Fat and discouraged

Hello, I'm Na - Na. Just to give background about myself, I'm 21 years old 5'7 and 250lbs. I gained over 50 lbs in 5 months once I started working nights 2 years ago. I tried everything because I feel disgusting and down on myself all the time but it's hard. I hate feeling so fat and ugly I don't go anywhere and refuse to dress other than sweat pants. I'm just trying to find people so we can go through this weight loss journey together because it's hard not having anyone that understands. I just started a smoothies diet 4 days ago consisting of fruits veggies oats and almond milk nothing to eat. I have lost nothing not even a pound and it makes me cry seeing people that has done this and loses a pound a day while I'm not losing anything. I'm so discouraged and afraid I may get diabetes or other health related diseases. I'm trying to stay strong but it's hard.


  • DebbsB1
    Hi there, ima Debb and I know how you feel. I am having the same problems, but I haven't worked in over a year I have fibromyalgia n it seems like anything I do hurts me more. I have a friend that is very healthy n I finally asked her to help me with what to eat n what to do. She suggested the low carb thing. I am struggling with it tho cus I don't understand it all. You can add me on here maybe we can help each other.
  • JoRolleNola
    JoRolleNola Posts: 152 Member
    I do understand how you feel. I was over 260 lbs and thought my life was a wreck. I started about 3 week ago and I'm noticing small changes here and there. You can do this and I'll be here to encourage you any way I can.
  • catcaperello
    catcaperello Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Na-Na, you're not alone. I know it's Don't try to move the mountain all at once. Focus on one behavior at a time. Like replacing soft drinks with water, or cutting fruit juice with water. Do that for a week or two until it's 2nd nature. There are so many little tweaks you can do, and it all adds up eventually. It's so hard to make a drastic shift and then 4 days in not notice any changes. That can make you become discouraged, and quit before you've given your body to come of out of shock. Go for a walk, drink some water. I swear, you can do it. I was 312lbs at age 21. I'm 35 and 210. I'm not perfect, I'm still on the journey, will probably always be - but the point is, be patient. Your body is amazing. It will do what you ask it to, but you have to help it. Start slow, and ask yourself, "how do you want to feel?" You can do it.
  • NAL24
    NAL24 Posts: 7 Member
    jocarapack wrote: »
    I do understand how you feel. I was over 260 lbs and thought my life was a wreck. I started about 3 week ago and I'm noticing small changes here and there. You can do this and I'll be here to encourage you any way I can.

    Thank you so much
  • NAL24
    NAL24 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all so much! I feel better already just knowing that I'm not the only one who have felt this way thank you
  • ladieofthebees
    ladieofthebees Posts: 51 Member
    You're not alone! I started just after Christmas, staring at 240lbs on the scale (I'm 5'4). I would suggest not overwhelming yourself doing it all at once - one step at a time instead of trying to climb the whole mountain in one go. I started making small changes like others have posted above, cutting out soda, then cutting down portion sizes, switching in healthier options, slowly introducing exercise and increasing it each week. At seven weeks I'm starting to see definite changes, and I feel better, which makes it easier to keep going and making further changes. Add me if you want, I'm on the same same journey :smile:
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time! It can seem overwhelming when we first start - especially when you try something very "intense" like a smoothie diet. Like the other posters, I would suggest trying to make a few small, specific changes first. Then slowly and deliberately incorporate healthier eating and exercise into your routine. When we stop comparing ourselves to others and recognize that this is OUR journey, we're better able to realize it's not a race. You're so young :smile: and if you just begin realizing you CAN do this, you'll see just how amazing and strong you are. Feel free to add me as friend.
  • Hitesc
    Hitesc Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome to myfitnesspal, I was 240 lbs back in 2013, hated myself. Even as a child I was always fat and I hated buying clothes, taking pictures and going out because of my size. Well guess what, decided to change my life around in june of 2013, and by the time november 2013 came by, I went to 160. Since then I've been around the same weight. Just set realistic goals, don't do some fad diet and wtf is a smoothie diet.. thats the stupidest idea i've ever heard -- sorry. Are you really going to drink smoothies all your life? Uh hell no? Get some real food in you, don't starve yourself. It's all about your prospective on life and how little things can add up. Examples include:
    1. Walking up stairs instead of taking the escalator
    2. Drinking water instead of pop
    3. Walk to school or work instead
    4. Get up and move just for 5 minutes
  • Hitesc
    Hitesc Posts: 86 Member
    And btw, I'm about your age, turning 21 this march
  • fireguychris
    fireguychris Posts: 58 Member
    check yor smoothies.. the smoothies can be putting ALOT of calories in you... i suggest eating real healthy food over just smoothies.. a smoothie wll help for a SINGLE meal, but not for all meals. also dont to try to lose to much at one time, remember slow and steady wins the race... oh, and im 316 lbs... was 325 not that long ago..
    biggest change i made was cut out mcdonalds.. chips cookies, pop(soda) etc...
    also i started excersing. not just cardio, but weight lifting as well, dont forgot that the the more muscle you gain will increase metabolisim burning MORE fat while at rest!!!
    cardio also helps to burn fat as well!
    you CAN do this.

