Have you ever!?

ladd_alvy1986 Posts: 203
edited February 2015 in Chit-Chat
You know how this game goes! Answer the question above and ask a new have you ever question! I will sart, have you ever ran a Sarptan race?


  • CaptainBrownie
    CaptainBrownie Posts: 99 Member
    I can't say I have. (Have no idea what that is).

    Have you ever cheated on an important test?
  • ekg0328
    ekg0328 Posts: 90 Member
    I can't say I have. (Have no idea what that is).

    Have you ever cheated on an important test?

    No way! I couldn't handle the guilt.

    Have you ever spit in someone's food?
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    No way never!

    Have you ever fart in public? :)
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Yes, but I made sure to walk away from everyone (I am a weird gentleman like that lol)

    Have you ever scuba dived?
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    No never :( wish someday!

    Have you ever eat filipino foods?
  • tibo1783
    tibo1783 Posts: 2,474 Member
    No but I would

    HYE been bar hopping all night?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    No, which is kinda sad (maybe I should someday)

    Have you ever kissed a person and then slapped them?
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    Never ever experience bar hooping either lol

    Have you ever drink coconut wine?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Ooh no, where do they sell it? it sounds delectable!!

    Have you ever driven or rode in a convertable?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    I can't say I have. (Have no idea what that is).

    Have you ever cheated on an important test?

    The spartan run is awesome, it is an obstacle 5 or 7k run!! You can check it out online, it is awesome!
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    edited February 2015
    Only filipino store...if you are a drinker, I bet you would like it :)

    No never, I don't drive or shall I say not yet lmao

    Have you been in Hawai?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Oh I will have to get some then and try it, I might have to order online sadly they dont have many if any Filipino stores out here :'(

    Well when you do, you definitely have to try it, its a blast!

    Not yet but it is one of my definite travel places since I scuba dive!

    Have you ever played spin the bottle?
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    Yes you should give a try.. Lots of filipino online store :)

    Woww cool.. Same here I wish to go in Hawai.

    Oh yes I did.. Have you ever have a pet?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Well we will have to go together, I could train you for the dive, it would be awesome!!

    Yes I had a dog named beauty and a horse named jubilee. Loved them both.

    Have you ever gone outside of the US and if so where?
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    Mmmm sounds good to me! Woww pet lover huh :)

    Aside from my own foreign country nope never..

    Have you ever experience night swimming?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Yeah I havent had any others but that is because I have been to busy and I want to be able to give them time and love.

    And where would that be?

    Yes I have and I enjoy it alot! Water is like my second home, I love it.

    Have you ever been skinny dipping?
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    Is this our thread or what? Lmao! I came from Philippines :)

    Nope never! :)

    Have you ever join a swimming contest?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Lol I was thinking the same thing!! We rock it though!! That is so amazing, honestly, I have always wanted to go, will you be my guide and travel partner if I go?

    Yes and I lost :( I realized I was more of a recreational swimmer and diver than a speedster lol

    Have you ever gotten drunk?
  • mamameaof2kiddos
    mamameaof2kiddos Posts: 6,611 Member
    Yes one time only in my entire existence lmao! Just for a 1/2 glass for beer, knocked out! Lol

    Sure I would want to:)

    Have you ever have some filipino friends?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Oh no lol only 1/2 a glass poor mama!! :)

    Okay well when I eventually get a chance to go out there I will get tickets for us so we can go together and experience the Philippines how they should be!

    Said my old work I had a couple guy Filipino friends. They always invited me over to their parties and celebrations, it was a blast. I especially loved the food!!! <3

    Have you ever been to NY city?