Be my motivation?!

Hey ladies and gents! I'm Ashley and I'm new to this. I wanting so badly to lose weight and slim down/tone up. I'm a busy momma and find it hard to always eat healthy and exercise regularly. I need that little but.. Or a lot.. Of motivation to help keep me going!


  • AnnaDanielleMay
    Hey ladies and gents! I'm Ashley and I'm new to this. I wanting so badly to lose weight and slim down/tone up. I'm a busy momma and find it hard to always eat healthy and exercise regularly. I need that little but.. Or a lot.. Of motivation to help keep me going!
    Hi ashley, im anna. I know how you feel! Feel free to add me and we can help eachother!
  • lk43m
    lk43m Posts: 12
    Hi there, I'm in the same boat you, I have 3 girls 6, 5 and 3, because of my fitness pal I lost 6lbs, I was delighted but then just had surgery on friday so I desperately need friends here to hold me accountable to weight loss.
  • dying2Bskinnie
    Hi ladies! Lk43m it's awesome to see that you've had progress with this! I'm sure you'll be right back at it after you recover. Anna that would be great! I need motivation! (: how long have you guys been using this?
  • AnnaDanielleMay
    Hi ladies! Lk43m it's awesome to see that you've had progress with this! I'm sure you'll be right back at it after you recover. Anna that would be great! I need motivation! (: how long have you guys been using this?
    Ive been using this for 4 months now.
  • lk43m
    lk43m Posts: 12
    Hi Ladies, I sent you both a friend request, hopefully we can motivate each other to get healthier :smile:
  • dying2Bskinnie
    That's awesome! I just started this morning. (: I'm too cold to get out from under these blankets! Lol!
    Winter : 1 Ashley : 0
  • AnnaDanielleMay
    That's awesome! I just started this morning. (: I'm too cold to get out from under these blankets! Lol!
    Winter : 1 Ashley : 0
    I feel you girl! Its snowing where i live and my house is freezing. Knce again mother nature has won!
  • theonlycathy
    Hey ladies and gents! I'm Ashley and I'm new to this. I wanting so badly to lose weight and slim down/tone up. I'm a busy momma and find it hard to always eat healthy and exercise regularly. I need that little but.. Or a lot.. Of motivation to help keep me going!

    If you don't mind drinking tea, try green tea for a few weeks then "upgrade" to oolong tea! It definetly helps keep the weight off even without working out
  • dying2Bskinnie
    Are those teas I can purchase in the store or do they have to be purchased online? I'm sure the green tea can be bought in stores . I'm not a huge fan of tea but at this point I'm willing to try just about anything!!
    -Anna, it sucks! I wish my family lived somewhere warm all year!!
  • AnnaDanielleMay
    Same girl, same. I wish i lived somewhere warm!
  • acurley01
    I've been using MFP on and off for a few years but never fully utilized all the great tools or support. I am just beginning again this morning and could use some support/friends on here. My ultimate goal is to lose 70 pounds in the end. My first goal is 33 pounds by mid summer! I live in upstate New York and it was -15 out this morning! I have 3 busy children ages 6-12. We have a membership to the Y in town but it's more or less a monthy donation.
  • dying2Bskinnie
    acurley01 wrote: »
    I've been using MFP on and off for a few years but never fully utilized all the great tools or support. I am just beginning again this morning and could use some support/friends on here. My ultimate goal is to lose 70 pounds in the end. My first goal is 33 pounds by mid summer! I live in upstate New York and it was -15 out this morning! I have 3 busy children ages 6-12. We have a membership to the Y in town but it's more or less a monthy donation.

    Welcome (: I wish I has some kind of membership, but it would probably very seldom get used. I'm busy most of the time. Hopefully we can all reach our goals together
  • HannahMaeCabe
    Hey, im Hannah. Im new here.
  • dying2Bskinnie
    Hey, im Hannah. Im new here.

    Hi Hannah! Welcome! ☺
  • irongrinder
    irongrinder Posts: 202 Member
    I'm Derek, I've been using this for about 21 days and I've been on since November, from using this app/website I've been able to track my meals and stay under a calorie goal, not sure how much fat I've shed but I've put on some muscle!
  • dying2Bskinnie
    I'm Derek, I've been using this for about 21 days and I've been on since November, from using this app/website I've been able to track my meals and stay under a calorie goal, not sure how much fat I've shed but I've put on some muscle!

    That's awesome! I like this bc I can track my calories and meals super easy! I'm looking for a better app to count my steps. I don't think the one I have is very accurate.
  • aprileannemuzzy
    Hi ladies,, been doing this for almost 2 weeks,, what is different for me than you,, I have one leg that don't function yet they can't figure out why,, I trying with all my might to keep going,, I want know this lose flab gone yet I can't go to a gym it considered unsafe for them.. So I am building my own,, I have 5lb weights starting with my arms,,, 20 times 6 reps walk one legged on a 4 wheel walker on rocks in Arizona dessert.. for 20 minutes one way then back,, I want tummy flab mess gone.. try sit up nope,, cause of disk issues in neck and back... Can some one help???
  • aprileannemuzzy
    Need meal ideas really different things for brown rice,,,