Any success with the NutriBullet/Magic Bullet?



  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    I have both the Nutri Bullett and the Nutri Ninja. They both work great. They extract the nutrients so your body can absorb them better. I do believe you would get more fiber eating the veggies/fruits as whole foods though. I do notice that my nails and hair grow very quickly when I use my machines for a b'fast drink. I like using Spring Mix lettuce, 1/2 cucumber, whey protein powder, cilantro, and banana or whatever fruit is in season. Ice and water. If you don't feel full add 1Tablespoon olive oil (the good fat). This keeps me full til lunch and I do not feel too full that I do not want to do my workouts!! And they are very easy to clean. And it is time for me to go make mine now so hope my experience with them helps!
  • nicklippa
    nicklippa Posts: 31 Member
    When I started my new healthy lifestyle, using the Nutibullet was key to my initial weight loss. I love juice and juicing but hated the clean up after so this was a godsend. While I no longer use it everyday, I still use it about once or twice a week as I choose to eat my fruit and vegetables. What I love about it now is that it after good workout, I make a nice protein shake. I highly recommend this machine.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    It is a blender.... Buy what ever is cheapest. I got mine at Goodwill for $6.00, it works fine. Of course it does not say Ninja on it....
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    nicklippa wrote: »
    When I started my new healthy lifestyle, using the Nutibullet was key to my initial weight loss. I love juice and juicing but hated the clean up after so this was a godsend. While I no longer use it everyday, I still use it about once or twice a week as I choose to eat my fruit and vegetables. What I love about it now is that it after good workout, I make a nice protein shake. I highly recommend this machine.
    Congrats on your progress! fwiw, I don't consider the nutribullet a "juicer".
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    D got a Nutribullet for me to try the smoothies. Nearly every day I have strawberries/raspberries, spinach, blueberries, walnut, small banana, mixed with water as I don't do dairy and don't like the number of calories v the protein in the other 'milks'. The only thing I'd say is if you're taking it out and about, decant it into an opaque bottle that you can drink from - means you don't have to ward off the daft comments from others ;-) (the shake done this way isn't the prettiest to look at).
  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    No this is not a blender. It is an extractor and works completely different. You don't have to cut up most of the fruits or veggies with some exceptions. This machine does things a blender could never do because of the high powered motor. One example of the differences...I do not think you could put an unpeeled apple or an unpeeled cucumber in a blender. In the extractor you just have to cut out the core of the apple and cut the cucumber into a few pieces. No peeling required. But everybody has the right to choose the machine that works best for them and of course what they can afford. Neither of my bullets cost me over $100.
  • mbradyj830
    mbradyj830 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    I have the Nutribullet and make Nutriblast ' s almost every morning. I've never been a breakfast person as we all know it's the most important meal they say. I bought mine from Kohls so it was on sale plus using a 30% then getting kohl's cash in the long run made it affordable. (I bought the bigger one with discounts was able to buy the better one) on Sunday I take freezer bags line them up and put whatever frozen fruit or items in that I will want. I also freeze Greek yogurt in ice cube trays and drop one or 2 in the bag. Then return to freezer. So in the morning I can grab a bag out thro my greens (usually always spinach) in the cup with frozen bag of stuff and water blend up and on the way I go takes less then 2 min. I'm a fan of cold and thick which is why I prefer it all frozen. I do need to get some protein powder. I hope this helps. It's super easy to clean. Good luck.
  • ouiser73
    ouiser73 Posts: 2 Member
    ohi874 wrote: »
    I have always been of the mindset that you should not drink your calories. My doctor advised me not to juice or do smoothies because you're better off eating the fruit or veg you're about to blast. Ymmv but drinks don't satisfy me.

    That's actually half bad advice. Blending actually allows your body to digest the nutrients in the skins and seeds that would normally pass right through you if you were to eat it whole. If smoothies don't fill you up and you prefer to eat your calories that's fine, but telling others that they shouldn't because you lose nutrient value isn't true.

    My doctor told me that some of the vegetables lose somebod their nutrient value when you blend them as well. Doesn't matter to me either way but the thought of drinking blended greens disgusts me, but that berry recipe doesn't sound half bad.
  • ouiser73
    ouiser73 Posts: 2 Member
    Pardon my typos