  • NAL24
    NAL24 Posts: 7 Member
    Hitesc wrote: »
    Welcome to myfitnesspal, I was 240 lbs back in 2013, hated myself. Even as a child I was always fat and I hated buying clothes, taking pictures and going out because of my size. Well guess what, decided to change my life around in june of 2013, and by the time november 2013 came by, I went to 160. Since then I've been around the same weight. Just set realistic goals, don't do some fad diet and wtf is a smoothie diet.. thats the stupidest idea i've ever heard -- sorry. Are you really going to drink smoothies all your life? Uh hell no? Get some real food in you, don't starve yourself. It's all about your prospective on life and how little things can add up. Examples include:
    1. Walking up stairs instead of taking the escalator
    2. Drinking water instead of pop
    3. Walk to school or work instead
    4. Get up and move just for 5 minutes

    Wow your story us amazing and thank you for your words. The smoothie diet really isn't considered "diet" it's a body cleanse definitely not something I will continue to do. I plan on slowly incorporating solid foods and low carbs into my diet. I want to shape my life around eating lower carbs.
  • NAL24
    NAL24 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all so much
  • creolefitness18
    creolefitness18 Posts: 14 Member
    Build yourself up. You can DO IT!!
  • lopezchavarin
    lopezchavarin Posts: 14 Member
    You can do it. Don't be hard on yourself. We are all or have been where your at. Keep your head up. If u need a friend u can add me. We could do this together and share diets n foods. I'm a married mother of two brats. Lol. I'm 44 n trying to start this damn roller coaster again. Lol. Let's do this ride together. Good luck n stay strong
  • sportymom18
    i know how you feel - I'm 5'ft -40 yrs- i weighed 105 16 years ago - a couple kids and 2c-sections later- weighed 180lbs - lost it and got to my lowest at 104 -sz2 - it took over 1 year to do - we lived in the middle of nowhere - town of 70 people - so walking that eventually turned into running and boxercise videos - i kept a food journal - and made sure i burned more calories than i consumed - i also bought free weights and started weight training - kept myself within 10lbs of that until about 2 years ago - big move - changes etc.life happens and i forced myself on the scale recently and weighed in at 142- i was so dissapointed. But not down - because I'm halfc way closer than i was the last time i lost weight - so i know it can be done! !!- don't get sad and hate yourself - know you can become healthy because others have -- smoothies won't do it - and more than 2lbs a week is not healthy or sustainable- it's calories in vs calories out -- and cutting . out carbs is not healthy- a balance of healthy whole foods and cardio and weight training -real weight training-none of this 20 reps garbage- will help you achieve your goals!!!
  • babitaburathoki
    That's great that you are starting with the smoothie cleanse - but once that's over you should start eating healthy real food (home made is best). You should also look into Intermittant Fasting. I hit a weight loss plateau and have been working out and trying to eat well but still wasn't losing any weight. Now, I'm trying IF.
  • ladd_alvy1986
    I understand totally and KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I was 295 pds in the beggining of 2014 now I can happily say I am 210. It wasnt easy and it took a couple months of sticking with it before I really started losing, but after that the weight started dropping off.

    Stick to drinking a ton of water, walking as much as possible (ex. Park far away and walk, stairs, walk to grocery store, parks, or libraries), and even do something will watching movies and other less active stuff (I shadow boxed while watching movies lol), and if you can workout at work to anywhere you can slip it in.

    You are making the first and greatest step of your life by getting healthier. Cant wait to read your success story one day :)
  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    It took you 5 months to gain and it's going to take you just as long (if not longer) to lose. Don't be discouraged! Time and persistence will get you there in the end!