How accurate are the calories burned estimates on MFP? I thi

So I decided to make this a thread, to see if anyone else is having this issue!

I question the number of calories that MFP says I burn doing particular activities...

I mean, I am heavier, so I burn more than someone who weighs less when doing the same activity for the same amount of time... but I got a body bugg and it is much closer to the numbers displayed on the machines (like elliptical - which are what everyone always told me not to rely on).

I guess that could a contributing factor as to why why I hadn't been losing weight. MFP says 66 minutes on the Elliptical I burned 1266 calories, but my BB says I burned about HALF that amount! Anyone else have an issue???


  • Amers85
    Amers85 Posts: 31 Member
    I always log what the machine says I burned. I think it actually tells you to do so when logging exercise on MFP. Not sure I could be wrong. I just got a Heart Rate Monitor that also tracks calories burned and when I used that today it was telling me that I was burning more than the machines were. I chose to follow what the HRM said and see what happens.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    My HRM is twice what the machine (which also tracks heart rate) and MFP tell me. I don't even know what to believe!
  • gargoyle999
    gargoyle999 Posts: 117 Member
    My HRM is about 1/3 less than what MFP would show.
  • xcountrymom2
    xcountrymom2 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm having the opposite issue. I used my heart rate monitor and biked to the gym and back. It takes 40 minutes and I burned 700 calories but MFP says 435? I just stay with the lower number and continue on!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    For most activities, MFP undercalculates my actual calories burned. ( I wear an HRM. ) Many people, however, say that MFP overcalculates for them. Best thing to do is invest in an HRM.
  • momontherun92
    I would agree that there seem to be some discrepancies between some of the MFP info and what the machines say at the gym. I go with the machines whenever possible. But I get nervous when I exercise without can I know for sure what's right? Just do your best, I guess. It would be impossible to make the database 100% accurate because we are all different, right?
  • nmp1994
    nmp1994 Posts: 96
    I believe, the elliptical calculations on MFP are VERY high
  • avassos
    avassos Posts: 12
    I look at the number, and if I feel like its too high, I lessen the amount. I rather log a lower number than over estimate it. I also try to log higher numbers on my food. I know everything isn't 100% accurate, but I do my best and I have lost some weight so far........

    it is a little confusing
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    MFP WAY underestimates what my heart raate monitor actually reads.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I started off using MFP's estimates, but I recently got a heart rate monitor and have been using those numbers ever since. I've really found the results are all over the place. Some types of exercise come out really close to what MFP says, but others are WAY off.

    For example, I live in the mountains with lots of steep hils, so when I go for a brisk 4.5 mph walk, I burn between 650-700 calories in an hour. MFP was saying an hour of walking at that speed burned around 430 calories.

    When I ride my exercise bike, MFP said I burned around 650 calories, and my HRM said 630 - so that was pretty accurate.

    And when I do circuit training, MFP estimated close to 700 calories, but in reality I was only burning about 575-600.
  • xlumabao
    xlumabao Posts: 7
    Since there is no guaranteed way to put you actual calorie expenditure, the readings you see on the machine are based on standard formulas- If you weight this much, and you are this old, on avg you will burn xx Calories. If you use a HRM, i understand that Polar is a bit more conservative on their calorie calc, once again basing on formulas of Age, weight, but at LEAST it's tracking your heart rate the entire time you are working out.

    I would use what's on my HRM more than anything. But think of it this way- if you feel like you had a good workout, then the calorie burn will be there. Just put your time in on the cardio consistently and watch what food you are intaking. You will get there.

    Don't rely on scales, etc. Progress takes time. If your pants and tops are getting loose, you know you are doing it. Keep it up!!!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    My HRM is twice what the machine (which also tracks heart rate) and MFP tell me. I don't even know what to believe!

    HRMs (if they have a chest strap and you input your personal data.) are more accurate than MFP and any cardio/exercise machine.
  • Madkows2303
    Madkows2303 Posts: 3 Member
    I was just wanting to check this topic out. I just did my usual 30 minute walk home and MFP estimates that I should have burnt approx 140 calories on my walk home, yet my pedometer estimates only 86 cal. Seems like such a big discrepancy between the two.