

  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Yanesmy89 wrote: »
    I think frustrating is an understatement. I guess I have to also learn to be patient as well as disciplined.

    Hey, if it makes you feel any better, we all preach patience on here but I'm sure most of us get frustrated at how long it seems to take, too.

    But patience really is good. Slow is good. I try to tell myself that all the time. Sometimes I even listen.
  • adelheid13
    adelheid13 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe splurge a little on a weekend to keep your metabolism guessing. Works for me.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Yanesmy89 wrote: »
    My caloric intake is 1200 calories... I weigh my food. I've been stuck for a little over a week. I guess I'm expecting to lose just as much as I lost my first month. I lost 1 lb over the weekend but last month I lost 16 lbs.

    So a stall, as a plateau is 10 weeks. You lost a pound over the weekend and so you're not even stalled. If everyone just "dropped" all the weight, everyone would be skinny. Keep doing what you're doing and it will come.
  • adelheid13
    adelheid13 Posts: 3 Member
    Also don't expect to loose more than 2 lbs per wk even if you were in the beginning.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    One week isn't a plateau. Be patient, you're doing great!
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    adelheid13 wrote: »
    Maybe splurge a little on a weekend to keep your metabolism guessing. Works for me.

    No, no it doesn't "work" for you or anyone else. That's not how you science. SMH.

    Look, I lost 2 pounds in my sleep last night. One night I lost 4 pounds in my sleep, no lie.

    Actually, I wasn't technically sleeping when I lost the weight, as I was half awake to stumble into the bathroom or rolling around sweating like a fool from a stupid hot flash. It's water weight. I weigh myself every night before bed and every morning when I wake up, just to remind myself how irrelevant fluctuations really are. Your weight is going to fluctuate in a range, not stick on a static point. Don't sweat tiny variations in your weight or amount lost. Especially when you've only been doing this a short haven't even gone through 2 monthly hormonal cycles yet, which would be one for each ovary (assuming you have those). Water retention is crazy over the course of every month, you can't fuss over big vs. little losses.

  • adelheid13
    adelheid13 Posts: 3 Member
    It's been proven to have a cheat day once a week to help lose weight. You can Google it and come to your own conclusion but it works for me. I should have been more specific though....One day a week and I only do it when the weight loss slows.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    adelheid13 wrote: »
    It's been proven to have a cheat day once a week to help lose weight. You can Google it and come to your own conclusion but it works for me. I should have been more specific though....One day a week and I only do it when the weight loss slows.

    You can Google many things, some of which are true.

    "resetting" the metabolism falls into the "HI, DOCTOR NICK!" school of medical reality.
  • grantwashere
    grantwashere Posts: 171 Member
    I agree with the above posts of "just keep doing what you are doing and relax." I lost 15 lbs my first month and then it has taken me 4 months to lose the next 13 lbs. Additionally, I highly recommend It's totally free and has really helped keep my head right through all of this.
  • Fr33zefram3
    Fr33zefram3 Posts: 163 Member
    This thread doesn't have nearly enough muscle confusion.
  • Yanesmy89
    Yanesmy89 Posts: 19 Member
    This thread doesn't have nearly enough muscle confusion.

    Please clarify... you mean I could be gaining muscle??? LOL.... :#
  • Yanesmy89
    Yanesmy89 Posts: 19 Member
    I do see the difference in my upper body... my shoulders have some (not much but I can see the difference) definition, my tummy is much flatter, and I'm a few pant sizes down!
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Yanesmy89 wrote: »
    This thread doesn't have nearly enough muscle confusion.

    Please clarify... you mean I could be gaining muscle??? LOL.... :#

    LOL, no, I think he was bringing "muscle confusion" up because it is the broscience lover of "metabolism resetting." Basically a cheat that doesn't exist. And, congratulations on your early success on your figure! It feels good to see definition and strength, doesn't it? Keep going!
  • Rashanti1
    Rashanti1 Posts: 108 Member
    You're fine. There are times when I go about 2 weeks without dropping a pound and then it will suddenly come falling right off. You will learn that the body does some crazy (and sometimes annoying) things when you're losing weight. Even if the scale isn't showing the results, you're most likely losing inches anyway.

    Keep in mind that when you are trying out new exercises that will make your muscles sore, you're going to be retaining some water for a few days.
  • Yanesmy89
    Yanesmy89 Posts: 19 Member
    Rashanti1 wrote: »
    You're fine. There are times when I go about 2 weeks without dropping a pound and then it will suddenly come falling right off. You will learn that the body does some crazy (and sometimes annoying) things when you're losing weight. Even if the scale isn't showing the results, you're most likely losing inches anyway.

    Keep in mind that when you are trying out new exercises that will make your muscles sore, you're going to be retaining some water for a few days.

    See! I didn't even know that... last week I could barely move bec I was so sore everywhere! And at that point... I had even gained 3 lbs! Bec I was at 160... and last week I nearly threw my scale away when I had been working so hard and was BACK at 163. SMH... I have so much to learn still. Thank goodness for this app and you knowledgeable people!
  • Heather30angel
    Heather30angel Posts: 1 Member
    I also have a cheat day once a week and it does help! Your metabolism does and can slow down! It is just like your workouts that you need to switch up once in awhile because your body gets used to the same things and needs change! Your metabolism does slow down once you start eating the same amount of calories for so long! It already knows how many calories to expect so it stays at a steady pace! When you eat more calories it speeds up a little! Just make a few little changes in your diet and your workout routines! Your body needs change once in awhile!
  • KingsGirl4
    KingsGirl4 Posts: 152 Member
    I plateaued for an entire month, but I finally started dropping again. You just need to keep patient which really is actually the hardest part. I also reduced my calorie intake by 100-200 calories a day.
  • franola12
    franola12 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm totally on board with the cheat-day method. Have one day where you go a little crazy. It shakes up the metabolism and feeds the wild child in your soul.
  • debsweetcakes
    Hi! I am the QUEEN on plateau knowledge. I did plateau twice during the last 2 years.. it sucks. Looking at your workout I would recommend the following or try this for 2 weeks and see how you feel! As a warm up do only 5-10 minutes of a fast paced cardio, split up your muscle groups so for example Monday - LEGS, TUESDAY- BACK and BICEPS, WED - Shoulders and Triceps, THURSDAY LEGS, FRIDAY Rest, SATURDAY run for 45 minutes and Sunday REST. If you change your workouts up and often this gives your body a bit of a healthy confusion and it kicks it back into high gear. Eat MORE than 1200 calories during these workouts but make sure 70% of your diet is PROTEIN! I am not a nutritionist but I had a transformation before my son and after my son. Hope this helps somewhat!