
Hello everyone. Can anyone give me some tips how to get offsuvar


  • JacquiH73
    JacquiH73 Posts: 124 Member
    Well you can either quit cold turkey or gradually wean yourself off. Start with a processed sugar free breakfast for a week and work up from there each week.

    I personally try to stay away from artificial sweeteners and eat naturally sweet whole foods like fruits and vegetables. Apples, bananas, and dried fruits are great ways to sweeten up dishes or smoothies.

    Scanning barcodes and using MFP properly is a great way to monitor you daily sugar consumption. Make it your goal to gradually bring it down by reading your store labels and ingredients and buying and preparing foods with less processed sugars.
  • princa1
    princa1 Posts: 16 Member
    edited February 2015
    I believe in weaning yourself out of it. Start out by setting some short term goals. For instance, instead if drinking an entire can of soda, set a goal to drink half for a week, then continue to reduce it until you won't miss it any more. Add more fruits to your diet and reduce artificial sweets like processed sugar and candy, but start out by reducing the quantity versus cutting it out completely. Eventually the cravings will go away. At least, that's the way it worked for me. Also, staying busy help me keep me from thinking about it. Hope that helps.