What is your Ideal Body Fat% (Women Under 5'4)

I am 5'1 and some change =-) just wonder what other goals are for simlar women of my body type. I am small frame and tend to be pear shape.
SW: 207
CW: 142 (currently a snug size 8)
GW: 120-125 ??? <---- Not sure want to be a comfortable size 6
CBF: 28%
GBF: 23-25%




  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I'm 5'1", small framed and pear-shaped too.
    SW: 155lbs / size 14P
    CW: 129lbs / size 10P
    GW: 115lbs (?) / size 8P

    My body fat % is much higher than yours, though. I've had it estimated using calipers at the gym as high as 45% when I started, and it's down to somewhere between 30-35% now (it's REALLY hard to measure accurately -- my last measurement was 33%). I'd like to get it down to a healthier 25-26%, though I'm trying to stay realistic about my goals because I've never really been toned, not even in my younger days. As long as I'm healthy, I'm not really going for six pack abs or anything -- it just sounds like too much work to achieve and maintain, and it's not my priority.
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'2", also small framed and very pear shaped! haha

    I'm currently 135lbs and my body fat is around 33%-34%. This is from using a combination of calipers and composition scales.

    I'd love to get down to 20%, but at my age I don't think i'll get there, so I'd be happy with a healthy 25% :)

    I was 23% about 8 years ago and was firm, not overly toned, just nice! I'd like that again. :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am about (read: slightly shorter than) 5'3". I am large framed and also a bit pear shaped.

    SW: 140
    CW: 133 (fitting into sizes 4 & 6, depending on the clothes)
    GW: 125ish - I'm more concerned with size than weight
    CBF: 28.5%
    GBF: 23-24%

    I've had points in my life when I've been really into a sport that I've been incredibly fit but the last time was a decade or so ago. I'm concentrating on building muscle and running so I can keep healthy and fit into old age. Looking good while doing it is secondary. I want to be the 90 year old lady on America's Got Talent who can still do cartwheels.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm five three, 123 pounds, size 8 petite/short, and 25% body fat. I am about where I want to be. If a few more pounds come off I will permit that to happen to give me a buffer zone. The doctor said I had reached the target healthy BMI of 22 and that my lean body weight was quite good, bone density is good, etc so I'm just working on a sustainable routine (which recently got changed up a bit due to prediabetes, blergh) to not gain any back and to keep getting stronger as long as I can. I'm arthritic so it's a bit slow, but it still works. yeah... if I got to like 118 that would be just magical lol.... I eat 1200 cal on non workout days and more like 1400 to 1500 on workout days, which is every other day with both cardio and weights. Then the off days I rest all my ouchies so they can heal. I have a medium frame size. I am also 46 years old and am working on undoing years of damage from before my thyroid got treated and all. Had I stayed fit from youth I'm sure things would be better (and this loose skin wouldn't be there, dadgummit) but anyway I feel like I am doing the best I can with what I have and will certainly continue.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Think it's %25.5 now, if the calculator is correct. I'd be good to have it at %24.
  • alaskakristin
    alaskakristin Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5' 0" 45 years old
    SW: 160
    CW: 129
    GW: 115
    CBF: 24%
    GBF: below 20%
    I am also pear shaped. I currently wear a size 6 jeans. I think of myself as medium framed.

    I love that there is a goup of smaller, shorter women on here. Would love to become friends with more "like" people on MFP.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I'm 5'1"; however, I'm large framed and hourglass shaped.

    CW: 131.2
    GW: <130
    CBF: 27% (based on online calculators)
    GBF: 25% or so?

    I wear size 6 pants (sometimes 4), but I still tend to be 8 in dresses cause boobs.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I'm 5'1", small framed and pear-shaped too.
    SW: 155lbs / size 14P
    CW: 129lbs / size 10P
    GW: 115lbs (?) / size 8P
    My body fat % is much higher than yours, though. I've had it estimated using calipers at the gym as high as 45% when I started, and it's down to somewhere between 30-35% now (it's REALLY hard to measure accurately -- my last measurement was 33%). I'd like to get it down to a healthier 25-26%, though I'm trying to stay realistic about my goals because I've never really been toned, not even in my younger days. As long as I'm healthy, I'm not really going for six pack abs or anything -- it just sounds like too much work to achieve and maintain, and it's not my priority.

    Amazing how we can be the same height and frame but different sizes. I have been the same weight and been two different sizes!

    Am surprised that 115 would be an 8 though... 115 I was a 4 then with heavy lifting and 12-15% body fat I wore a zero.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Are Canadian sizes different?

