Any ketogenic dieters?

antibomber Posts: 3
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
i started a ketogenic meal plan on the 12th of January to lose about 15 - 20lbs. I've lost about 13 or so this far. Wonder how other Keto dieters track their hidden carbs and if they have any good recipes.


  • following
  • jordanify
    jordanify Posts: 81 Member
    I don't have recipes yet. I was following a somewhat low carb lifestyle but i made the switch to keto this week. Congrats on your loss by the way. So far my breakfast is half of avocado, 2 eggs and bacon. If i come across any yummy recipes I'll come back to share :)
  • Fay_410
    Fay_410 Posts: 15 Member
    I read ketogenic diets are good for epileptics. Since I suffer from epilepsy I would love this. See if it helps. I already am mostly no carbs but I'm a cheat lol
  • jordanify
    jordanify Posts: 81 Member
    I just thought of something that I love...grilled chicken or new york steak with guacamole as a dipping's so delish!
  • I found a good website which not a total advertisement. she has a good recipe for cream cheese pancakes, and I just made this chocolate avocado pudding. They're both pretty good.
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    I am not just Keto, I am mostly whole foods and 90% Paleo. What type of Recipes are you looking for?
  • Any recipe that is high in fat and low in carbs and protein. Too much of either of those will kick me out of ketosis. Right now I mostly snack on avocados or pork rinds. I'd like to add some variety to that.
  • nakitten
    nakitten Posts: 7 Member
    I make sesame kelp noodles that I keep around for cravings. Soak the kelp noodles in warm water for a half hour and mix 2 T almond butter, 1 t toasted sesame oil, 2 t tamari and if you like it spicy, squirrel srirachi (sugar-free) to your liking with a fork. Heat them up together for a high fat, low carb and low protein snack and add whatever meats and veggies you desire (within your macro goals). Be careful with the rinds, they're pretty high protein or eat them with sour cream or cream cheese to up the fat.
  • Tevari
    Tevari Posts: 6 Member
    Yep, I follow the Keto way of eating, there's a great group on FB called "The Low Carb High Fat Group" which is where I learned most of it from. There are amazing recipes on Pinterest, I breath I'm hungry and All day I dream about food.

    I also snack on boiled eggs, macadamia nuts and turkey slices mmmmmmmmm. Fat Bombs never go astray either :smiley:.
  • Tevari
    Tevari Posts: 6 Member
    OH! There are also some wonderful Keto boards on Reddit, especially a keto recipe one!
  • movieman2742
    movieman2742 Posts: 2 Member
    I did a keto diet about three years ago. The best part were the carb up refeed days. And the bacon. Lots of bacon. But anyway, there are plenty of sites for keto-related meal ideas, etc.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited February 2015
    See the Low Carb group here... Great info... Also MFP has a paleo group.
  • Bone broth!!!!! Go Keto!!!
  • tjono
    tjono Posts: 1 Member
    Caveman keto has some good options. I am also trying to do Keto, but still learning how to hit my macros everyday.
  • ksaroyan
    ksaroyan Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2015
    There's a lot of good recipes on the web. Just Google keto... I find myself eating way too much protein so instead I now input the values of a meal into MyFitnessPal to project how that would effect the daily macros. It really helps gauge what to eat and what not to eat.

    When I have a few calories left over in the day (1200 calories/day) and I still need fat, I resort to a fat based dessert usually has a lot of cream cheese, butter or coconut oil.

    Otherwise, like someone mentioned keto broth!

    Also, you may want to monitor veggies and fruits cause that's were the carbs are hidden for me or at least until I found them.

    If you religiously input your meals into your diary, you WILL find your "hidden" carbs.