hi im michelle looking to lose a lot of weight

New to this cant wait to make a difference


  • skinnynat1
    skinnynat1 Posts: 32 Member
    hi Michelle i'm Natalie i'm trying to lose about 50-60 lbs
  • skinnynat1
    skinnynat1 Posts: 32 Member
    i have been learning how to eat the right portions and getting the support and workouts to do
  • Just got on the forum this morning. Have used the app for a while, but have never come on here to chat until today.
  • By the way, hi my name is Ben.
  • msoley2007
    msoley2007 Posts: 13 Member
    Im looking to lose around 5stone give or take a pound or 2 iv just started swimming 5 days a week but cant get the food under control so hopefully being partof a ccommunity will help knowing other people are trying just as hard as I am :smile: k
  • msoley2007
    msoley2007 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi ben just got the app this morning really hope it helps. R u doing well?
  • App is saying I need 1500 calories a day +exercise calories. Doing 10 min of cardio at fitness center and 45 min wieght routine every morning. Feel like I am making gains but lately motivation is getting low due to wieght plateau.
  • Stuck at 215lbs but arms and chest arm bigger. Also changing the wieght I am lifting from week to week. Feeling good, just need to maintain motivation.
  • Hello all. My name is Stacie. I have been using this app for about 3 months in conjunction with an exercise program but never realized these communities existed. : ) Love the app, has helped me sooo much.
  • msoley2007
    msoley2007 Posts: 13 Member
    Yeh sometimes it does feel like im doing everything I can but getting no results but im not giving up and u shouldn't I swear in these size 18s theres a 8 just screening to be out :)
  • Hi Michelle. I completely understand. :D I was a size 18 and now I am a size 14. Do u have an exercise program you are doing? I finally found one that works for me that I love doing and using that and this app finally got some amazing results. Its important to like or so it doesn't feel like a second job. ;)

  • msoley2007
    msoley2007 Posts: 13 Member
    Im swimming 5 days a week and doing water aerobics 3 times a week I love it its the food im having trouble with
  • craigking
    craigking Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Michelle, good luck on your journey. So far I have lost 4 1/2 stone. Please feel free to add me and if I can help you in any way ask away
  • that sounds awesome. Eating right is definitely tough. I found some really easy yummy healthy recipes on Pinterest. I also substitue things such as coconut powder sugar for regular sugar coconut oil instead of vegetable oil Etc. This all help.
  • Hello everyone I'm Stephanie and new to the site about a week into it, I have struggled with my weight since childhood. What kind of exercises can I do to to help with my tummy and my arms? What can I do to not feel like I'm starving? Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks:)
  • msoley2007
    msoley2007 Posts: 13 Member
    With having 3 young children im finding it very difficult but I will get my head round it im determined
  • It is definitely a struggle with kids. I have 1 which makes it hard so I know 3 has to be difficult. You seem determined so you will make it happen. I am happy to provide any advice on what helps me. Everyone is different but I know I have learned a lot from others.
  • Hi there everyone. I'm Seth. I'm not looking to lose any weight just want to maintain, lose a little fat and add some muscle. I'm 5'9" and 190lbs at about 12% BF. I'm not really here for any support as I don't struggle with a weight problem or with food but can offer advice to anyone wanting it. I am a crossfit instructor and competed in Crossfit for 5 years. I also competed in triathlon for 6 years. I am looking to cut out more sugar and all grains from my diet which I guess is why i got the app today. I'm thinking about trying the "eating for your macros" diet but I have done the zone before...for about 2 years and it's a pain in the *kitten*.....but it works.
  • jmacok
    jmacok Posts: 34 Member
    I am Jim and nice to meet you all. I used this app for a couple of years and lost 85 lbs and then thought I could do it myself with the little support that I have at home but I have gained about 25 lbs back but I also know that I have gained muscle so I am not too worried. I came back mainly to help me burn fat and receive the support and love that I need for my journey to work for me. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Good luck to all
  • livijane07
    livijane07 Posts: 21 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello everyone I'm Stephanie and new to the site about a week into it, I have struggled with my weight since childhood. What kind of exercises can I do to to help with my tummy and my arms? What can I do to not feel like I'm starving? Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks:)

    Hi Stephanie :) to make sure you're not starving hungry all the time, try and include lots of protein in your diet - it really helps with fat loss and hunger control. Also you should try and eat lots of small meals during the day instead of a few big meals, that way your metabolism will be kept at a steady level throughout the day, and you won't be as hungry!

    For your arms and stomach, I would recommend lifting weights and doing some abdominal exercises like crunches, although it's impossible to specifically target one area of your body. Also if you do strength training, you will lose fat more efficiently.

    Hope this helps!