Starting over...again O.o

Anyone else in that boat? Please add me! I tracked and finally got under 200...stopped tracking and ballooned up to 230 again :\

I'm going to stick to 3 rules the next 30 days and see how it goes: a mile a day, no alcohol and a big salad a day.

Looking for others for inspiration and support!



  • BrandNewMan1970
    BrandNewMan1970 Posts: 373 Member
    Good luck, I also can track and discipline and lose weight ever so slowly and as soon as I stop I put all the weight on in 2 days. I think your three big rules are great. I find (when I am trying) big breakfast medium lunch and big salad at night really help out. Tons of water. Good Luck you'll be there soon
  • jojoisbobo
    jojoisbobo Posts: 5 Member
    I've been there too and recently found myself also starting over. Always looking for extra motivation, so I'll add you both.