New momma trying to lose lbs!

yolifoli Posts: 20 Member

Im a new mommy, 14months is new to me! hahaha. I have a myfitnesspal because I wanted to take accountability of what I eat. Also, I need to lose weight. I would like to lose 30-50lbs. Honestly I love to run and eat. I just have to run alittle more! :)


  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    I'm a new momma too.....4 months new!!!! I also have about 45 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :smile:
  • pfamilygal
    pfamilygal Posts: 10
    Me too! Mine is 8 months old (my youngest, that is, I have six).

    Are y'all adding extra calories for breastfeeding?
  • HisKathy
    HisKathy Posts: 34
    Hi! I'm a new(ish) momma too (my boy is 18 months). I see you like to run 5Ks. I just did my first one this past weekend and it was a lot of fun. I haven't gotten quite into the board life of MFP but I've been using it for a little over a month and I really like it! I've been running about 9 miles a week - how about you? I do Zumba on Mondays but I was wondering what other exercises runners do. Nice to "meet" you!
  • HisKathy
    HisKathy Posts: 34
    Me too! Mine is 8 months old (my youngest, that is, I have six).

    Are y'all adding extra calories for breastfeeding?
    Yeah, I'm counting it as "cardio". I only nurse him 1-2 times a day now though so I'm guessing it's like 100 calories? "They" say you burn 200-500 calories breastfeeding.
  • pfamilygal
    pfamilygal Posts: 10
    Leah's still exclusively breastfed, and at 8 mo she eats a lot! So I upped my goal total by 500. But then I don't want extra calories for cardio, so I generally don't eat the extras.

    I'm trying to get back into running, but having a hard time with the giant (36J) nursing boobs. So I'm doing Slim in Six (aerobics) on TV.

    In 2009 I dropped 40 lb, ran 5 half marathons and got into really good shape. Then had two miscarriages, a hard pregnancy, a c/s and then a hysterectomy. I feel like I slid all the way back. So frustrating. Grr. But I'm working on it.