1 week in and 7lb lost

JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
edited February 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys so just over 1 week in and i have lost 7lb. Know i cant sustain this and know its not all fat. But still a good loss. Dont feel like i starved myself either. Was hoping for maybe a 3lb loss per week. I will make the success story boards. Ha ha. Feel free to follow me guys. Very determined married dad of 3.


  • well done, thats a great first week :)
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Yes that was me starting to diet. Not sure my tdee. Fairly active in work though. Hoping to average 3lbs loss per week over maybe 8-10 weeks. Set my daily intake to 1500. Which im comfortably getting under
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Currently at 15.7. Started bang on 16 and at 5ft10. Thats heavy for me. Think i was maybe 14 stone in profile pic and circa 18%bf
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    Yeah I lost 5 lbs my first week which was last week. I have other issues though where I normally carry a lot of water weight so I assume that helped in the 5 lbs.
  • kikigood95
    kikigood95 Posts: 4 Member
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Yeh i prob had lot of water weight too. 1500 is that low really. Beiring in mind i need to be calorie deficit
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    kikigood95 wrote: »

    Thank you
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited February 2015
    3lb a week is still excessive. especially since your goal is 21lbs. Seriously man, I'm female at 159lbs eating 2000-2200 to lose weight slowly now that I have 15-20lbs left to lose! Change your goal up to 1lb a week max, if you exercise then log your exercise and eat back at least half of the calories.

    And if your job is truly active then set your activity level to reflect that, whether that means moderately active or active.
  • corinic91
    corinic91 Posts: 148 Member
    You will still be in a deficit eating at least 2000 cal/day given your stats. You need to fuel your body, and you're eating well below your BMR which is how much your body needs to LIVE, let alone allow you to work, exercise, etc.
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for comments guys but aiming for 1lb a week loss just doesnt interest me. I put target as 14 but its not where i want to finish at. Its just a weight i see as easily acheivable. As for maintenance calories. Is there a definitive amount, and is there not lots of studys promoting less calories than the norm having lots of health benefits
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    yoyo - fast track here we come.

    good luck.
  • Let's start tracking! ;)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I wish you well, however, you wont find much support here for 3lbs per week. You also wont find much support for an adult male eating 1500 cals per week, its just not healthy. You will have a tough time reaching your macro/micro nutrient needs on so few calories. And lastly, you are setting yourself up for yo-yo dieting, meaning very low calories until you cant take it, then you will binge. Either way, good luck to you.
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    I wish you well, however, you wont find much support here for 3lbs per week. You also wont find much support for an adult male eating 1500 cals per week, its just not healthy. You will have a tough time reaching your macro/micro nutrient needs on so few calories. And lastly, you are setting yourself up for yo-yo dieting, meaning very low calories until you cant take it, then you will binge. Either way, good luck to you.

    Its 1500 per day
    I hope to prove most of yous wrong..stay tuned if interested guys. Thanks
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    1500 calories is WAY too low for a grown man. You are going to feel sick and hungry all the time and you are never going to get enough nutrients. And the most you are supposed to lose healthily per week is 2lbs. You'll be yoyoing back if you really try to lose 3lbs a week, but it's your life!