Elliptical Machine

Hey Everyone,

My husband and I are going to start saving our money for an Elliptical Machine and I wanted to know if any of you would recommend a certain brand or kind? Thanks


  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    I found a good site with lots of info on those:
    I ended up getting one at Canadian Tire in January with an amazing discount of about 60%. The retail on it was around 1,400 and I got it for 500.
    It's here to give you an idea and I notice it is on sale again: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/SportsRec/4/FitnessWellness/EllipticalTrainersSteppers/PRD~0840630P/Horizon%2BCE5.2%2BElliptical.jsp?locale=en
    I know you are not in Canada but just want to give you an idea.

    It has the wheel at the front so it makes it a bit more compact. The ones with the wheel on the back are a lot longer. The thing to look at is stride length - longer is better and also the width between the pedal things. Mine has almost no gap so apparently, that makes it better for females since they don't have to use an almost bow-legged stance which would be an issue if they were too far apart. Mine has been good so far. Just remember you get what you pay for so stay away from the cheapo machines. And do check out the first website. It has tons of reviews. All the best!:glasses:
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    I found a good site with lots of info on those:
    I ended up getting one at Canadian Tire in January with an amazing discount of about 60%. The retail on it was around 1,400 and I got it for 500.
    It's here to give you an idea and I notice it is on sale again: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/SportsRec/4/FitnessWellness/EllipticalTrainersSteppers/PRD~0840630P/Horizon%2BCE5.2%2BElliptical.jsp?locale=en
    I know you are not in Canada but just want to give you an idea.

    It has the wheel at the front so it makes it a bit more compact. The ones with the wheel on the back are a lot longer. The thing to look at is stride length - longer is better and also the width between the pedal things. Mine has almost no gap so apparently, that makes it better for females since they don't have to use an almost bow-legged stance which would be an issue if they were too far apart. Mine has been good so far. Just remember you get what you pay for so stay away from the cheapo machines. And do check out the first website. It has tons of reviews. All the best!:glasses:

    Thank you so much. This really helps!
  • Hexykitten
    Hexykitten Posts: 3
    I found Walmart.com has some great ones. They have a gazzelle (that seen on tv one) for about 150 dollars. I am thinking of that one myself
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member

    I have the same one and I really like it. I would recommend that you go to the store and try a few different ones out before you make a decision. I found that different machines 'it' me differently. Some have a longer or shorter glide; others are smoother than others.

    I think it is mostly a matter of personal preference. I would recommend that when you find one that you like to read up of the reviews to make sure it is a good machine.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I love my elliptical! We got a Pro-Form from Sears after our cheapo WalMart one died. Whatever machine you buy, I would definitely recommend buying the extra warrantee. We got ALL our money back from the cheap WalMart one (the main support beam cracked in half, so they couldn't just fix it).

    I would also recommend doing some sort of intervals with it. After a couple of weeks I started to get bored, but then I would increase speed for 1 minute, then back down, then increase resistance for 1 minute, then back down. Really upped the calorie burn, and I lose weight more quickly when I stick to that plan rather than just going at the same speed/resistance the whole time.

    Good luck finding the right one for you, and I hope you LOVE it! :)