    I'm 5'3, smaller framed.

    CW: 125, size 4 on the bottom, 6-8 in a suit jacket
    GW: 120ish, but I don't care about the number really

    C%: 25-26% (based on a DEXA of 26% when I was a little heavier)
    G%: 22% or under
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    My goal is to be 12-14% again. But I'll go with a realistic goal and say 18-20%.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    Would love to have some shorter friends...or should I say vertically challenged :-)
  • kurzap
    kurzap Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Ladies, I just joined my fitness pal in January, and came across this. I'm still learning all this has has to offer. I'm 4'11-1/2. 61 yr. old.
    Hour glass shape. I hate being a size 12. Would love to be a realistic healthier 8 again, and get my bmi down to a normal 18-24. I have arthritis & scolosis, but love to walk for exercise. I love fitness pal to tract exercise, food etc. Since FP I now walk every day and take a cardio class 2x a week. I love that this group is for shorter petite ladies. Best! (not sure about the Ideal Body Fat..
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Are Canadian sizes different?

    Nope. Same as US. Though of course they vary from brand to brand.

    smalls9686 wrote: »
    Am surprised that 115 would be an 8 though... 115 I was a 4 then with heavy lifting and 12-15% body fat I wore a zero.

    I've been as small as a size 6 at around 105-107 pounds, but I was never able to maintain that for very long, and I was a lot younger then. I have hips at any size. Just how I'm shaped, I suppose. I'm aiming for 115 'cause I think I can realistically maintain that.

    And I'm definitely not targeting 12-15% body fat. Good on you for getting there, but that just sounds like way too much work for me.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Are Canadian sizes different?

    Nope. Same as US. Though of course they vary from brand to brand.

    smalls9686 wrote: »
    Am surprised that 115 would be an 8 though... 115 I was a 4 then with heavy lifting and 12-15% body fat I wore a zero.

    I've been as small as a size 6 at around 105-107 pounds, but I was never able to maintain that for very long, and I was a lot younger then. I have hips at any size. Just how I'm shaped, I suppose. I'm aiming for 115 'cause I think I can realistically maintain that.

    And I'm definitely not targeting 12-15% body fat. Good on you for getting there, but that just sounds like way too much work for me.

    Oh, I didn't maintain that zero long! I bought tons of uber cute jeans on sale at the end of the season by the time it came back around I was way out if it. I have been able to maintain an 8-10 with periodic exercise and questionable eating... So maintaining a six with clean eating 75% of the time and regular working out seems realistic..
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I'm 5'1.5", 123 lbs., and 31% body fat. I'd like to be around 25%. Older women tend to have more body fat than younger ones. I am an hourglass shape (35-27-36) and wear a 6 or an 8P. By the way, 12-15% is extremely lean for a woman, an athletic shape. Here is a link to a site that has tables for ideal and average body fat by age.
  • clarion_r
    clarion_r Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5"3 and about 10-14%.

    It's kinda happened slowly via moderate deficient and lifting. Happy to hang around this %.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi I'm 5ft0. Peite Hourglass (short-waisted, as you can see) I put weight on easily, but also build muscle very easily.

    CW: 122lbs
    CF: 25%

    TW: 100-105lbs
    TF: 18%

    At 105 lbs I'm usually about 19% body fat.

    In my profile pic I'm about 100lbs and I'm guessing about 17-18% body fat. I did'nt do much exercise then apart from dancing.

  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    clarion_r wrote: »
    I'm 5"3 and about 10-14%.

    It's kinda happened slowly via moderate deficient and lifting. Happy to hang around this %.

  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    clarion_r wrote: »
    I'm 5"3 and about 10-14%.

    It's kinda happened slowly via moderate deficient and lifting. Happy to hang around this %.

    Forgot to type! Are you and athele? 10-14 is pretty low...you doing low carbs?
  • clarion_r
    clarion_r Posts: 53 Member
    edited February 2015
    No, not an athlete at all! :) I've been chubby my whole life, but started out a bit over a year ago with a PT at my gym because I wanted to lift. He also got me eating better - that's when I started tracking here on MFP. I've lost about 20kg (44lbs?) all up. I try to eat plenty of protein and vegetables, but I don't do low carbs - I have some kind of meat, veggies and rice for dinner every day.

    If I had any advice for a newbie (not that anyone here is, everyone sounds like they've done an amazing job!) it would be to find exercise you love - whatever it is. What you eat will largely determine bf%, but I find if I work out, I'm more motivated to eat well, to fuel myself so I can work out...etc.