Lack of motivation

I really want to lose 4 stone but I'm struggling. My motivation fluctuates. Anybody for advice for someone who genuinely wants to lose weight but is struggling?


  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Motivation isn't your problem if you really want to lose weight. It's commitment.

    And yeah, that's tough. Motivation is an emotional thing, and with all emotions, really does fluctuate a lot from day to day. (As it is supposed to. There is NO emotion you'd really want to be sustaining forever).

    Commitment is different. It doesn't matter how you feel. People use different techniques to get through this. Some use the "just for today" approach, and try their best not to worry about the long-term, but focus on what they can do in that day and in that moment. It's not a bad way to approach it, as all accomplishment, all those tiny little actions that add up to a big accomplishment, generally happen on a day by day basis.
  • Samhart01 you can do this. Just focus on getting through each day. If you stumble it's okay. Pick yourself up and continue from where you are. If you feel overwhelmed focus on getting through that moment. And enjoy each pound that comes off. Focusing on the full weight can be overwhelming. You've got this. Don't give up
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    Last year I realized: motivation is overrated. I decided to stop relying on my fickle emotions for important stuff, like getting healthy.

    I love what the above posters have said - those are practical bits of advice! What worked for me... on my to do list every day, I identify the top three most important things I want to accomplish for the day. I made sure one of those things was exercise. It really did work!! Several months ago now I realized, it was such a habit I didn't *need* to make it one of my three top things.

    Find ways of making working out and eating less a priority. The funny thing is, you might realize halfway through your journey that motivation catches up with you. That it's more a result of putting in the hard work as opposed to a necessary ingredient to get started. Good luck.
  • Thanks so much for the supportive messages. They are a huge help and some solid advice has been taken on board.

    My journey started three days ago. And the 'take each day as it comes' approach is one I've been using.

    My main issue is that I LOVE food. It's going to be tough- but I'm ready. Many thanks again
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    samhart01 wrote: »
    Thanks so much for the supportive messages. They are a huge help and some solid advice has been taken on board.

    My journey started three days ago. And the 'take each day as it comes' approach is one I've been using.

    My main issue is that I LOVE food. It's going to be tough- but I'm ready. Many thanks again

    I love food can still eat and eat well and lose weight. You don't have to torture yourself. Set realistic expectations and goals. Give yourself a reasonable calorie deficit that you can stick with...1 Lb per week is pretty easy as it's just 500 calories less than you need to maintain...that's a snack.