losing lower stomach

For those of you who have lost a good amount of weight in your lower stomach area. Did you work your stomach everyday or just a few times a week. I hear it is not good to do stomach workouts everyday. what have and have not worked for you. I do know that there is no way to spot weight loss in only your stomach but i just would like advice/recommendations. I have been losing and my stomach is toning a little but mainly my upper stomach the lower area seems to stay the same.


  • rachgleeson
    rachgleeson Posts: 83 Member
    i have the same problem, so am hoping for a bit of advice also!!
  • amandamyers228
    the best advice i can give is cardio cardio cardio
  • mzjandiace
    mzjandiace Posts: 162
    Good question, I have had 3 C-sections and I have what they call a girdle. The dr. told me the only way I could lose it is with a tummy tuck, but I have been looking into Lipo Injections.
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    Your speaking to the choir. :happy:

    You are correct, you cannot spot treat areas of muscle; it doesn't work that way. The only way to get rid of those last bits is by increased cardio and watching your diet. And more then likely that was the first place you gained fat so it is not surprising it will be the last spot and the hardest to lose.

    As for your abdominal muscles, they are like all of your other muscles and they need rest.They recover quickly but I would still suggest resting them 48 hours prior to working them again.

    Like I said, you are speaking to the choir. I'm at the same dilemma and why I am here. I am looking at what I am eating more closely and am finding I am not eating enough calories per day especially protein HOWEVER I am going over on my fat. This is a clear indication I need to cut down on my fat intake. It is surprising what foods have in them and is a real eye opener. What I could get away with before is not working so needs fine tuning. I hate that my top abs are very visible but the bottom is not. Hopefully with this site/app I can get back on track.
  • RLB178
    RLB178 Posts: 8
    I agree with Amanda. Cardio, watching what you eat and full body strength training really help to burn calories which in return burns fat. Do workouts that are going to continue to burn calories after you are done to help out. Ab work outs are great but only really needed two to three(max) times per week
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    As others have said, you can't "spot reduce" in terms of fat. However, most people can see some improvement/more flatness in their lower abdominal area with exercise as those muscles aren't very toned in inactive people.

    If you aren't using weights to work the area, you can work the abs every day AS LONG AS YOU CAN KEEP PROPER FORM. If your form starts to slip, then you will either overstress your back or work your hip flexors (which are already too tight in most people who sit a lot) instead of your abs.

    Crunches aren't going to do squat for your lower abs. Leg lifts, bicycles, crunches with your upper leg at a 90 degree angle to your hips, etc. will work them. The danger in all of these exercises is that if your form is not perfect, you will throw out your back. People who say they do hundreds of ab repititions per day are usually not paying careful attention to form. If your form is excellent, you won't be doing 'hundreds' of repititions of any ab exercise-you'd have exhausted the abs and instead be working your back or hip flexors. So when you sense that your form is slipping, it's time to stop for the day before you hurt your back!