Anyone not losing Weight? (in heathy BMI range)

I am convinced that I am incapable of losing weight..I always seem to stick around the same 149ish range +/- a pound or two.
I eat usually at least half my exercise calories, sometimes more if I am hungry.
I do not have a lot of weight to lose, but I have been watching what I eat and running a lot but I'm not losing weight nor inches!

I'm going to the gym tonight to do some strength training, maybe that will help. Any suggestions?
I try to stay around the MFP suggested calorie daily intake.


  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    its probably because of just that reason, every body type is different and you may have hit your body type wall. where it;s saying NO MORE, no more weight to lose, now its time to tone
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    I'm at 133.5lbs and 5'5". I am trying to go down to 125. I too have been unable to lose much weight. The less you have to lose, then the less you do lose. However, I noticed that if I stick to around 1300/day (before excercising) I seem to be losing inches and not weight. I do run 3-4 times a week (at least 4 miles) and do weights or swiming 2 times a week. The inches came off quickly now I've plateaued. Try upping the calories slightly, you may be pushing your body. The more you work the more your body wants to hold onto fat to feed it. If you feed it what it wants before you work out then it will eat the fat already there because it wont feel the need to hold onto it.
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    me. i'm not either. the only time i ever really lost weight was when i was unhealthy about it and didnt ever buy food or groceries.

    now that i'm doing it right... im having zero success with the scale.
  • Tic_Tac_Toe
    Tic_Tac_Toe Posts: 33
    I am in the same boat. I'm 5'9 and been staying around the 165 marker, right at a healthy weight. I want to be 155, dang it. I have been working out & eating healthy. That is why I joined this website :) I am hoping it will help.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    This has been said 100,000 times on here in various threads, however for convenience sake: BMI isn't an accurate all-purpose guide of fitness.

    It's simply a proportions of height to weight and doesn't account for body composition. As such, fit or athletic individuals will show as being in the overweight category simply because they have more lean mass.

    There are a hundred variables which would say why you are or are not losing...everyone finds what works best for them in time. :-)
  • Helen_Ch
    Helen_Ch Posts: 37 Member
    I'm also in the "healthy" range, but would like to lose about 4 more lbs. I have found that I lose more when I do both cardio and strength training. I've been doing about 45 minutes of cardio 5-6 days/week and also doing strength training (lifting heavy/low reps) 3 days/week.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    OMG I could have written this post. I have been 149.6lbs for about 2 months now and it's so annoying. I am losing neither weight or inches.

    I'm doing everything I know how to but nothing. I have a personal trainer, I do HIIT, I eat 5 small meals with protein in almost everyone. I do resistance training, I drink all my water, I change up my workouts.

    However I want to encourage you by saying you are not incapable of losing weight. I know this because last year I managed to lose 14lbs, I got down to my lowest weight, size and body fat percentage EVER. I was 139lbs and a UK size 10 (US size 6). Up until that point I too though I could never do it. Sadly a medical condition caused me to gain most of it back :sad: :sad:

    Don't be discouraged you can do it. I'm not giving up this time because I know it is possible. You just have to find what works for you. Focus hard on the strength training, change what you've been doing and try to add in some interval training if you're not already doing it. You can do this. Feel free to add me if you'd like more info on all I'm doing
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I had this problem years ago when I dropped 45-50 pounds and couldn't seem to lose anymore, even though I wanted to! (Obviously I gained most of that back, otherwise I wouldn't be on here, hehe!) All I can say is keep plugging on. Strength training can be good to tone up your body, but it might not take the weight you want off. Maybe you would have more luck if you increased your calorie intake a little bit. Your metabolism may increase if you do, and it might make it easier. But this is coming from an amateur looking for guidance herself, lol! Keep your head up!
  • k_ewilliams
    k_ewilliams Posts: 43
    Thanks everyone,
    I'm going to up my calories to 1340 and add more strength trainingsessions to my running routine.Probaly 3x a week for 30 mins. I'll try it and hopefully something will happen.