Vibram/Newton/Barefoot Running support



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I wear hiking boots with a Vibram sole (my boyfriend has a pair as well) and we even have a pair for the dog for longer walks! I've not tried running in them though...

    Vibram makes soles for a lot of different shoes (like my Chacos sandals). I think the ones mentioned here are specifically the "five finger" shoes. They look like gloves for the feet with five individual toes and are supposed to be pretty close to barefoot but with protection for the soles. Is that what your hiking boots are like? I haven't explored their entire five-finger line of shoes.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have been intrigued by bare foot running for the past few months. I don't have any lingering runner injuries and my stride doesn't feel like I am going to need too much adjustment. I just picked up a pair of KSO's less than a week ago. Been wearing them just walking around and they feel great. Took a couple 100 yard or so runs in them just to see how it feels. I like them. As i get more time I will properly transition over and see how things go.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Rybo and kaitlinj - Welcome to the dark side. There is no going back now. :laugh:

    katitinj - I would recommend taking a day off between running and do something different. Your tendons and muscles need to get used to the movement. Pushing to fast without proper healing between each run can cause another injury.

    Happy Running !
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    I have been intrigued by bare foot running for the past few months. I don't have any lingering runner injuries and my stride doesn't feel like I am going to need too much adjustment. I just picked up a pair of KSO's less than a week ago. Been wearing them just walking around and they feel great. Took a couple 100 yard or so runs in them just to see how it feels. I like them. As i get more time I will properly transition over and see how things go.

    My barefoot stride was pretty good, even when I started, but as the miles go by, I can still feel my stride evolving. I especially feel it when I start running or accelerate - instead of pumping my legs harder, I simply "lean into my run" more. I have my footstrikes up into the 170 range now (180 supposed to be optimal), and better yet, never feel like my legs or feet are holding me back when running. Of course, I wish I could say the same for my lungs!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    katitinj - I would recommend taking a day off between running and do something different. Your tendons and muscles need to get used to the movement. Pushing to fast without proper healing between each run can cause another injury.

    Yeah. I'm not going to run today. I originally thought "I'll just do five minutes 3 times this week and see how it feels." Well, after the first day my heel pain was pretty much GONE and I just wanted to do it again! And then, I wanted to go longer! Same with yesterday. I need to really remind myself to ease into it. Never imagined getting to the point of having to STOP myself from going out for a run! :laugh:
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    Yeah. I'm not going to run today. I originally thought "I'll just do five minutes 3 times this week and see how it feels." Well, after the first day my heel pain was pretty much GONE and I just wanted to do it again! And then, I wanted to go longer! Same with yesterday. I need to really remind myself to ease into it. Never imagined getting to the point of having to STOP myself from going out for a run! :laugh:

    I think a good move. From reading the runningworld and birthdayshoes forums, it seems as though the #1 mistake made by people getting into barefoot running is "Too Much Too Soon" (TMTS). It seems as though almost all the members there had to backtrack their progress once or twice because of their over-enthusiasm . . .
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    tagging this ...
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    This weekend, I was playing pickup basketball with some guys at the gym and I was asked about my shoes (the TP EVOs). They thought they were some specialty sprinting shoes because I was the "fast guy" at the gym.

    I had to take it as a compliment, not only because I haven't been the "fast guy" for 25 years, but also because the guys I am playing with are 10-20 years younger than me. I'm quite happy to have mobility restored, thanks in good part to leaving traditional footwear behind!

    Now if only I could convince the gym to let me play barefoot, the kids would be very impressed.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    This weekend, I was playing pickup basketball with some guys at the gym and I was asked about my shoes (the TP EVOs). They thought they were some specialty sprinting shoes because I was the "fast guy" at the gym.

    I had to take it as a compliment, not only because I haven't been the "fast guy" for 25 years, but also because the guys I am playing with are 10-20 years younger than me. I'm quite happy to have mobility restored, thanks in good part to leaving traditional footwear behind!

    Now if only I could convince the gym to let me play barefoot, the kids would be very impressed.

    That's awesome. I know some friends that had a hard time getting to wear thier FF's into the gym. They just don't want to liable if someone dropps a dumbell on their foot, I guess.
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    I've always run this way, in high school people used to comment on how "weird" I ran. Once I started running again this summer, I picked up some Newtons and they are so nice. I still run the same way in regular running shoes, but the Newtons are far superior to it. Are there any alternatives to the Virbrams that have the foot mold feel? I'd like to try them out once my Newtons are worn out, but I've read that they pretty much won't work for me because of my toes (my 2nd toe is quite a bit longer than my big toe).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    FYI: I picked up some New Balance 100s that were on mega sale (got 'em for $46) to wear to the gym & on popular public trails since my FiveFingers draw so much attention. I've only had them for a week but so far I'm really digging them & would definitely recommend them to someone transitioning to barefoot running.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I've always run this way, in high school people used to comment on how "weird" I ran. Once I started running again this summer, I picked up some Newtons and they are so nice. I still run the same way in regular running shoes, but the Newtons are far superior to it. Are there any alternatives to the Virbrams that have the foot mold feel? I'd like to try them out once my Newtons are worn out, but I've read that they pretty much won't work for me because of my toes (my 2nd toe is quite a bit longer than my big toe).

    They are the only ones with the molded toes but there are a few "normal" looking shoes that are just as minimalist. I have been using Asics Gel Hyperspeeds. They don't have any arch support or cushion. I feel every rock and pebble (and cactus thorn).
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    Are there any alternatives to the Virbrams that have the foot mold feel? I'd like to try them out once my Newtons are worn out, but I've read that they pretty much won't work for me because of my toes (my 2nd toe is quite a bit longer than my big toe).

    What do you mean by having "the foot mold feel"? Is the idea that you want the snugness to your feet and toes provided by the Vibrams, or that you simply want a very thin layer of rubber/material that will simply keep you from getting cuts/scrapes from sharp objects on the trail?
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Anyone tried out the Nike Free? Ever heard about the Skora ?

    Just curious.

    Here is a running times article about barefoot running that is interesting.

    I have both the 5F and the Nike Frees and I love both of them! The Frees are so comfortable I could wear them every where! I wear themt o loft weight and to to bootcamp in them! I am just not used to the 5F yet and my orthopedic told me to hold off a while and I will start using them next week when I start training again. I am going to use the C25K program to get used to them.
    The frees are great though but they do get gravel caught up in them really easy!
  • mredmond94
    mredmond94 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been running minimalist now for three years, including several 5k's, a half, and a full marathon. Been using Merrell's (various models). Looking at the Skora shoes. Anyone using these? Fyi- since going minimalist I've stopped having calf strains and my knees are in great shape (I am 42 y/o).