Thread for Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, other?



  • fevrale
    fevrale Posts: 170 Member
    Depression. Starting Wellbutrin. Anyone have experience with this.

    I am. I began taking it in October and have been doing quite well on it. Everyone is different but it has worked for me! My only bad side effect has been increased sweating leading to adult acne. But I'm willing to deal with that for how much better I feel overall.
  • mommyvalarie
    mommyvalarie Posts: 13 Member
    I have mild depression, I am not on meds for it because I know most of them cause weight gain, which is usually the source of my depression. BTW, if you live in the northern latitudes this time of year, you should get your vitamin d level checked. My doctor had me do mine and it came back critically low. Once they put me in megadoses of vit D I felt so much more...hopeful!

    I also struggle with eating to make myself feel better. Looking for a better way to deal with feelings. Wish my insurance covered mental health!
  • edises1
    edises1 Posts: 13 Member
    fevrale wrote: »
    Depression. Starting Wellbutrin. Anyone have experience with this.

    I am. I began taking it in October and have been doing quite well on it. Everyone is different but it has worked for me! My only bad side effect has been increased sweating leading to adult acne. But I'm willing to deal with that for how much better I feel overall.

    Same here. Acne and sweat!
  • edises1
    edises1 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a really bad anxiety disorder , it is way way out of hand 3 months ago I ended up in the hospital with a bowel obstruction I could not handle it In the hospital 5 days ready to rip everything out and leave the hospital worst days of my life. I refuse to go back if I get another one I would rather die than go through that again that is how bad it is I am trying to change my life with my weight loss and other surrounding problems I have hoping it will go away so I could use as many friends like myself as I could get Kimberly

    My wife went through that surgery, just in time, septic shock. Find a bank connections group. They've been a part of my recovery for 5 years.
  • edises1
    edises1 Posts: 13 Member
    edises1 wrote: »
    I have a really bad anxiety disorder , it is way way out of hand 3 months ago I ended up in the hospital with a bowel obstruction I could not handle it In the hospital 5 days ready to rip everything out and leave the hospital worst days of my life. I refuse to go back if I get another one I would rather die than go through that again that is how bad it is I am trying to change my life with my weight loss and other surrounding problems I have hoping it will go away so I could use as many friends like myself as I could get Kimberly

    My wife went through that surgery, just in time, septic shock. Find a naami connections group. They've been a part of my recovery for 5 years.

  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member
    Depression. Starting Wellbutrin. Anyone have experience with this.

    Wellbutrin worked wonders for me, paired with lithium.
  • I have depression with social and general anxiety disorder. I'm also a psychology major, so talking about this stuff intrigues me.
    From personal experience, I find that eating fresh. whole foods as well as working out does wonders for my depression and anxiety.
  • fevrale
    fevrale Posts: 170 Member
    edises1 wrote: »
    fevrale wrote: »
    Depression. Starting Wellbutrin. Anyone have experience with this.

    I am. I began taking it in October and have been doing quite well on it. Everyone is different but it has worked for me! My only bad side effect has been increased sweating leading to adult acne. But I'm willing to deal with that for how much better I feel overall.

    Same here. Acne and sweat!

    Have you found any solutions? I've tried salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, Yellow Dock and Burdock Root supplements, and more to no avail...
  • beets4us
    beets4us Posts: 57 Member
    I have general anxiety disorder. I'm on Celexa, which has been a godsend. I know meds aren't the answer for everyone, but it's made a huge difference for me. Running has also really helped me regulate the anxiety. It is tricky dieting with the disorder, and I hope to learn how you all deal with it.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I have anxiety and a bit of a worrier, I seem to worry about everything and over think. Hi
  • IllBeBack1Day
    IllBeBack1Day Posts: 982 Member
    eraser51 wrote: »
    I heard workout helps to boost Serotonin and lowers depression.

    Is this correct?

    I got a light depression diagnosed and been in therapy... maybe I should start a workout?!

    Would love to chat a bit :)

    Definitely workout and eat healthier. And try yoga if you can
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I have anxiety and panic disorder. I'm proud to say that I'm no longer on medication except for 1/2 a lorazepam when situations catch me off guard (and complicated dental appointments. LOL). Exercise, particularly lifting, has helped more than I can ever put into words.
  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member
    I went to the store and an employee said something really rude to me. Instead of flying off the handle and really ripping into this person, then going home and self medicating the manic with a pizza, (and several days of other stuff) I took a deep breath and filed a written complaint from home.
    Yeay, meds!
  • stellerceramics
    stellerceramics Posts: 5 Member
    I found yoga to be an incredible way to learn to be comfortable just being in my body.
  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh, man, I left my therapist today and slept for 5 hours. That was rough.
  • edises1
    edises1 Posts: 13 Member
    I am having problems getting 1200 cal. When I eat good food, veggies etc. It takes too much food to hit goal. I'm eating so much broccoli my face is turning green (joking).
  • I have been diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder.

    The many meds that I have been and am on have caused a weight gain of 80 pounds. Granted some of that is due to how I handle my disorder.

    I have been trying to lose some pounds for a while now and nothing seems to be working. How do you keep your self motivated, for those who have the same issues?

    Feel free to add me if you want a competition buddy. Dakoda26
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    I suffered from general anxiety disorder while as a teen and young adult. I was put on Cipralex and it made me gain 30 lbs. I'm not sure if it was the medication that caused the weight gain or just my lifestyle (a combination of stress, over-eating, and consuming too much caffeine), but it was horrible. When I think of it now, the pills actually made me feel worse. I know everyone is different and some might find Cipralex the wonder-drug, but I felt like it was destroying me. I eventually weened myself off of it when I felt it was safe to do so (after graduating from university and taking some time off from regular life). Ever since then I felt much better.

    4 years later I haven't taken any medication, but once in awhile my anxiety gets the best of me. Right now I'm going through a particularly tough time due to stress at work and starting a new job. All of the emotions of not feeling good enough and fearing failure are starting to come back. During times with medication or not, I still have issues with anxiety and low self-esteem, which has led to a bit of disordered eating and the odd panic attack. I know that I need to fix myself inside in order to be physically healthy. This has always been the underlying issue of a lot of my problems.
  • BackbeattheFire
    BackbeattheFire Posts: 21 Member
    I suffer from depression and I tend to self medicate with food. I do well for a while, drop a good amount of weight 25lbs...and then life gets the best of me and I gain a good portion back.
    I'm trying to get motivated to attempt to actually get some control over my health. Feel free to add me, I'd actually love some friends that understand where I'm coming from.
  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member
    edises1 wrote: »
    I am having problems getting 1200 cal. When I eat good food, veggies etc. It takes too much food to hit goal. I'm eating so much broccoli my face is turning green (joking).
