Hey, I'm Ashley!

Hey guys, I'm Ashley! My goal is to lose between 15 to 20 pounds and tone up by the beginning ofsummer. Not a whole lot of time! Help be my motivation to achieve this goal! Anyone have any advice or tips as to how to get there?! Or does anyone know if any supplements that help aid the process?

What's everyone's goal? How much have you lost and how long have you been on your journey?


  • mishelled
    Me too, feel free to add me.
  • dying2Bskinnie
    mishelled wrote: »
    Me too, feel free to add me.
    I just did (:
  • DestinyCabe
    Hi, im destiny, feel free to add me
  • dying2Bskinnie
    Hi, im destiny, feel free to add me
    I believe I just sent you a request (:
  • AlexanderLeRitz
    AlexanderLeRitz Posts: 33 Member
    I am nearing the last couple weeks of my ultimate goals for both fitness and weight loss and I would be more than happy to help keep you accountable and motivated. Add me if you're interested !
    Starting weight November 2013: 231.7lbs
    Morning Weigh In February 17: 184.0lbs
  • Jim_G30
    Jim_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    Been here a while and have reset to drop 14 pounds (1 stone) by summer holiday. Bit of life stress got in the way of things..... count the calories and move about a bit and be wary of any supplements. Frowned on in MFP.... Go for it and best of luck to everyone.
  • dying2Bskinnie
    I am nearing the last couple weeks of my ultimate goals for both fitness and weight loss and I would be more than happy to help keep you accountable and motivated. Add me if you're interested !
    Starting weight November 2013: 231.7lbs
    Morning Weigh In February 17: 184.0lbs

    I think I just added you (:

    That is absolutely incredible! Congratulations on your journey! That is inspiring!

  • dying2Bskinnie
    Ping_G10 wrote: »
    Been here a while and have reset to drop 14 pounds (1 stone) by summer holiday. Bit of life stress got in the way of things..... count the calories and move about a bit and be wary of any supplements. Frowned on in MFP.... Go for it and best of luck to everyone.
    Thank you very much!

  • DestinyCabe
    Hi, im destiny, feel free to add me
    I believe I just sent you a request (:
  • gwayby
    gwayby Posts: 42 Member
    We have similar goals, I've been looking to lose about 15 pounds by summer, already down 11 :). Feel free to add me, and my diary is open for meal ideas.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    there aren't any supplements that will help in weight loss. Just eat at a deficit, get on a structured progressive lifting program, do some cardio for heart health and profit.
  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    Hi Ashley, I'm Ashley. Feel free to add me
  • dying2Bskinnie
    gwayby wrote: »
    We have similar goals, I've been looking to lose about 15 pounds by summer, already down 11 :). Feel free to add me, and my diary is open for meal ideas.

    That's awesome! I'll send you an add and definitely look at your diary! Congrats on the progress you've made so far! I can't imagine how great it feels to see progress. I've never experienced that.. Yet.
  • dying2Bskinnie
    agal129 wrote: »
    Hi Ashley, I'm Ashley. Feel free to add me

    Hello Ashley! I just added you (:
  • dying2Bskinnie
    Thank you so much you guys! I will be putting all of those in a document!
  • tonybrownell
    tonybrownell Posts: 13 Member
    I am looking for the same things. I do have a bit longer of a path but it would be great to help each other.
    Journey started - 12/9/2014 @‌ 280lbs
    Current - 2/17/2015 @‌ 237lbs
    Goal - 180lbs

    Add me if you want
  • dying2Bskinnie
    brownellt wrote: »
    I am looking for the same things. I do have a bit longer of a path but it would be great to help each other.
    Journey started - 12/9/2014 @‌ 280lbs
    Current - 2/17/2015 @‌ 237lbs
    Goal - 180lbs

    Add me if you want

    That is awesome progress!!!
    I just added you

  • smsosa350
    Beginning of journey: 273 pounds may 2014
    Middle of journey: 238 September 2014
    This year: 262 ( stopped dieting but still worked out lol)
    Currently: 254
    End of journey goal: 220
  • dying2Bskinnie
    smsosa350 wrote: »
    Beginning of journey: 273 pounds may 2014
    Middle of journey: 238 September 2014
    This year: 262 ( stopped dieting but still worked out lol)
    Currently: 254
    End of journey goal: 220
    Congratulations! How did you do it?! That's quite a bit lost in a short amount of time! (: