Last 30 pounds

okay so I'm on my last 30 pounds and for some reason I'm not losing any weight instead I'm gaining weight . One week I will lose weight the next I will gained!!!! I get so hungry at night also and I try not to eat .. I'm exercising eating good but those 30 pounds seems not to wNt to go away :( any tips ?


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    What do you mean by "eating good"?

    Are you tracking calories?
  • kristinakelly96
    Eating heathy! Like veggies , fruit , grilled chicken, oatmeal , protein bars , quinoa , white eggs and such .. So really healthy ! But then nights hits and I get so anxious and hungry to eat chocolate chips cookies
  • kristinakelly96
    And yes I recently started using my fitness pal , I been hearing a lot about it so I'm just trying it out to see if it works for me and so far it's pretty good
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Losing wait is about eating less calories than you burn. Doesn't matter if it's from veggies fruit chicken or oatmeal...or from chocolate chip cookies. Calories in just need to be less than calories out.