Weight loss is a challenge like I have never faced before and I truly hope that we all become successful on our journey.
    Ps I'd like to add you as a friend but I can't figure out how to add people. Lol
