Goal Weight? 5'3" - 5'6"



  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I am 5'3 and my goal is now 130. I posted on one of these post yesterday and said my goal was 145, but I lowered it. I am more interested in BF % than weight. I know that when I get down to 130 I will feel more comfortable when I am ready to bulk.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm 5'6" and currently 149 pounds. My goal is based on the amount of visible fat in my midsection, as it is my problem area. I think (hope) that it will be at an acceptable level by the time I get to the 137-140 range. I'm very happy with the rest of my body and feel like getting to move to maintenance and build muscle would be ideal for it right now. It's just the abdominal fat that is in my way.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    5 foot 5 (or actually 5 foot 4.5). My goals are: 115 to 140 lbs, wherever I land. That'd be about a size... 3 to 8 or 10? (I'm sort of hippy, so 0-2 if I were not.) My expectations are more like a 5-8.

    Basically, I am happy enough with how I look at a fit size 10, but suspect my body would be easily maintainable lower. So I will tweak my meal plan and fitness regimen until I find what is sustainable and feels good, so that I *want* to keep it forever. Whatever weight/size I'm at will be what it is.

    (As some background, I was working well on perfecting a meal plan and my lifestyle re: food and working on getting fit. I got down to about 143 lbs, an increasingly fit size 10, and expected that my weight would keep dropping and I would keep getting stronger. And then had a major lifestyle change wherein food became beyond my control. A few months later, the fitness became stop-and-start. I've slowly gained. I'm coming back to fitness, because I CAN control that, and because it makes me happy, so my current goal is not about losing. When I get my control over food back, I'll go back to my meal plan and to tweaking it until it's awesome, keep up with the fitness, and see where I land.)

    FYI assuming I'm not in the athlete category (where muscle starts to make BMI less useful), 150 lbs & up is "overweight" so another way to put my goals would be to be somewhere solidly in the healthy range, with a great relationship to food (that involves enjoyment, good nutrition, no addictions/habits/regular cravings, sustainable meal prep that has become habitual) and a daily fitness routine that's fun and keeps me sleeping well and smiling.
  • Jambon692
    Jambon692 Posts: 17 Member
    Up until about 5 years ago I was always around the 10 stone mark, then I started work in a pasty shop and all manner of hell broke loose haha
    I'm 5"5 and currently sitting on the 12.5 mark. I'd be happy with just being 10 stone again.
  • projecthotbel
    projecthotbel Posts: 32 Member
    5'3 110 -115
  • I'm a little outside that range, but I'm about 5'7" and my goal weight is 140-145. I remember being 145 lbs (not too long ago) and that size suited me fine. I have a medium frame.
  • 5'4" and i was hoping to get down to 135.. pre kid weight..
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 130. I'd like to be 125. I started at 263 pounds. I'm pretty muscular and unfortunately have a lot of lose skin that I want to get removed after I'm done having kids.
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    I'm 5'7" and put that I wanted to lose 90 lbs - to be at my supposed "goal weight" after a bunch of calculations, but I'm going to get down 50 and see how I look and feel and then decide from there what the real goal is. I do not like getting on the scale, gain or loss.
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    started at 240#
  • SarahHowells1
    SarahHowells1 Posts: 132 Member
    Im 5'4 and I don't have a goal weight as such because scales make me go mad!!! My heaviest was 175lbs and everyone I haven't seen in a while is always like "Wow, you have lost alot, you are looking good" I estimate i've lost about 15 - 20lbs (and gained muscle) based on clothing size. My goal is to run 10k in less than 50mins.... to do that I'll have to be super fit and pretty lean... I record my intake, but I don't heavily restrict i'll just keep training and let my body get there in it's own time =)
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 5'5. I'd like to get to somewhere in the 125 range, but I'd be happy if I could maintain under 130 as long as I can keep my strength training progression. Right now I'm around 135ish from 147 without having done much in the way of dieting because I recently went off daily Zyrtec, which apparently gives me the appetite of a teenage boy.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    5'4' here. I was 136 two weeks ago but was up to 138 when I went into maintenance for a diet break/possible recomp. I'm a little all over the place. No lower than 130 for me though!
  • I'm 5'3", currently weigh 122, and I want to get down to 100
  • BlxckSwan
    BlxckSwan Posts: 8 Member
    Goal weight: 125-115
  • TBargar101
    TBargar101 Posts: 30 Member
    terbusha wrote: »
    I like it when people set body fat % goals instead of a specific weight. It frees you from the scale. If you have a good body composition that you're happy with, who cares what the scale says?

    Good point. This is why I bought calipers to estimate my percent body fat.
  • Annanna91
    Annanna91 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5'5 and currently weight 118lbs. It's been a 5year battle to get to where I am now, so my aim now is to reduce my body fat percentage, hopefully to around 18% if possible. I've starting lifting this week and don't care if I put on weights because hopefully it'll be muscle weight and I'll look leaner.
  • ShayNicole321
    ShayNicole321 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm about 5'5" and currently weigh 141, my goal is 130
  • I'm 5'4 my goal weight is 150lbs. I see most people say 110-120lbs but I have thick thighs, which I love, and don't want to lose them.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my initial goal is 135. I have no idea what that will look like on me, so we'll see after that! At that point, my focus will shift to fitness goals.