Hiya! 32 y/o with 40 lbs to shed

Hello! I'm Beth! I have about 40 lbs to lose and I'm on day 2 of this journey. I've been here before but life happened and insert any excuse here. Sooo I'm back to square one. My pic is a lie! Oh it's me, but it's a trimmer me last summer before stuffing my face with pop tarts and pizza like a zombie apocalypse was imminent. I was about 148-150 in that pic (I'm 5'3.5") btw. 2 days ago I reluctantly stepped on the evil scale (after my husband took a pic of me sitting at the lancome makeup counter...when I THOUGHT I left the house smoking hot in all black and I was somehow replaced in the car with a flabby, pale person who btw sits with hunched shoulders) and the number 168 punched me square in the face. So here I am. That pic started a fire in me. We moved the dusty elliptical from the garage to the living room and I remembered mfp and redownloaded the app. I need some friends! I'm a stay-at-home army wife and mom and we just moved to ft. Campbell, KY in October. I need some nice people on mfp to keep me accountable and maybe share some humor along the way!


  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    Love your post! :) Feel free to add me! I desperately need some supportive friends. I have a similar picture that fuels my fire and when I compare myself to it I'm blown away and just how much I've let myself go. What was I thinking?
  • DeeRay101712
    DeeRay101712 Posts: 28 Member
    My scale punched me in the face too. Lol I'm at the same place as you, weight wise, and would love more supportive friends. I'll send you a FR :smiley:
  • kodak1122
    kodak1122 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me, however I have a little more then you to lose, (currently about 56 lbs). I am a in home daycare provider, and so I know it can be more challenging to stick to the health habits. Although I am also now teaching the kids about making healthier choices. We still however have some treats in the house that often stare me in the face and say "Eat Me!" My husband and I have our wedding reception coming up, and then a honeymoon trip to Cancun, so I would love to not be ashamed of what I look like in the upcoming pictures. I will cheer you on every step of the way!!
  • cjag77
    cjag77 Posts: 6 Member
    Love your post! After some very serious health issues laid me in a hospital bed for a year, and 3 more years of trying to bounce back I was almost 150 lbs heavier. I shed 65 last year. And am back on track to lose the next 65 this year! Sending you a request! We can motivate each other!!!
  • Oh please let's be friends! I can tell we have a similar sense of humor and our stats are also similar. I'm 36. 5'3" and currently at 176 lbs. I want to get down to 140. I would love to eventually see 135 but I'm trying to be "realistic" with my goals. I could really use some friends on here for support
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Not entirely in the same boat. I'm 32 (almost) 5'-6" and currently 148.4lb. Started at 187lb last year around summer. Got down to 140 before the holidays and let loose. Went back up to 155 and finally seeing the numbers go down again. I'm aiming for 135lb as final weight but will probably try and go lower so I have some wiggle room before starting maintenance. I always gain back 5 to 10 lb when I start eating a little more.
  • I hear you about that scale, that it was happened to me as well...I got on and saw 160, and I was shocked! I decided right then I needed to change a lot with my lifestyle! I'm only 5 foot even so 160 is a lot a lot for me. I'm in week 3, I started off slow. First I just started exercise and increasing my water intake, because they takes a lot of work. You have to remind yourself...go get the water. After about 2 1/2 weeks I finally changed the way I was eating which was the scary part, because I LOVE food. So here I am 4 days into my full lifestyle change (exercise and new meal plans) and I'm feeling great!!! Literally I feel so much healthier! Sure I have cravings here and there and I give a lot with the brookside dark chocolate. But overall I feel like I can do this. My dairy is open and you can see what I eat and do. The important part for me is not to get hungry!!! So I eat anywhere from 2-3 hours. I also exercise only 10-25mins at a time 2-4 times a day. Everyday! I'm a mom of a little one so I exercise when I'm allowed ;) (lol). Feel free to add me (anyone). Good luck on your journey and remember its about what you want for yourself !
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    You can do it! I'm a mom of 4 and down 39 lbs as of today! Add me as a friend!
  • bethmeek27
    bethmeek27 Posts: 29 Member
    Shall I post the pic of doom? I shall. Here ya go! Omgosh no I can't. Ok I can. Ughhh! Why am I sitting like that?!?!?lnxm2ny7wwro.jpg
  • bethmeek27
    bethmeek27 Posts: 29 Member
    That pic is officially a 'before'. And excuse me while I go practice sitting not like a man.
  • ntdrive
    ntdrive Posts: 105 Member
    The man-ish pose
  • k80chavez
    k80chavez Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 29, and I've been in the 170-180 range for the past 2 years!!! Today I'm 174 but I want to be 129 like the old days! I'm here with you. I'm a vet and a dependent. Going through divorce. Need to get in dating-shape!!
  • bethmeek27
    bethmeek27 Posts: 29 Member
    K80chavez, my good ol' days weight was 127! Ahhh. And I had the audacity to think I was hefty..only because I have a booty and my friends didn't so I couldn't fit into their size 3s! Lol
    We can do this!
  • d_waters
    d_waters Posts: 11 Member
    Hey!! I too am on here for the second day and am also an army "wife" well...girlfriend...I found another love just today..called burst training and I hope it helps! I am only 5 ft 1 and am working towards a 20 pd loss.. I did some research (ok..you tube and google) and burst training seems like a good fit since us ladies don't always have alot of time... (excuses excuses ) but if you got 20 minutes...it can be squeezed in. Heard great reviews and hope it helps me out...best wishes...wanted to say hi. Maybe we can be fitness buddies and push one another :)
  • Sidneysider
    Sidneysider Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, love your post
  • Add me all, 36, need to lose minimum of 35lbs, 4 kids, starting training for a half marathon, it hasn't been pretty. Need motivation and accountability friends big time.
  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 30 and a mom.to a 15 month old baby boy ..i could use new friends to help and motivate me. I.have 70.pounds to loose. Goodluck on your journey . :)
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    35Yo dad of 3. Similar boat with photo (obv not whilst sat at make up counter) over last 18 month ive gone from maybe 13.5 stone to 16 stone. So decided to take bull by horns, got my fitbit flex and this app. Operation racing snake is underway! Ha ha please feel free to add, more determined than ever. Just over 1 week in and 7lb loss already :)
  • Hi, please add me in. I need someone who can share her stories and lift up my through out my losing weight journey. I need 70 pounds to lose.
  • foxcam1
    foxcam1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'd love for you to add me. Great post. I'm not new to MFP, but I've been off if it for a long time and I'm new to the groups. I had baby 2 a year ago and I need to get the weight off (I got all of it off after baby 1, who is now 3 years old, but it's been much harder to motivate and juggle it all after baby 2.).

    I work full time in a high stress office job (any other lawyers out there?). I have 25 lbs to lose (going from 160 to my pre-baby weight of 135) and I'm getting scared that I've already made it a lot harder to get it off by letting a year pass since having baby 2. Looking for a community to help hold me accountable, and I will return the favor. :)