February 2015 walk/bike/jog 100+ mile challenge



  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Jeannie, I read on Foxnews that a state of emergency has been declared for Tennessee. Hope you and your fam are well and staying WARM! <3
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Well I slacked off all weekend but got in a 3.5 mile jog this morning which brings my total up to 18.5
  • JohnH71
    JohnH71 Posts: 123 Member
    5/01/15 - 2.8 miles running
    8/01/15 - 40 miles cycling
    15/01/15 - 41 miles cycling
    17/01/15 - 2.6 miles running
  • Rodax74
    Rodax74 Posts: 24 Member
    I like this idea! Unfortunately the month is half over, so I will wait for the next month to reach that 100 miles! Good luck to all of you here !
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,696 Member
    YES, jesiann, it is still quite icy on this mountain. With temps low tonight, even lower wed and Thurs I don't see it getting out of here anytime soon but the roads have been salted so things are better in that area. Our back road will still be a bit icy but husband made it too work. PRAISE GOD!

    TODAY I did 6.7 miles on the exercise Bike and 1.25 Miles on the Treadmill

    TOTAL thus far February 17th................33.50 walking miles.....
    .............................................................101.6 Exercise Bike miles....
  • Holly92154
    Holly92154 Posts: 119 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    The challenge (AND WELCOME HOLLY) is too get in at least 100 miles and log your progress here. Just follow what we do. The main goal is too go as far past 100 miles as you can...

    Thank you for the warm welcome ;)

    2/1- current .75 miles

    2/1-2/7 36 miles
    2/8-2/14 54 miles
    2/15-curent 22 miles

    2/1-2/7 7 miles
    2/8-2/14 8 miles
    2/15- TBD

    2/1-2/7 3 miles
    2/8-2/14 2.2 miles

    Current monthly total = 131.95 miles

    Unfortunately, I've got a sprint triathlon at the end of this month. I am spending this week doing (race distance) BRICKS so my mileage isn't going to increase very much.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Howdy Ladies & Gents! Well, this chic is back on the wagon. Mileage and logging were MUCH better yesterday. Yeah, holiday weekends tend to play havoc with my discipline... Please be careful in your neck of the woods. It's crazy cold here at 30°! Well, crazy cold for me anyway. Some of you must have a bit of polar bear in you to survive your world! HA!

    5.02 miles

    66.76 total miles
  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    I'm in. I'm new to my fitness pal.
    2/2-2/8 180 miles bike
    2/9-2/15 168 (btw my weekly goal is always 180)
    This week I will not hit my goal again, too much time spent at work
  • mommarobb
    mommarobb Posts: 80 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am still having issues getting motivated but did manage to get on the treadmill last night for 1.5 miles. Still have a long way to go for this month. Still really cold outside :(


  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    walk 3 bike 5 todays total 8
    Total 25
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,696 Member
    WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SOME OF YOU are doing way past me. Perhaps I should have made it a 300+ miles....lol....... STILL EVERYONE is doing great.... :)

    yes mommarob it IS really COLD outside! I managed 7.5 Miles on my exercise Bike. also 20 minutes of mild stretching as well as several house chores and cooking meals for my husband who is off work today so exercise Bike and stretching are all I have done...

    TOTAL thus far February 18th................33.50 walking miles.....
    .............................................................109.1 Exercise Bike miles....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Burrrrrrr! Where are you, Spring??

    4.38 miles

    71.14 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,696 Member
    I know...We had -1F here on this mountain! On top of that with the ice we ended up with 2 1/2 inches of snow....
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! I am so impressed that despite the bitter cold everyone is still packing on the miles, way to go! I am lucky enough to live where it is warm year round so I really have no excuse. So my totals so far:
    2/18 3.5 mile run
    2/19 3.75 mile run
    Total=25.25 miles of running
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    6 miles walk
    Total 31
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Walked 16 miles over the last few days. Total of 87.53 miles.
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Short jog this morning of 2.25 miles that brings my total to 27.5 miles. We are getting down to the final stretch good luck to all!!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,696 Member
    Yes you guys are doing really great.

    NO exercise for me yesterday....Rest Day

    TODAY 10.5 Exercise Bike miles....
    .............1.25 Treadmill

    TOTAL thus far February 20th ................34.75 walking miles.....
    .............................................................119.6 Exercise Bike miles....
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 425 Member
    My goal for this month is 100 miles.
    2/1 - 2/7 = 23.23 miles
    2/8 - 2/14 = 32.49 miles
    2/15 - 2/19 = 23.70 miles
    A total of 79.42 miles.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,696 Member
    WELCOME 'tasoconnor'... :) looks like you're almost there....!

    jesiann we had ICE on top of the 1 1/2 inches of snow yesterday. No one is going anywhere today. Husband had too work today so he stayed over in the Big city last night where he works. You should have seen my little girls when I let them out too potty. The smallest dog weighing only 10 pounds did not break thru the snow/ice. My 17 pound dog did. Freaked her out! She will be 8 yrs old end April. Never have we had Ice on top of snow. she would walk and then break thru. Ran back too the steps almost frightened too death. I call her my scaredy dog...lol She is frightened of many things...

    Hope too get some TM and EX bike time in today......