Charity Parker-->Discouraged

Hey! I'm Charity...I've struggled with weight loss my ENTIRE LIFE, from childhood until now. I'm now 24, almost 25 and I'm 230 pounds. I can never stay motivated to be consistent...I have more bad days than good and I'm truly hoping that being on this site will help me on my Road to Better Health. If anyone can offer ANY advice, please share! I'm tired of being heavy; tired of achy knees, back, shoulders...tired of being intimidated when I go into public settings. I look at the women around me; how attractive they are and I just want to disappear. I feel so badly for my boyfriend as well. He's probably never dated a heavy woman in his life; he's not heavy at all. I feel badly for my future patients. I'm in medical school and it just doesn't make sense for me to look the way I do and expect any patients to follow me. I'm just completely discouraged.


  • charityparker
    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>
  • bruceseverson
    Charity - You have taken the first step. Congratulations! That is where everything starts!!! No one that has succeeded ever started anywhere else. When I joined MFP, I was at 248 lbs, the heaviest I had ever been. I had gotten to 238 before and lost over 30 pounds down to 202, but gained it all back and more when I fell off the wagon. :-( But this time I had a lot of support and this site has helped tremendously! Please feel free to friend me and take a look at my food diary or ask questions or ask for support if you need it! In the meantime, let me just say, YOU GO GIRL - YOU CAN DO IT!!!


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • charityparker
    Thank so much, Bruce! that's very encouraging!
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    My advice to you would be to make a commitment now to log everything you eat and all your exercise without exception for the next 30 days. It can be tempting to skip logging on your bad days, but those are the most important. This is what I did and after 30 days it got so much easier. Good luck, you can succeed for both yourself and your future patients.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Hey there Charity...first off let me just say that you are a very atractive young lady so you shouldn't say those things about yourself. If your boyfriend is with you I assume he really cares about you. I can see similarities in you as in myself in the not sticking to something or not having enough WELCOME to MFP, you will really like it here and find a lot of motivation from lots of people attempting to achieve the same goal of becoming and staying healthy.

    I am just starting myself on this journey to well-being so the best advice I can give you is to HANG in there and DON'T give up. There are days when I falter in my eating habits but having all these friends that can see my food diary kind of makes me feel accountable for what I'm putting in my mouth because I feel the need to be truthful and log everything in and when I tend to over induldge I make sure I fit a workout in somewhere during the day.

    Try your best to stay focused and the motivation will pour in from every direction...IT CAN be done you just need to hang in there and bounce back up if you fall off the bandwagon...we all fall off, we just need to accept and learn that it's ok BUT we MUST get up and keep moving warward otherwise we'd be letting our hard work go to waste...

    Best of luck to you on your journey girl! :flowerforyou:
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Thank you.
    You shared something personal and frustrating with me (and others) and it really means a lot to me that you'd be willing to come to us for support and encouragement.
    You can do this - I KNOW you can. Why? LOL because I am - and I'm a lazy git! :)

    Listen - I have a GREAT group of friends, if you want to add me - I'll forward your name on to them - they are incredibly motivational, always upbeat, and inspirational in the stories they share and the way they work to keep you motivated...

    Would be an honor to be there for you if you are interested!

  • Jayshelle416
    your on my fitness pal that is the right way to go. this site is addicting but you have to log on everyday. I love this site i met lots of ppl that inspire me and help me through my rough days. So welcome to MFP. I would love to help you ge ton the right track we can talk here anytime if you have questions let me know. i am adding you now doll. sending love and positivity. You can do this i'm totally with you
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    My advice to you would be to make a commitment now to log everything you eat and all your exercise without exception for the next 30 days. It can be tempting to skip logging on your bad days, but those are the most important. This is what I did and after 30 days it got so much easier. Good luck, you can succeed for both yourself and your future patients.

    I agree with logging in everything AND weighing yourself once a week you will be able to notice what you really need to cut out of your diet or what you need to tweak and you'll begin to see results.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I can honestly say you've come to the right place! On this site you will find the most awesome, supportive people you could ever hope for. The tools are great, but the friends you will make here are going to make a difference. Four suggestions: 1) Stay active on the site. Try to log in every day and log your food and exercise. 2) Check out the message boards when you need a boost or have a question. Try getting involved in a challenge group, they are a great way to make friend with similar interests or goals. 3) Baby steps...don't put so much on yourself at the beginning that you set yourself up to fail. This is a journey that takes time and a lifetime commitment. Slow and steady will still get you where you want to be and is the only way to stay there! and 4) Pay it forward. When you see someone else that needs help, and you have suggestions or support to give, step up. You will do well. Feel free to friend me if you like! Welcome.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Log everything! There's definitely nothing like logging that 600 calories of whatever junk you just ate while sitting in front of the TV tonight to make you realize where the weight gain might be coming from and where you can make the easiest fixes. :)

    Seriously, your boyfriend obviously loves you for who you are. I started dating my husband when I weighed the most I ever have in my life. Hopefully, yours is also the type to love and support you through the weight loss journey you are embarking on. Good luck! This is a great place. You'll find some really good support and motivation here.
  • charityparker
    Thank you; I will commit to doing that for the next 30 days, regardless of how difficult the days are. I can't give up this time!
  • dragonmaid78219
    You can do this! Just remember you are a amazing person who deserves to be happy. Take the weight loss one day at a time and don't give yourself unrealistic goals in the beginning. Don't deny yourself little splurges, just eat small portions. If you don't eat any you will end up going overboard. Go for walks with your man. Nothing like being with the one you love and getting excercise at the same time. LOL!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Welcome!!!!!! You are on the right path and the right place....MFP is wonderful. I know how you feel because I feel the same way in public places. I am a nurse practitioner and should have known better....and now I do. I am working hard to get all this weight off and keep it off. I log everything that goes into my mouth and you should too. It really keeps things in perspective. Please friend me if you would sure helps to have friends.